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this case owoiMAprEo AT ST« PAULj ^HKNESOTA. ,< 

• ' *' ■ *“» 

N *r- i - 


Washington^ t>* 


V .- * V 



12/VH* % 

; Sn^RD .«aROT;W^^!5^f" 

*rV'f '■& j ’ . ">'^y * . 

bcRinDecenber 6, 1934* Polio# Offioials 8 ° T "*®« ; / 

these non furniehed photographs and daaorlptions* ^ 

ai. ^ <«ti~ 4...4 ».«*« ig ?%S^O? 

• it ». ~..n.i»4 «>.t «>• *«• 

■ '. Bowl. B».,tr..k Bo«4. Bo.ll, h "*iJ r, "^V 

/ t.14. ,/■ V - > ■■'p : '^'-' i; 

X; ,7 'iL i.-k.««« f/- *.• s-tt'ir in. ■ 

-- • «r«g.».t. ~r. «!• by «>• WMbi»gt.« nrt* < >««• *• •; -• 

“;r»h. r«. B..11BS. .U* «r. KM4.V.4 1. °P« 1 
; _ Charles Toro, West Virginia on Decsnfcer . 1, 1»»* 

«n-AAjfc ; ^ j^O n ^V? 5^ v AT CHARGES TOW| WEST V IRGINIA 

*“/'•’ V Special Agent H. I. Roberta and the writer 8#c V* a J?* 4 3?-. - -; 

~ r »p« "yj’f •* o!.i*« % »*C’. Xt 

m m- --‘SrsifA’S' as 

^ V postponed to begin Deoenfeer 6 f 1934 to \&b q ^ ^ 

thereafter# }-'^ r . ■ '? > T po wot wriw «* these w»« ^ v .-' ? v v- 

' .'•■* 7. •#■ /• ' - ; v 1 



1 copi 

r3 Division 

2 St. Paul 

2 Pittaburgi 
2 Washington Field 


2 Chicago 


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11 MAR 19 1965 


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4: % ■■ v Sbariff_<V'K* Wysong of Jefferson County, Charles fowni^^y ^.^V. 
r advised Special Agent Roberts' and tbe writer that the 'rscis' 'ijrt’ii ■'’'. 
Charles Town are under the auspisss of the Charles Town Jockey * '*i£Ji<p£ ■ 
Club, of vhieh one Herbert Boyle is the rsoeiver* Boyle is under* -4\s - 
stood by tariff Wysong to be a brother, of Joe Boyle who .run? $b 9 
traok at Bowls, Maryland* The raoes at Charles Town were f ornerly j ■■> 
operated by the Shenandoah Talley Jockey Club whleh was succeeded ,"."? 
by the Charles Town Jockey Club* Sheriff Wyaong further advised 
that in previous years operators of the Pinkerton Deteotiva Agency ; ■ " . 

J bad been employed at the Charles Town Trask during ths races but that j# , 
.1 such operators are not being need this year and the polio lug, ‘of the; • 

' traok will bo handled by West Tirginia State Police, operating under';-% 
tbs Martineburg, West Tirginia Office of the State Police under. > 

Corporal Aneell* Sheriff Wysong is a director of the Charles 
Jockey Club* — > ; 


" * Agent Roberts and the Wflteif Interviewed Corporal : 

Aneell end troopers O* B, Waugh and J* X* Johnson of the State Police* ~v 
They advised that four members of the State Police jvill be deteiled 
to the races at Charles Town throughout the fifteen days during whl<& ’•4Cv> 

• the raoes will be run* They also stated that a certain number, of - £ . 

county constables will also be on duty at the races but stated that I;.': 
these constables are poorly paid and crooked and are not to be trusted* - 
The county constables ars to be used by the raoe track officials in.? 

. lieu of the private detectives employed in previous years* ... 

V-V.: - vWv>2>;,v 

Photographs and descriptions of William J* Harrison and the-vi-, 5?; 

. various members of the Karpis-Barker gang were furnished to Corporal 
■Aneell who stated that all membere of the Stats Polios who will be 
v duty at the Charles Town races will familiarize^ themselves with thessTjjf \ 
photographs 'each diq^ aind maintain 1 , a sharp lookout for ainy of^the " W . : “• 

individuals in question*^ In tbe event that any fit them are located 
appropriate action will be taken end the Washington Field Office will ^ 
be notified lmnediately by long distance telephone* « 

Z'f ; '• . - • '• -• '• •. ■ ’-v, • . »v •• . .;•/ _• /. /£:, * y ‘ ■•"‘ v ■ ; \ -,V '• 

■ >r Copies of this report are being furnished the Pittsburgh - . 

Office for its information* f \ * 

<#c * 4 - V *»* 

V\ V • ■«.: 

•‘.' ‘ * ►. Corporal iheell and the other State Polio# Officers 
Interviewed advised that they are acquainted with Special .Agent 
B anger t, but In view of the faet that the Charles Town race* will 
he closely covered by the Vest Virginia State Polios, no farther 
Investigation at this point la contemplated by the Washington Tield;'^';*^*; 
Office at this tine* V. .. ; , .... 

• A .i. -.- 

- - •: ! 

< w» V *.•*/* < * — * »r 


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I-1B. ; 2 

«•£ *>*\ Offic# Build! "7 ^ 

"... If» OrluM. k« ^y-.Av^ * 

. •’ %'••*,•: /. • •€*,••• -;••,> • *. »*HL .*.'•• - vK:$^V;vj^-^ 

*•** 3 *" ■. > ^ mi m.'' __ _ a— •> « ‘ E _ i ^ ,^‘A ^ 

Ruesell^Blbee®, with ilUtM, 1*0. 1*13; "•••: ':. v 
0r« Jossplrkorea, with tlUiM, Z*0. ltstj et «1* 
UhH Otois^bnur • Victim* 

. fJ: 
■ i : ■- 


Vim reference to Ku Orleans Division Office islsgrt* Vf SmmWt 1994, 
to tho Chicago Division Office, end iltt Nftrnct to report of Specie! 4 |mt ■* V 
Sorole, In Orleans, Louisians, Deemaber « ( 1994, tho Chisago Divisiae pffioo, - i 
in telephonic eomcuniestlon with tho Bow Orleans Division Office requested U- vT 
formation eh other A* E/' Barker roe is custody la Boo Orloeno* Advice ooe for- 
mlehed tho Chicago Division Office that tho purpose of inquiry at Chicago with 
relation to the 1934 Inti ana license #989*48 1 on 0 1933 Chevrolet Sedan in pbeA%^> 
eoeelon of A* H. Barker, aas fear tho purpoee of determining whether thle in dividual 
woe known, and if no, to eliminate farther Investigation by the Bov Orleans Division 
Office in the event that he was not Subject Arthur B» Barker* . iv?*\ ,i 

- - A -a •■• 

" r ‘ On December 8, 1934, tho Chicago office, by telegram, adviced that Arthur “* 
Barker resided at 8808 Suelld Avenue, lest Chicago, Indiana, and wee the owner of 
n 1933 Chevrolet Codon with tho above license plates Hated to him, the motor af 
hie ear being #3849119) met about three months age ha heeame involved flnaa* 
elelljr with corns insurance #<npnny who •» ployed him, causing his d aperture fra* 
that aaatlon) that his parents reside in Best Chicago, Indiana, end informants 
there state that he does net closely resemble Subject Barker* 

* »lr *■ 

a , , . gi 

.i - . 



A photograph of me suspect. A*. 8* Barker, wee t pan aal tied to. the Chicago. 

Division Office with their eoplei of the reference r- pert of Agent herein,' far - 
further Investigation in the event any similarity la noticed la hlai photograph 
with that of Subject Arthur R. Barker* y,'*., -\ f > *T'.-Sv 



The Kew Orleans Division Office will conduct further Investigation mtAlii.' 
Greenville end Tezoo City, klsslsslppl, end endeavor to personally slew the sue* 
pact, A. E. Barker, to eliminate a possibility that he la Subject Barker, although 
it appears from the investigation of the Chicago Division CfflceVfie lefdlBClPB id * 

) 7 ^ 7 4 -3 s&r 

1 /division of investigation 

11 MAR 19 1966 

OK 7 

DEC C 1934 »' 

ent cr justice 





to, tolo*r«i *r Special «c*»t U Ckcrt« Ccctellcr to Dm IKS' 

- i; fiUUiOB Qffio* tot *C CCspeCt to Mat tojMt toftoiw^a 

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o , ' 0 

^ ^Bureau of ^nfostigatum 

department o f ^fustire 

^ Director, 

^ Bureau of Investigation, 
A/ Department of Justice, 
Washington, D. C. 


Dear Sir: 


Be: ALVIN KAHPIS^w. aliases, 1. 0.1218; 
ET AL; 8iw.G.Bremer - Victim 

Kindly furnish the known criminal record of the following: 






Name (inc. aliases) 

City, Police 
Arrest, or Other 

KART KELLY, all as 

St .Paul P.D. 
#25146 _ 

IRENE AJcCARlHY, alias St.Paul P.D. 


St.Paul P.D. 

ANNA BAKER, alias 

■ >St . Paul P «D . 

Approximate Date 
Fingerprints for- Fingerprint 
warded Bureau of Classifioa- 
Investigation. tion. 





27 W II 16 
12 W II 14 

1 U 10 11 

2 U 00 11 

IU 01 5 
I R 10 3 
10 U 00 16 
3? I 




St* Paul P.D. 


31 W 10 _ 

32 T 01 26 

Very truly yours, 


®1t. FUo #7-675-8804 . / , ; 

- • . , - •' x * * > .* -?r; . ' r-. 


&j&-\ • • v - .*« ten» wm# tttk. t* o. *, 

•••'^ f* «&t ..; < .vC/ ^ 

\*< ; tmwr » TUU»| *' 

• Ylottaj 

S; \ y Snt Wm '* £0^:r'- " 

Tw fnl* Oo yoUT MMBiMtlM 4 »t*d SmmAmt l| 1 W 4 # & 

X m KttMhtos tho rooordo moolod «urou*b * tMrob «f%te ; | 
Identification fUM »r %hU W.Ti*l<» *».**• *M»Mf **• ■jr.?S;-£^-y i^. ; 

fttUoWact •«■'/>&;/: ., ■■:*. 

,,h- :•>.■-'■ v. i ■■•■■■*-. ■•• y; ■___ H-'-. ,...v-. '• ^ .-' ■ 

, *7 *V > • - ^ - 

* <‘ /. 

— • ^ •• -' •■ ; .. i>v * .;; . .r,? •■ ... <:■/,; •* V /? *:*?*" ^-?r£ \ >•<■.. ->.• 

riuer € 3 ection ^| ' ;• ""' Tory ♦Maly ?«*»• ’V tv*-* ' 

W A J L | D 

-" *• " • ,' ..’ . -'V*'! - a- tf '.. ■*?.. ; h ■ , *- v'.^*; Y‘ ,, »./ v^'.*»-', VV- > \'i.- 

11W34 *. £;$££. 

/^■^•.'■■.i D li» Wear Ikwror^y^ 

s wvE8Tia*TMit • u • .. , ;. • ; ' Director* - •■■■■'■ -■;£*■"-* -v- h- y - • 

★ DEC11W34 

■ Z Copi •« ;.v L •• ' ■- .J-Vi’: ■ 
'• ffc ».-m- ■ ■y-.-yf - ~-"W: 

- orvjsio^Tr^mvEsnaATKw; ’".Vi 


BmIcwum f 910 W 0 < * 

^ ^ *' • •/.;* j- ■ • *.-v - r k ^ vt 

CO • Mr* If #• Coaa«n«8r* '-*i • • r.-- ..'■ > *:■ 

Dlrlalon of laYMtientloa* / 

V* S. D«p*rtaant of Juotloo, / 

Post Offioo 0o* 028# V 

Chioa£ 0 , Illlaoio* ^*7^ -, £”0*} 

4-750 ( 2 - 7 - 79 ) 





Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where 
indicated, explain this deletion. L / Lj n Q 

Deleted under exemption(s) 
material available for release to you. 

T i-Hc. <38 

with no segregable 

□ Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. 

□ Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. 

I I Documents) originating with the following government agency(ies) 

was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. 

Page(s) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies); 

as the information originated with them. You will 

be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. 

Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): 

I I For your information: 

The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: 

3 SO</ 








J :Y' 


Farm No. 1 

This case originated at 



>-'■» ;•*:«* '&-•*-** 


rux no. 7^3 


Walter at Hl-Hat Cocktail Lounge, Washington, 0. C. » 
who resembles/Alvin Karpis Is not Karpis bnt % V ' 
one Erancis'Jseinwald. ?~i % 

jg> £. Jo . who resembles^Alvin Karpis is not Karpis but ;iy "" 

i,*** JiMJF ' « \W/V.~ one Francis'dseinwald.V;; -tj ^T'-^ •/•■*&/. 

‘ ^ <5* ' V? ; - "• - - J ;<?•. .* v'^ 1>s. : ,-~ 

, - ■• .'v^£*\A ■ •■■■• ' ■ •' ' - • '- r •“ . <*■*:. -;* r , <- ■■ "• 

-* DgTAlL8t - • This investigation is predicated upon a. telephone .call • 

received at the Washington Field Office from Mr. London of the Division on 
November 16, 1954* Mr* London advised that one Janes Seymour, of 1223-12th. 
Street, N.W., Washington, D. C.-, who is a miter, employed atthe Hardman 
r Park Hotel, had called at the Division on the sane date, stating that abobtjV. 

November 12th. or November 13, 1934 be had observed a waiter at the Hi-Hat 
. Cocktail Lounge, located at the Ambassador Hotel and that, this waiter closely 
resembled Alvin Karpis whose photograph Seymour, had seen in. a detectiW ' ^’ 

’ magazine. Mr. Seymotr' stated that he would ascertain whether the waiter’"'^ :: 
. was still working there and would notify Mr. London of what he bad learned/ ' 

’Vi V* ; . 

/ ■ • . Nr. Lowdon later telephoned the Agent and advised 

m that Seymour had telephoned him that the Hi-Hat Cocktail Lounge was. closed!,* 
at that hour which ms about 2:30 P.M* Seymour suggested that an AgenC>£Cfek 
./ meet him in the lobby of the Ambassador Hotel around 6 P.M. at which timA,*TV 
' he would point out the individual suspected by Seymour as being identical/^' - 
with Alvin Karpis. A;.' 

Vy* The Writer met 'Seymour ’at the? Ambassador -Hotal^f^- 
accordance with his suggestion and accompanied him bo the Hi-Hat Cocktail i 

J. 7 v - **$&;■* . --•v'S.v-*- •' Tjf 

Trv,./- ' • • . • ■: r *■ DO NOT WUfTC IM THCtt »AC>I • 

• ' *• • .-a v ya 

*»W* V, 

1 1 &$£%?'. 

>~'****' US 


2-TTashington Field 

1>IES D ESTiioyE D 

M19 Ifigfi 


c c 

c o 

’/♦ * ■ - 
Vi- - * 

***T*>-:r , •- , 

* * I 

: w /*■ • ■ *• 

? '4s-> 

■ . . . - 2_ - -v v-. ... v.,-- 

. - Lounge where Seymour pointed out the miter whom he mid resembled \ 

Karpis. A study of his features showed that he does bear' sense resemblance V*’.""’ 

* The miter is approximately the Same height and tmildj weighs _proibabJj’/ T '.-.^.?^.v'' 

M40 pounds; has light brown hair and grayish blue 

je-u . ■ «. V ~;f ■■■ , V 5 , ?■■ ’*w-: ^ W : ffi' 

. ?:•.:**• ’ ; Agent contacted Hr. Bi B. BeckeTt, Assistant Manager; of : %m 
Ambassador Hotel and Mr. McNair, Manager, of the Hi-Sat Cocktail Lotange.- 
The latter advised that the waiter in question, who was pointed out . 

Mr. McNair by the Agent, is Eraneis Beinwald,' who first worked at the~.r ' 4 ' '-’r 

' Hi -Hat Cocktail Lomge from about March 1, 1934 June 1, 1934* BeinwaIdK/j 
then took a trip to Germany and reported back for work about Labor Day, V" • 
1934* He has been employed steadily since that time At the Hi-Hat j V> ; 
Cocktail Lounge. Mr. McNair further stated that Beinwald married the maid 
of Mr. C afrits, oaner of the Ambassador Hotel, shortly before going to ^ ^ f 

. Germany. According to Mr. McNair, Beinmld worked at the Carlton Hotel' - ' 

* before coming to the Hi-Hat -C oc ktail Lounge. - '. V '4" ’^3-^ / ■' ' 

? . ' • /' ■ v'-" • ‘A »* > a ‘ • 

• “ ' Agent examined specimens of Beinmld' s signature contained ;^ - : 
in payroll records of the Hi-Hat Cocktail Lounge but same bore no apparent 

_ . resemblance to that of .EarpisJ^pn X.0*.#12J,8. 

Mr. B. A. Conn, Manager of the Ambassador Hotel also ms inter- 
viewed but ms unable to give any further lnformtian. •. : v.j ’ r 

‘i, : Agent interviewed Mr. John Bupsinaa, head miter at the Carlton ■’ 

; "Hotel, Washington, D. C. who advised that he recalled Beinwald as a waiter ,• 

who worked at the Carlton Hotel. Mr. Rupsinaa showed Agent a time book , kept */ 
‘H ? ' by him which reflected that Beinwald was steadily employed at that Hotel/,. 

y fTom October 3» 1933 to March 20, 1934 at which time Beinwald left/ being 
dissatisfied with his position.;'';.: -jJrJC „V- •.-! . 'I* * l - 

>/•/. :.;,r ... . It is evident from the Above information that Francis Beinwald';',. 

; ' is not identical with stftiject Alvin Xarpisi -.r ^ •-!. •• 

4* *r '* * 

i-;- >£?a.-V. 4 

^ -- PE N Dig G I -,C,V 

- ■»/ - -o a* V 

ir " r.'-, g.i 

, •• .*t if, * v. > ." - *.i-. w ^ - •.-••r-x, &.:?• ^ x 4? '■ ■“ ■ 




^frisum of 

3B- §b. jBtpaximttd ut Justin 

P. 0. Box 1276 
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 
December 3, 1934 

Hr. N»than 

I Mr. Totem 

Mr Ci«mr 

Mr. Baughman , 

Chief Clerk 

Mr. Coffer 

Mr Edwards 

Mr. Cf&a 

Mr. Harho . 

Mr. ITeith 

Mr. Lester 

Mr. Qjjnn^ . . . , 

jt ' Director, 

Division of Investigation, 
f U. S. Department of lustioe, 

Pennsylvania Avenue at Ninth Street, N. V., 
Washington, D. C. 



Dear sirs 

RE: Alvin^Carpis wit ff aliases, I. 

0* 1218; Arthur R0 Barker with 
aliases, I. 0* 1219; Russell 
OGibson with aliases, I. 0* 1213; 
Dr • Josep&ft.'oran with aliases, 

I. 0. 1232; |T ALj Edward George 
0 Bremer - Victim - Kidnaping. 



Please beadvise^tha^on November 20, 1934 I contacted con- 
fidential info xrnan^BMBMJJP^ at Guthrie, Oklahoma, He reported 
practically no deve^^Bent^Evethat George&Dufek, of Perry, Oklahoma, 
has made a trii^^idsince his return is allege^t^iave received a 
letter, whioMH^Ksays Dufek showed him* alleges that this 

letter was fron^^plin, Missouti, written in pencil but the signature 
of the writer, if any, thereon had been destroyed or torn off and that 
there was no address on the letter. This letter stated that persons 
had been unable to make any contact with the "parti esj^y^t hat the 
money agents at Omaha had failed. I would say thatJ^^^Vhas no in- 
formation and it is very doubtful that he will be af^^^^>btain any- 
thing that will be of value to the Division in this matter, and he 
tacitly admits as much. 

expressed a desire to make a trip into northern Okla- 
homa t<^W^^^some old acquaintances of his in that vicinity in an 
effort to see what, if anything, he can obtain concerning the subjects 
of this case, I continued him for another week and supplied him with 
funds with which to make this trip. 

Very truly you: 


D.v'<. : Cf f \ rjQfl 

eo st. Paul 
Kansas City 
El Paso 


flAjwr- / ja^ucUaas^ q 1934 p.M 


^Special Agent in Charge. — Jl *.''E 

0EC7 1934 


This cask Originated at St# Paul# MllUltsait 



lahoma City,' Okie, | lfi/4/34 

12/88/34 X 

& L* Damron 

Vitui, iXVXH KAHPI3 with aliase*,I,0. #1218;AHESUB ! 
BAHKEB with a lie see, IkO.#1219;!TOSSELLS3IBSCH with 
alias. I*0.#1213;DK. JOSEPH Pfi> MORAN, with aliaeea 
1*0* #1838: ET ILtSDKAHD CfflaHGK^SHSfflR • TICHM ■' 

synopses or FACTO: 1934 lord Sedan, Motor No# .899365 not registered in State pi Ocla- V 
- hon&t Stop card placed with Ab& State Highway OcmniesioUf Oklahcna 

"7 . * fH -tv. Alrl ithnma* ... . / -• Is *.»: V\ J "‘ V.. *. -'i **V - 

. •***; 

H^ERKNOK: Letter from Detroit office addreeeed "to Chicago office/' 
-:v- . " -v,:- dated November 19, 1934a /- • 

| AT *•«* *-»•—» — .. - 

smiLS: At Oklahoma City* 

...... . Mr, B* A* Hopper. Stolen Car Division, Statt .Highway. J. . — 

Co mmi ssion, examined his reoords and advised that th* same did not o on tain any 
information pertaining to 1934 lord Deluxe Sedan, Motor Ho, 899365* Mr, Hopper ) ■_ 
plaoed a stop card in his reoords as to this automobile with a notation to ad- 
rise the Oklahoma City office in the event same was registered or he received. / v . 
/any lkfoaeajtloa pejpUlning to the. rM 

any ^oamyxon ‘ 

The request for a stop as to this automobile was veri- 
fied by letter dated Deoomber 4, 1934* Cf. . • '../,. ’i ;/ ". • * 

• V . • A W>* r - ■ /ife \ 

:^ r „ Syria ^ 

' ; r; - >v * ‘7 ’• '> 

*v - ‘ •_• »•. • , V .. 

/.** * * 
nr •-' . V/* 

! T:r^V >.1 


- SI t* -ZSol oaf: 


3 - Div&tton l 

S - St* Paul 
8 - Chicago 
8 - Detroit 
8 - Oklahoma City. 


DEC 7 1D34 flj. 


U! Ui a in 


0 1 O 

of (Sii&esiigatimt 

JL ^eparhtimt nf Justice 


f- $*/»■% 

'•■ »• ' 







• • I 

: >. : 


Post Office Box #2118 
Detroit, Michigan 
December 5 1934 



Division of Investigation 
U. S. Department of Justice 
Pennsylvania Avenue at 9tb Street, N. W. 
Washington, D. C. 

ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, 1.0. #1218; 

ARTHUR R.°BAREER with aliases, 1.0. #1219; 
DR. JOSEPH P^ MORAN with aliases, 1.0. #1232 

Dear Sir: 

There are being transmitted herewitljTfingerprinta 
of Ed J./Cook, an employee of th^Hfoonan Detective Agency at 
Cleveland, Ohio, who was interviewed by Special Agent W. E. Peters 
in connection with the criminal record of Charles Carroll with 
aliases. Division jacket #30222. Cook voluntarily permitted Agent 
Peters to take these prints and advised that he desired them to 
be returned after a search had been made for a criminal record. 

It is requested therefore, that a search be made at the Identi- 
fication Unit of the Division to determine whether Cook has any 
criminal record and that the original prints be returned to the 
Detroit office for transmittal to Cook. It is suggested that these 
prints be photographed and the photographs retained in the files 
of the Identification Unit as they might be of assistance some 
time in the future, if no record is found. 

Very truly yours<“) 





Tim. Larson 

Special Agent in Charge 


& \ 

indexed ‘ 

1 - cw b ~ 

IM«M» »»— — Ml * » 

DIG 7 


DEC 10:934 



*/ * 

* ' . * 





3S* - 

*.‘ 3 * 


•Ve* K:. t.V‘ 


• ** l -vi/^Zan8 r '8 State Highway Patrolman’s infonnanV^tatas FreiMSarker 
<^rro-»t ;Enqpnada of Balboa, California as Fredf Barton; jkhaVKarpia ^ 
•> $-&es!ilie, Illinois; that .•Doc» barker at Joplin or Neosho, 

•ijl — ivf y r -f tea^Srisri Stop Notices placed with Kansas and Missouri Tehicle 
i> I f, djrmvfffsinners for Ford V— 8 Sedan, motor number 899365. 

yrf Ms^uxi^ Stop Notices placed with Kknsas and Missouri Tehiclf. '7 

| & A dnanfjaianers for Ford Y-8 Sedan, motor number 899365. \C\c-~ 

*& furnishes addresses alleged hide-outs |A 

'*^ 0 ^ . 5n^A^t^pu^th7Minnesota and British Columbia. Invest igetioar-r — 

*' ^Vna "• C&f f eyvftle , Kansas 11-19 and 11-20-34 after Chicago informant ..A; T >•-/ 
received letter from Volney Davis postmarked-Coffeyville, Kansas • .V 
>.... failed to indicate Davis there;. however, Toi/Hlll alleged ^ ^ . 

Coffeyville contact indicates willingness assist Government in v-^H.-y 
apprehension subjects. John Filan inmate United States penitentiary,'^ - • 
Leavenworth, Kansas flemished possible oontaots of VillJ^Harrison* A ; ' - 

/••*'?. Joe E. Fisher, father-in-law of subject Gibson during open inter-; • 

i- ?" 1 view advised had no information Gibson’S' whereabouts but wouid;\^ V, ; 
•>• ' furnish same to Division if ascertained. Information Fred Barkefr . t ' 7 'y 

at Kansa s City forepart November apparently erroneous. Lloyd 
Barker, subject's brother, incarcerated United States Penitentiary, 
Leavenworth, Kansas has had no congressional visitors although-* ■ 

' X'i~ Jack Glyxin upon visiting him in January, 1934 indicated ▼isit,.._ r -. ■ j... 

aoUai at request of Congressman Cochran, St. Louis, Missouri,^ recently ' 

defeated for United States Senator. ' ^ t* S '- '• ' ' • 

T - •?*. ' .'.•■A : • ‘r*-^ • • • T- ■ y *••• A:T ; . : .v -■ 

REFER31CF: Report of Special Agent R. P. Shanahan dated at ^,rrv-.;. 

“v j._. ' . . Kansas City,. Mo. 11^17—34 ■ : '.y ; .•& 



MAR 19 t fgg5°»' t* 1 * ™ n,, hb> to. 




San Franc isco 




St. Louis 


St. Paul 


Little Rock " 






Los Angeles 


Kansas City 


DFC 11 1934 

in fihona 

V* * A 

( ) 
( - 



■ SV»,' ■ 



DETAILS: • ' ’' • < ’■ - • - • - ■-••• 

While Special Agent H. A* Dietz was engaged In general investi- 
gation In the vicinity of Wichita, Kansas he was informed by one Mr, Denver, ’ 

® member of the Kansas State Highway Patrol, working out of Topeka, Kansas, 

. ’that an unnamed informant , of,. Deaver had advised that Sufeject Tred Bark«r"r~.T ! * 
was in Ensenada, California or Balboa, ‘California going under the'aaoe d)f^ K * r ^ 
Fred Barton; that informant further advised that subject Alvin Xarpis was 
‘in Gainesville, Illinois? -Qiao that ,eub J ect Arthur V B.‘ {Doc} Barker might V/K 
. •* be' located in the vicinity Of Joplin, Missouri or Heosho, &issoori. : .Deave^.^ 
’ y*k fc '.ilid not divulge tha'acffle orhis.dnfoiiaant to Agent^jtietz and -aecording^y ''■&£'■ 
it is not known at the present time whether this Informant 'is. In a positional* 

-■ i : to have information of the whereabouts of these subjects, Further effort#; 

• . are contemplated at the Kansas City Offipe to endeavor to obtain from * 

• Denver the ham# and whereabouts of his informant in order that, an inter^ ^'; 1 ’ 
view may be had by an Agent of this Office with such informant, ’At' the ; ‘‘V," 
present time the respective field offices are being requested to give — 
what attention- is possible to the above information, N -• • tTk 

.. V.' 4 -' - ' V •: >r-V.'. -QIO 

-V f* - Bef erence is au|de to % the personal and confidential lptterfrom Ln 

J the Oklahoma - City Office to the DiyiBidn dated November 14 # 193d $ also' to 
Division ‘letter to the Oklahoma Qaty Off ice dated Novembej^6^934 peir- 
tainlng to one' C harl es or Georg aftPufek, who inf orman SHHfHpHI#in- . \ 

dicated had served sentences" In the Leavenworth and Joiie^penTtentTarieB. 

- - Special Agent A, X, Farland has - submitted ji memorandum, being filed In . 

the Kaneas City Division Office file in this case, wherein he indicates /' 
that the records of the Dnited States Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas 
, were carefully examined for the purpose of ascertaining any information -.' • 
relative to* an Individual" by the name ' of Dufek who might have beat •■An*. ? • • 

innate in that inetitution, however, Mr, X. C. Eokholdt,' secretary to the '^' 5 ^ 
.Warden, upon completion of such search advised there was no record of, - 
i . £any individual by that name having served time in' the TJhited .State#. * ¥ V -£ ^r- 

y; v ^^ iten * iar ^^yy 8nwor %^^^ B8 \y^', : yy '' r 

j With further reference to the possibility of Mna MuiTayy 

^subject Davis 1 present woman companion, being identical with one Velma 
y . f Tippitt, the former wife of Cleveland S+ Tippitt, mention of which will ‘^y 
\ : yK- be found on page eight of report of Special Agent B# P# Sha n a h a n dated 
y / at Kansas City, Missouri November 17, 1954, it may be noted that Special J 

yv ‘ Agent “R# G* Beed interviewed Cleveland $♦ Tippitt who is presently in*® i * 

i.Vl care era ted at the Shawnee County Jail, Topeka, Kansas awaiting trial-,, 

**• on National Motor^ Vehicle Theft AeJ indiefaaent* and Tippi t V cl aimed yyy 

^ that ihe did not know Edna Murray aithough'he did know that she had con- ft-*: - 
: c / sorted wi^h Diamond Joe Sullivan after the latter had separated from v% ; ; - 

Velma CHampaigne# ' Tlppitt stated that Velma Champaigne died about 
y* . year ago and is presently buried at Monmouth, Illinois* : 0 

L;*>' .’•** z r **“> " ^ 'r ".vj'!. ;• i -*•*/. ; » • *- 

v Pursuant to information set out in letter from Special Agent .y 

in Charge lta« Larson dated at Detroit, Michigan November 19, 1934 to the • 
Chicago Office, requests were made upon the motor vehicle Commissioners 
of the states of Kansas and Missouri - Topeka, Kansas and Jefferson City, 
Missouri respectively - for any information available regarding registration 



.„ . _ of 1034 Deluxe ?ord Y-8 Sedan, motor number 899365, and replies fWWu.^ \ 

^ those state officials. Indicated ^ha^ the oay jraa pot registered^ in_ eitS’fJ“^ '***_ 
*'TJ? .'f 1 * ^ atate ’but that Stop Notices trill be placed £h the 

i '/: Wk •>. ." ’■ in eider that in the event this was was subsequently registered ' 

i.» .. . -..•' > • .^luoas WAbjr t U11«,UU U»(1V« wpnld wwwuilViJ »»■ ^uniiwt ■■ JgSi r ' 1 rF’*. , r. ■J’ff* 

^Reference ‘i% made to thp report of §peeiMl Agent. 

" . da'ted at Kansas City, Missouri September 11', 1934, s«1pticular^y Tbff 1*60 

eighteen, the last paragraph thereof, wherein will bp note^nfOTmatW^vR^^-v 
obtained by Spec ial Age nt A, S. Borland from informant E^H|HV : 

the effect that the BarkeSnS^arpi* fc^r; 


has now aavHfW^^^Blriancniia^tti^poTnxin question was the place ; \ 

• of one Mrs* E. Coulstan at ftuatheaski-Cove , B, C^^Dominion pfCanada, ^ 

H 7\Jox Qualheaski-Covf ,' B.<5., Donjinion.of Canada. ^HH^^HSalao adriseff 
^ ' Xthat this same informant indicated that the jdac*^>^^n^Sr8.« s S* .-?■* •" 
'..^^Wi^strcKn, 1814 Piedmont Avenue, Duluth, Minnesota, wad’' fen* .Alleged 
i • " hide-out of Karpis and the Barkers. The respective offices are being '•'■ - 

requested to make appropriate inquiries at these 

With reference to the memorandum of Special Agent in Charge .‘ - 
’* ■, R. B. Nathan, dated at Kansas City, Missouri, November 20, 1934, setting ■ 

out the fact that Special Agent R. D» Brown of the ChioagO Division Office 
! r 1184* calledfro^CMCapo on the evening of November 19, "1934 advising that , f-T >v > 

iji-.v' • informant flHHHK^had received a letter postmarked Coffeyville, 

Kansas, offlovembe^T, 1934 x from Volney Davis, . the following investigation 
' ' i'\- was" conducted by Special Agent A. R. Miller and Special’ Agent V' ■•<! 

:. j Shanahan at Coffeyville on November 19, 20 and 21, 1934.: . •••/£ *:...- % 

■ ' . ■ ’ ' " During the late evening of the nineteenth and the earlier ' . i; ! - v 

. , V morning houre of the twentieth the roadhouse operated by Hazel Doyle and ‘..'V " 

{_ -'■> Known as OHS HJT HOUSE which is located in South Coffeyville, Oklahoma^ 

0.7 .'»* was kept under surveillance by both Agents. At the time t 11 ® . 51 *®.® ■■ ' 

and operated by Tom Hill, known as the CASA D2L C AMINO, waa^noVopen so/%v v'; 
that no approach could be made in that direction. No unusual activities >_'<• 

. were noted on the above occasion nor was .there, ahy indication that DavisJ-jf'- -- 
in the vicinity at that time. THE NOT HOUSE ia' roadhous® Obviously.;;:^: 
'g. '- *’/? frequented by decidedly questionable characters ’but the above 'date no?, . f^y 
'4|» connected with the instant case wap present al^ thou^b it ,^s. a likely^ 

-? • “ place for than to visit in the event they appear "in tHa t sec t ion,^^ 

* ’A'.- From Special igent Patd Hansen of the Oklahow City Office jfcp : 4-- ;•■■■ 
ai*rived in Coffeyville on November 20 1 1934 f 'and Gene Haverfield, Deputy 
Sheriff of No^ta Coxxnty, Oklahoma who is a highly reliable officer in the 
estimation of the Oklahoma City Office, it was ascertained that Tam Hill 
had signified his willingness to put the members of the Karpis-Barker 
gang "on the spot". This information was given by Hill to Haverfield on 
November 21, 1934 at which time the former said that he was afraid of 

Kansas City Bivialon Office wpnld immediately be 

^Raferanc* i(j mads to thp Mpori of §paqJHl Agant/M. 

. da'ted at Kansas City, HlsAcuri September 11', 1934, particularly/^' page 

British Co; 

the hom( 

^>V r - 



f ^ 7 

5 ■ 




. . * - 4 

.- '-.- - ■ 

^ g aa iv.nv^ . .... 


*■•* - * V*»— 

ll^^SSES V i -" ' • .-•>. *•. 

P* '—*-' »-■ * .*■ .* * \. ■*. 

r- - -J- >**^- 4 * ^ » . -• ; «■. 

pS^J| •v r v XiV. ; 

p§HP %V , - > 'V. -v. 

.f - a f *£v /- - 


- . . _~ — .~i, . . 

-.•-I «fr ■?>.-* 

the Federal authorities and was anxious to prevent any "heat" being 
. placed on. him. " He stated further that he expected tp Span up IrW'*-'" 
place again after the f ir at df January. ,f ^eanwhliW '£V looked for ^tTem^ta;^p7.' 
on the part of the Barkers \o contact him because of their associations'^.-/' ^: 1 , 
• / t in the past. - Jn such an event Hill told Gaverfield. ; that he would arrangb> 0\- :. 
f^*ia fleeting hind' would immediately notify the flatter. *AjtfhougJi Sill 
i that Agents were lit Cpffeyyills at the time he refused io talk 
. any one except Haverfieid hteting that; the Deputy Sheriff was one' o^ficejp‘^>;^ v 

- in Oklahoma idiom he knew he could trast.‘ Another motive for suoh action / *>>.! j.. 
on the part of Hiil is the hope of obtaining h reward wftieh intention 

- opeidy spoke of when interviewed. by Hevorf leldL ^ . £ -fj% ' \ ; V£V &■'■?■ 

Efforts were made to locate a 1934 Pontiac Sedan which Volney - r - ; ‘ 
Davis is thought to be driving by scrutinizing all cars seen both is .^^ v 
Coffeyville, Kansas and South Coffeyville, Oklahoma but with negative 

\ v Despite earlier convictions tb the Contrary -it does not aow^ . > 
seem entirely likely that Hill le seeking to deceive Haverfield. The -r^r_: 
latter stated to Agents that on one other occasion some years ago the” V- '■ 
former had promised to deliver information .concerning individuals wanted "... 
by the Oklahoma authorities and had kept his word to the letter. This ' r * ' T 
fact together with additional ulterior motives Hill may have for assist-. ' •• 
ing in the epprehension of the above Bubjects seams to indicate that ; - 

■ close contact should be continued with Deputy Sheriff Haverfield by. the^>* . - • 
Oklahoma City Office. . ... ... .... . .. . ' •/ V^. 

^ i \ ? ;V t *.* - f^}\ 

'"i- j?- ^ Surveiliaiiee was also conducted 'ovey the’ premises 

Boise, father-in-law of Barry* Stanley ifco is the brother-in-law of VolneyJ , 
Davis, at Pittsburg, Kansas on November 21 f .. 19 ?4. However, no unusi^l.^^ 
activity was noted. Tom Stowers of the local police department has ' ' 
promised to keep in close touch with the situation in his territory and v r 
. will notify this office in the event any contact ia sought at Boiee’w * - y-; 

' , farm near Hittsburgi^r^^.V^;^: ' 

♦ ** 
5 k- 

'■ -j- . • 

v- . ' r - W'r ;. - 

: > ; Predicated upon inf oroation set out on page fire of the 

report of Special Agent R« Brown dated at Chicago, Illinois, ITov enter ~ 

4 12, 1934, an interview wee hed hy Special Agent A, Farland with John 
^.Pilan at t£e TJhited States Penitentiary, LeavenwOrthi, "Xansas : and* |ha 
> following ©enorandun hai| been .submitted by Agent Farland relatiTjs^td " ’>i ; 
''this interview f or inforraation concerning Willie Harrison: ;; ^ &£> 

On Kovenber 28, 1934 while at- th ©^United States Penitentiary, ^ \ 
Leavenworth, Kansas, convict John Filan, register 44235 was Interviewed 
and stated that he was formerly in business at 301 West State Street, ; -: . * v 
Calumet City, Illinois} that he knew Willie Earrison, who had formerly 
conducted a place at .403 West State Street, Calumet City, Illinois; that 
Earrison f s hone was in St* Louis, Missouri. He was unable to furnish 
the address. He did state, however, that Earrison had a brother, Elmer 

* % 

* * 't 

XJ'.i •- •**•■' 

■;#: ■ . ■ 

V ■'■/ •*.■ - 

& SfvJj?* 

i: ?*■ <•/* •- .V 

Harrison, vho is connected Pith a ‘golf club in St. Louis. He could not 
furnish the name of the Club but stated that ELner Harrison was very well 
known by the golfers. Filan further stated that he believed that Elmar 
Harrison could possibly furnish, information as to where ^illie^wa*;e»^^ 
they appea re8 to -be wary fond -of each other 4 r ‘He had ^*aany times ,h#e£d^^ 

f" UTillle talk about : \&raerj *;.tbat ^e -last saw Wilkie 'Harrieofi *i? rjiovecib^ji 
•1933. just before he was taken into custody, on a charge of 'counterfeiting ” 
*. a $$ that .. he was sentenced on November 1953. to servo /ibree dnd,*^'ha3^/»^^^‘ 
ydars in the Federal ^enit^ntiary^ at Leavenworth* that ie was licm^ a; 
v being employed as cl£rk bn taumbef 1 farm and that ha 7 ,e$p act ed > ttff io MjSSRfc 
for. parole in January, 1035; that he had never been ifc any .trouble - 

■• 'and has a family . residing at 1168 /Wilcox Street,; Hammond, Indiana. y£. .. 
/. states he does not believe that Harrison has ever served any .ententes f or/. J. ; 

- anything; however, he has been in qpite a bit of' trouble i* 

Filan further etated he baLienred Willie Harrison was very * • <' • 

' well known around Cicero, Illinois as he has spent quite a bit of time / •' 

*!> j** « S 

, i ^ V V 


a ** v“. * 

--Avenue, fcalumet City/ be interviewed a£ he was . the landlord of 
' Harrison and was very well acquainted with him. /- y > ^ ■ 7 * -*■ 

•*“'**** — - - vl ^^*^Til8n ' could' Turnlsh -no* further Information and-reqeeetejU -v ^w >v 
that in the event ISr. Lindner Was interviewed that hie not meiH . 
tioned as having given any information. . " .• '* ; < / 

Attention is directed to page fifty seven of the report of-- y 
Special Agent B. D. Brown dated at Chicago, Illinois Wovamber 12, 1934 indi-v’ 
s cating that it would be appropriate .at this, time to openly approach^ an^^nter- 
5 view Mr. Joe E. Fisher, 'fathef of Clara Fisher Gibson,/wife of eubjeoi- /*/ \ - 
t Russell Gibson. On NoySbber 1$, 19$4 i!r. Fisher,=was interviewed at,, the 
American Can Company, 911 East 14th Street, Worth Kansas City, Missouri* . ; 
hy Special Agent B* P« Shanahan accompanied by Special Agents L* 8. ' 

Vandover and A. B. Miller of the Kansas City Office. Upon being ques- 
tioned as to any possible information he possessed concerning the present ,,v 
whereabouts of either Bussell Gibson or his wifs Clara Gibson, Mr. Fisher,.-^',, 
advised thatthe laet he had seen of either person was over five years 
ago. He did not hesitate to explain to Agents that he had no use for 1 /> ;. 
Russell Gibson but stated that his, Mr. Fisher’s, wife was more friendly/ / 
'^towards him'.* ‘During therlast three years she made two^ trips ^o..ChJca^)^ 

• >the details of which were never made known to Mr. Fisher Inasnuch hs ^ ‘ 

> be explained .that he end^hla wife had , few things: ir. common, especially,. 
in regard to the activities of their daughter, Clara, and her husband, . * 

Russell Gibson. He stated further that he would be very willing to 
' operate in any manner in the detection and apprehension of Gibson t»t- 

stated that he did not think that such en opportunity would arise. Mr* .</ ; 
Fisher was supplied with the address and telephone number of the Kansas 
City Division Office and he stated that he would not mention the fact 
that he had been interviewed by Division Agents to no one, including 
the Tropic iu bis family. 


> ki 

* v 

r> :; 


c n 

> V i -a- .... Pursuant to information received on Hovomberl5, 1834 /ppm 
‘ Depity Vardan Stubblefield of the Kansas State Penitentiary stating!. 

the latter had been, informed by a prisoner at the State prison tba.t'jai^^’^^ 

- had information that Fred Barker, had been present at the Main Hotel ^’:v *" 
r 4n Kansas City* Uissoori, which” is located~et. 1426 Kaip Street, : pn Friday 
; -^evening Novoaber 9, 1934 and further that it las probable *hat >% 

Barker would return . to that'* the latter .part o^the jroek, 

; , velllance of the .above premises was conducted on November "id and HOvaibe^?’*::. 

If, 1934 by Special' Agents H. P,. Shanahan and A, C* Farland. .Both Agentf ; 

; registered at the Main Hotel, at about d:00 P. It* on November id, 1.934 .ah®”. ' ;f"' f 
' conducted a surveillance of the guests as far as possible, throughout . . 

that evening until the morning of the following day. Since the informs-' > 

•\ tion obtained from Ur, Stubblefield included the report that Fred Barker ?. . 

had previously 'stayed with a girl by the name of Dorothy, who was be- - . 



were present at this Hotel on the above dates however, no. unusual 
activity was noted, nor. was there any indication of the presence of either ’ 
Fred Barker, the women indicated above, or any of the other subjects in-;' 
volved in "the Instant case.- It should be noted that the ito in Hotel , 
is one which eaters to the cheaper class and would afford a suitable X.-! ** 
hide-out in the event any of the above mentioned subjects earns to Kansas;"' " 
City. With this in mind a periodic surveillance qt the above premises '; . ! 
will be conducted in the event any of the above ihdividuala 'appehr • 

^Vjr.'V i' 
“Km: j- jC'.r 

: L •>*>. •?? 
V : ? 

Viiitow uu vvu mjwoi. | j.Wkrx > ox^Vi. w e v w jmwju uuaw| ***. w vu. w* “A 

Ject Barker, who is an* inmate "of the United States Penitentiary, Leavan«-<T 
worth, Kansas. In this connection attention is direeted'to report of - ' 
Special Agent M, C, Spear dated at Kansas City, Missouri July 19, 1934, ' 
particularly to page two, paragraphs three and five, and page six, pars-^ , s 
graph one. On November 28, 1934 Special Agent A. X, Farland examined ^M. 
the correspondence record and visitors record of Lloyd Barker^ register*"' 
17243, at the United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas and it 
was noted there is no record of any senator or congressman having had. "-vi 

G, K. Barker, Neosho, Missouri August 21, 1934 - this being the only £c.- 
visit except a visit each by Special Agent Farland and Special Agent 

H. E. Andersen, Warden F. G« Zerbst called Agent Farland* s attention iar? : . 
the fact that at the time Jack Glynn, private detective of Leavenworth,^.. 
Kansas, visitsd Lloyd Barker on January 26, 1934 Glynn indicated himself 
as an attorney and stated he was appearing at the request of Congressman 
Cochran of St. Louis, Missouri. It is noted that this Mr. Cochran was 
recently defeated for nomination for United States Senator from Missouri. 


r-- ■ 



- * 

lifted desirable relative .to the information Reported i* /thf 
Sm rep9rt that the JSarkers and BarpjLe have e/hide-t>u^a t 'the place 

\,~ * ' Of &rs -’P- C . 1fi^stT*On> 1014 Pi •dnfimt IvAmifi / Thil rilh VtfH ntiiar&A i* 

' of Canada, or Qualheaski-Cove, B; C M Dominion Of Canada, " 

auch inquiries as are believed practicable relative to the possibility 
of the Barkers and Karpis haying a hideout at this point et the piece 
of i!rs* E. Coulston as indicated in the body of this report** V * 

- ?% ■:■ * •■-•■y ~ • " ii‘>" ■ ’ • 3? j * • 1 ’\ *■- ~ '{i - * * \ ?£?*• 

r -^ ; Vvf - 7: i\ ; ;The LOS IIIGSLES CFFICJS *ii;L take ‘such in\uiri# as ^e .v> * 

jfef pi a 

1 4 ^ 
c^^ckl. - , 

believed ‘practicable at Balboa, California relative' to the information 
set out hereinabove to the effect that Fred Barker is supposed to be .. ' c ' 

at that point using the name of Fred Barton* V v 

*** i >-^-n V-w 

M m.* ( -•' : The Los Angeles Office will also note that there is informs- ^ 

\' tion to indicate that Fred Barker, alias Fred Barton, nay be 6 t B3senada,“ |-; V*» 

, - California . The Kar.«as City Office has noted that. the postal gnida^i^^, ^ 
lists no such name for a town in California,., £ .i •£■'■ ■■■ 

;[:f 8 i‘ '_. *. • Hie CHICAGO OFFICE will not® information nereinabove..swt' 4 :• • • ^ 

lo.ijc-’ v T'\, *ii&t to the effect that subject Karpie is supposed to be at fiain^sw iSiik£.. : *. j/ 

"• ; • Illinois, The Kansas City Office is unable to finl such a town listed " 

in Illinois in the postal guide. 

»5vw .*./*;• , 

'.TV •’’r./;.' -“S' '<>.*• -i-,. v ,'•*•' i.' ••",;■?. * Sf V ; 'i ’la’ii-U'-T 

•'a^. ^ v - r ■ ' : 

‘ -"-■■• • . U<- ‘ ■ * > , s... v ... .<> •. • .;■* •- . ■.* *• '• '. .% 'A#awr»i^V 

l4 : ^irrr> ^ - -•■■''*•■'/* *; ;• 1 v- . < . .•- > ^ - ^^< 2 * . 

} fc ^ 


Jacksonville, Via.. ' Dec.5,1934 

ALVUI EAKPIS with aliases! I. 6, #1218; • v ; 
■J ARTHUR R^BAHKSR with aliases, It 0 . #1219; * 7 / 
_ . IH0ScELL D GIB 3QK with aliases, I, 0, #3213; « : \ 

UR. J0SEPE P. JJDRbII with aliases', 0, #1232 

ET At.- EDWARD GEORffi BREMER, Victim., 4, 

SYNOPSIWor FACTS, > '.^f ; 

■ - v James Galloway , Miami Beach , JTlorlda, ; WV"’ : *•; v >;* * •*.* - 

. advises he cannot recall any one ever V; < V 

i • Y- ' being In Miami connected with dog tracks' 

j. named Homer Wilson or nicknamed "Big Earner V?; ^ ^ ^ . 

: r V Ho information disclosed by jirrestigation >1#^ 

> £? 1^2= •. ’* at Miami indicating presence of Buddy . ^ ; • : > v" 

•'* • v; .,>us» -,7~ , r”j; 4 - 27 ->,m :,^7 7to : :-C~77 

•-^5S :; 7 ' ; ,;^7;7 •'-■■■■•-• ' ‘''•y7.-7.-7; : 

•«-» , *iv J**. is* ■» * <-»>.-, S' . v« 1/ • >'<■ • '»*••■ .*- -•%'■' : «#-. ». ar.;.r 4- 

BEFSHSlHCSa Letter from the New York office dated October 15, 

1934; and letter from the Chicago office dated 
October 31, 1934i r , /-.';• ■ y 7 / 

DETAIIS: ' ■ . ’ . ' At Miami, Florida '•'....; ’J , ,»’> . 

* V U 1% > - v y "■;■■'* * • ’ ■ -. ;/*;.•■■**: "yV ^ ‘ V 

v ^ ]/r y James Galloway, Miami Beach, !*lorida* foimerly interested in ; 
the Bisecyne Kennel Club, Miami, .Florida, ' advised that he could not recall any . 
one hy the name of Hamer Wilson eVer having been interested in dog racing at’-.,. ; 
Miami, Florida, or connected with any of the three tracks now at Miami, Florida# 
He stated that he did remember Bradley Wilson, ’rtio was a former stockholder in the 
rffl YTB Kennel Club, but knew nothing of Bradley Wilson's family or connections. 
The description of Big Homer was related to Mr. Galloway. end he could not recall , 
an individual answering this description who was interested or. employed at-anyr 
time in the Biscayne Kennel Club. Mr. Galloway appeared cooperative in this v • 
matter and stated that he is well connected with persons interested in dog racing 
and that during the racing season in Miami, which will open shortly, he will make 
inquiries through persons cbnneeted with the dog racing sport and endeavor ^.ob- 
tain some information on Homer Wilson or the individual known as Big Hateeri 7. ' , 
■ -V.\ ^ ' ?' ,< w i* * '■•*■■■■. *" '*.»#> ’ • •. *. v’^^- »• ^ • '*' r «.'* * f < . tV ’/-T.' 'i*- 

& Rogeir t. 

L ~-i" C; oi 

Whelan in -that city. 

* V W 

I 1 E 

-JU&n V*. 

UV On -„<>X Uj 




• 4 r ' "» . *»rr« ' v« _ r# V't 

do not mm in these men 

3 Division 
2 3t • Paul 
2 Chicago 
2 Jacksonville 


MAR 19 1966 

V, v* 

Jax #7-24 


-in - 

‘5-; rf 
? ■ :r~, -I 

^ ^ ^ •♦'* •*--- f ., 4 v *>*• ‘JUriS, \*?U >•- **;T. . 

i ? -.'rr' '. . ::.: J * . In the letter from the' Chicago office dated. October 

1934 » la idileh reference is made to ah interview with ' Irene DoraeTi.V : ^.v4i':/'- 
* . ..former psrempur of fred^etz, it appears that during thi* 

, Irene Dorsey *»entioned ^uddy ihelani j&o la /reported to liave been 

V s ' • V«; 
>n- , 


rC V r > - The investigation conSucted to date by the 'jaelcsK&H 
office at Miami, Florida, Fails to disclose the identity or where-* 

' abouts of Buddy Whelan. Mr, J> £» Farrington, Manager of the Fort' V*. '' 

Dallas Hotel, where Willie Harrison formerly stopped, advised that/ * ■ 

he knew of no one named Buddy Whelan and could not recall any 'on 
using that name as ever stopping at the Fort Dallas Hotel* In con~ 

>ersation with Frank Curlery, Ao operates Curley's Cdfe. on Kiami*S>* 

Beach, end who is also reported’; to die* acquainted with Willie j&rrisocjf , 
and others connected with* the Warpie feang, .Agent mentioned Buddy Whe4an , S/: 
name and Curley advised that he could not recall any one by 'thia nlinii;^^ 
as ever having contacted him at Miami, Florida* It is quite difficult, 

: ’to obtain any information from Curley as h* is shrewd- tmd..basi : lJ0^ 
been associating with people of the gangster type and is alert in . V'"- 
determining the purpose of inquiries concerning his former associates** ^ 

There is no information at either the Hiaml or tSiatti Beach 
police departments concerning the identity or location of Buddy Whelani%. r 
and similar inquiries at the Miami post office, which includes the 
, Miami Beach station, failed td, disclose any information to indicate v r ; v 

%Buddy "ihelan’b presence in Miami, Florida, now* * ~ * v *>> h r ' ^ * ; :Vr. 


furnish, if available, a description of Buddy Whelan''"'! ' - ; • /. , 

5 ..-,*. and any other additional information that may have^eenuy.:'.^'-;.--^,^;^ 
■•-.A. ^ obtained concerning his presence in Miami, Flor ida*v 

; y^.: 

and any other additional information that may have £een r ; , . ; - . * # ' 

obtained concerning his presence in Miami, Florida*V • 

:.K ; 

THE JACKS OEirvi LEE OFFICE at Miami, Florida, will condtici^.^; 
investigation in this chse and keep in contact withl " •./. 

(Vi llowfivi. 151 ami Baa eh ^ Florida ^ for inf ormatloii 

"James Galloway, 
that he may be 
and location of 

r T' 

.. .... A. .>5*-. • . •:•-•* -L'. • niC 1 # j.r+i.rZijt-*; 

■ - ‘ ■ ■; .. *• «sj:.v. r : f.£v .■v?t-v 

v ‘ v . * " ■* "■ *» ; r 'v?>* i-.'-'j 






Wxtii No. 1 

This case omoiNATco at ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 


FILtHO. 7 «E 5 

period for WHior 

Detroit) Michigan \ lt/SE/jA^T* --4£A« 
Tmjb oCHASGED : ' 

ALVIN KARPIS, aliases: A, Carter, Raymond ] 

lA«»8l/S4/ ~ $>. *. - 

XiViin aaktib, aiiasesvA, war tax, aaymona Handley, j •, 
-Georg/* Haller, Alvi^^orpis, Ir Korpis, farl°Peil 
Alvin°fcapis, George c Dulin t B* S^Haailton, par /r 

\ I a - 

- * *■.>£"> * r ir; 



J* Barns, WiUieiiflohinaxi, William B^Lotaan*' /V 
svNOP8.sorFACTe, xLvinf^ferpevien, R* Ip Nelson, ^ 

Lymaif-Bums, Mario#Bradford, H« Jf Milgreth, H* G*v ( £ -ar > ' , ?s ■'•£$ ' 

Cltilgreth, Howard Milgreth, S« L^Burnes, Ray^HaliyDan Morphy, •Chi* Karpis, V^;:r 
Raymon/f' Hadley, Albin^KarpiSj^Jamea", Charley M**Bronaon • I* 0. #1818;' •■;■ 

ARTHUR r£ BARKERj^aliaeea: •Doc'^ Barker, Claude Dale, Bob^ Barker, B. Li^Murrey, 
j, HP Harvey ,^*Jaffles* , A, SC Hunter, Doc^ Barker , Claude Barker, Arthur Barker, 

' F* B. a Gordon, C "Joe", H« j£ Harvey, Ray f 0ordon, H* J*\Morlwy >I*C* #1818; , 

jprH^BARKER, aliases: F» G.^Ward, Ted !;) Murphy, J* r -Darrows, R* ,* Davis, J«B* S 
G Blackburn, T* C? Blackburn, A.* s£ Hunter, J» Barf Mat terBon, J. Stanle/ Saith, x 
yred B* c Gordon, Bradford, Bari JpMatterson, J. B*° Blackburn, T« C.^Blaokburh,-,- 

F* Bp Lang; r - ’ -"'<5 ..• • -.a V. •" V ’ • ’ 

HARRY^CAMPBELL, aliases: DaveTOanpbell, T* TJ* Blackburn, George L* Martin, George 
O Nelson, Johir Walcott, George Walcott, George' Winfield, George Swanson; 0 
VOLNBY DAVIS, aliases: •Curley^ Davis, "Cotton* “Davis, B* T,®|)avis, J* H* Lockwood 

Curler '‘Season, 1* Br^ansen; 

TTTAl/lwfiTrTO aHafeAt* 

ing t Bill wearer, reiircuonax 
£ Scott, Bili^rhomtoii^ " ^ 

*" ~ O ' • •• . '• : : 

>n, T# J* Nelson, 

Lucas, Charlss I 
d, V* GrWeafsr, 

\ . V ; 

SAWYER, aliases: FRAM JAMES, *Dutch* Sawyer, Harry Sandlorich, Harry 

wiBarryJ ' ^ 

C Porchej Harr/'SandeTicb, Harr/ Sandori ch , Jewaarry| O * 

^ffcpGOETZ, aliases^ George^eigler, Fred^Gets, "shotgun* Zeigler-5The Dutch* 
man", Janes George'^eigler, George B^Sieb^rt, a, wr Johnson, W* X* Johnson, gr-.f.' 
George B,°Johnson, Floyd C^igler, VaiTleh, George Fa^Seibert (Deceeaedh 
gRYON 3 BOLTON, aliases: ByroiflBolton, Mont# 5 Carter, Owen Dr Carter, Owen Bernard^ 

JAMBS J.^ WILSON, aliases: ‘jimnie^Wilson, James^ Jackson, Jemes Ryan, *Dr* Jim* ‘ ^ • 

Wilson, B, J«i Powell |>" 

f : ’f- 

*• - 

vT-f •ftS 

' J v-'v •; •« 

• Vi v ^ • T r ^ > j 


1'£'lJo - 3 57 DEC 7 * 19 34 

1 united states . checked off* \ 

DEO 7 ‘ 1934 h. ^^AML 

St* Paul - 5 


Chlcaga • 2 (End.) 
Detroit • 8 



1 to each other field office of Division 

• I* 

■ 3 tvVvi *■- *'* Q :'*••• • . /-?_. ./I ** I -V.* . V- >- .* ^ ^ - sV>I? * **f£V ;J; .; i: 

DOCTOR JOSEPH P^ MORAN* aliases : * Joseph ®r Moran# Joseph t$« * Horan# ?Doe V9# 1 * ^ ' 
P Koran - I* 0. #1838; f V.iV-.;Sr^ : //:vJ . V- .?-**' *'-V <0 

RTJSSELL^GIBSON , aliases^* Rusty. Gibson, Slim Gray, R* Grey Erana, Boy Gray^ 

. Boy Gray^Evens, Slla Evans .♦.I* 0* #1B1Sj /■ >•;;»• ■ 

AT TWO A f.lnon. >1 <•■«• fll 1 < k^ttans C»T««ir* . Ui>> 7 nnM . fll W*T HMinati ?i ’ T' ?.', ■ . . 

ho y eray v Evens, siua Evans o* jubas; • ' ; » ^ ;*«• r ,y ■ 

CUTTER Aj^BERO, aliases: Oliia^Berg/^IssEy", Mr Jonea , Oliver Bannst,; 

WILLIAM EDWARD fVHJLER, aliases; William E*^dl«r, Williams; 

PHILIP jPOELANET, aliases: Philip°Delaney, PhiUljr Delaney, Phil pelanay* 
PHillip c belaney| •' v "‘... : '*'* v-/ * i *r>** *': >* -• : © 

JOHN TOSEPHTfcLAUGHLIN, aliases: J* J*¥cLaughlin, "Boss* McLaughlin* Mr* v *n 
^ Staith} '• '■ -. V- • ' / '• '*• ..»••' ' . O ■'•• / v - : - -.••■ , : r ' 

JOHN JOSEPH MoLADGHLIN, J**, aliases: Jack McLaughlin, Jinny McLaughlin/ 

■T) “ ■;.• ' * .*/» •S*."';’- ■ - %»i • r," v ~1 - (& i ■*• 

EDWARD GEORGE BREMER * Tieti* r# . : y : >*V# ;• -N, v^'Ty, *-■£ 





- f - -•>. 


Jeqaes J/ Wilson as S» J# T Powell purehased^Pord Y-8 DaLuxs ^ 
y^edan* Motor No, 699^65 on 5/21/34 at Toledo, Ohio*, j 
fChevrplet Club Sedan, Motor ijo* f 543656 sold. to H* JT# ;/^^ l 
/Morley at Toledo, Ohio 8/3/34 by Robison Cheyrolet, Inc* ^:-r 
Morley is alias of Arthur R» Barker* Prank ^j^Soonaa f Vv/^v 

Morley is alias of Arthur R# Barker# Frank J'^Hoonaa 
admits securing criminal record of Chari e a J^carr ol 1 huVls ~y- 
unable to account for disposition of same and' denies * ,t- 

kzi owing any members of gang* Pay enrelopes of Noonan 
Detective Agency found at residsnes of Alvin Earpls evi* ? ‘ 
dently lsft in Noonan* a room at Carter Hot^l, Cleveland, / ; 
Ohio, which roam was taken over by A* W«^Beberbrand who. 
Investigation indicates, is acquainted with members of gang and > 
interested in Harvard Club which was frequented by members . *••'/ 
of gang* Noonan promises cooperation in locating subjects* . : nV; v 

Tv.#- : 'Ci-:A\ ‘J ■ '■■■■' i-i'-'ry T.,' ,?■ * y * •_ * -r/'-. r.’-'V'i 

f. i •: •; •* i ' Kf’- V H > : ' •■'• -J .-r-l.:?- ■ , 

__ m' - • • a a * a a. « ,1 a • »• 


REFERENCE: Report? of Special Agent D* E* Hall, Detroit, Michigan • .;>• 

„* ;/’■ . dated 9/5/34} - •:.■ • ,! > •:•''» : / ' ’--.'v/tVt/V'/' 

~ Report of Special Agent in Charge Win, Larson, Detroit, 

Michigan dated 9/28/34; IvL 

■ - ' ‘ , Letter from Chicago Office dated 10/13/34* ' - , . 

>• / ^ 

x- . . ^ T .w-— w — r.— *■„ VW4415 uiuu^pu «»+**• AU»W - /■*£-. & ■%* r.; 

tin report of Special Agent R* D* Brown, Chi Pago, lllihoie/October Jpj ' 

1?34 page* 26 end 8? that Arthur H* Barker Hased the alias of BU i^rljfrr^^^n^’- 
'and it is further indicated later in this report that a ear was purchased t ' v 
at Toledo, Ohio in the name of H* J* Mori ay. It is also reflected latwV%'^>> 
in this report that James J* Vilson used the alias of X* J* Powell, which-.- ■ $ /. 
is added to the title of this report i'A ", £$, y$: 

■J. ■• ' • . • " 4 ■ ■ ■> ■■. ■ * ■ -i-v , }■ >-rtf4^' : 'MV-5sr. 

It is noted in report of Special Agent D* X* Ball, Detroit, V. 
Michigan dated September 25, 1934 page 33, that there were found at the:*' ’ 

. X. 

premises of 7009 franklin Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio, whlc> premises was 
ocoupied by 'Barry Campbell/ and #ynona)©urdette, a DeLuxe’^ord Coupe,' ' ■ 

ocoupied by Barry Campbell/and wynonaXBurdette, a DaLuxeftf ord Coups,' y 
Motor Wo* 683450 beerln^whio 1934 license plates Cl 9 563, which oar was ,JS 
taken lhto custody by Agents of the Detroit Office and removed to Detroit, ' 
and certain other papers which Indicated that this oar had been purchased 
fromJkhejXeaa J* XL! is Motor Sal e sCompany of _ Toledo, Ohio , -/ _ v t 

The Cincinnati office advised by latter under date ot 
October 2, 1934 frith reference to the aforementioned ear, that the reeorde 
of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles in the State Highway Department at*. 
Columbus, Ohio disclosed that Ohio 1934 license plates 019563 were - > .f' : * 
issued on March 21, 1934 to Geor ge/W inf i eld, 631 St.Clair Avenue, Toledo, . 
Ohio for ford Coupe Motor Bo * 683450 and that the bill of sale is recorded/ 
as if 359386 in the records of Lucas County, Ohio* .'This bill of a&le was ..4 
examined in the of flee of the County Clerk of Lucas County, Toled^/ Ohio .f$ 
and reflects that the aforementioned ear was sold by the Jess jXEllis /'• 
Motor Saies Company of Toledo, Ohio on March 21, 1934; that the name of / 
the grantor appears as the Jess J* Ellis Motor' Sales Company, by Jese J« 
Ellis and the witnesses appear as Ann Marl&Leekey and Thomaa/barter and A? 
it is notarised by Thomas Carter, Notary Public* Tie grantee is shown \ 
thereon ee George J* Winfield, whose signature appears thereon, of A 
631 St«Clalr Street# 'r/. -J-* A: -T: •/' >/r > \ <?i>l K:. *;,/ AA A;./ 

i . 

,.v ;« /' 

- ■ i 

V ? ' * - ' The writer called at the Jeaa J, Ellis Motor Sales' Company, - s ■ / 

3519 Collingwood Avenue, Toledo, Ohio and there interviewed Thomas v../ A/ 
Carter, 'general senager of the Jess J* Ellis Motor Sales Company who, //f/. 
after examining hia reoords, advised that the aforedeaeribed oar had been,/ 
sold on March 21, 1934 to George Winfield for a price of $098*03* 

P all ed in Mr. T* D* Heed, the salesman who made the deal A Mr* Reed *-*/*> ; 
advised that about a month prior to March 21, 1934, BertAiagus, who ia * 

- V A ■' ' Z V 4r' * ^ 
Vi ::*:* ' 

-sS' w 

r '^v* 

advised that about a month prior to March 21, 1934, 
brother of Ted /Angus of the Casino Club, ealled/the 

Bert^ Angus, who is a 
Jess J* Ellis Motor' 

. *• *: * >• 

• A • 

~'sy >T 

■ ' '» _■ - k . 

,'C V ; ■ v >• 

- 4 H 

Sales Company and looked et a Ford Sedan# However, he did not pare 

chase any ear at this time although prices were Quoted to Ua# i* •'[v-, r 
Mr*- Reed stated this wae the first tine he had ever met Angus* 
stated further that on March 21, 1934, Bert Angus appeared at th# 

Showroom with an individual whop he introduoed as George Winfield «nd f &'.\^ , ?5;--K 
stated that Winfield was a dealer at the Jovial Club, 631 Sti Clair . '*?’■ " ? 
Street, Toledo, Ohio and that on the day before he had Just hit ou t 
pony and won $1,300 and wanted to purchase a Ford Coupe# • ^ •» /. 

* ** ■’ •• - ■' 

He described George Winfield as follows! 

I '**'••* 

ige • 30 

Height • 8» 5 or •• 
Weight • 160 to 165 lbs# 
Bair • Light Sandy #-f'_ -~ 
Complexion • Buddy ' - . 

He aeoordingly exhibited the aforedeaoribed automobile to Winfield# ^ : "r 
which apparently suited Winfield, but he requested bumper guards, six 
ply tires and a Majestic Radio be installed therein# He stated that he > . 

wanted this done immediately* Mr* Reed quoted him a price of $698*03 • ' \ 
which was agreeable to Winfield and he paid for the same with a $500 hill, 
end two $100 bills and took the ear with him# .. ^ v. 

• ’ ' '*r V>V -• ” * ■ •** "Zr* -■ ‘ * . . * ***** ‘'J* •••’. • . I 

-■•*? Photographs of all members of the Barker«Karpis gang wer*.’,-.- . ‘i-% 

exhibited to Mr* Reed and to Mr , Carter* who notarised this bill" of eeS,e* >.*i . 
and they were unable to identify any of the gang as George Winfield* *: 
They stated positively that from the photograph exhibited of Harry "Campbell* 
that he was not George Winfield* - ^ ": v ; 

v Subsequently Mr* Carter advised that he had signed the nas»’"v'^; 

of George J* Ellis on the bill of sale which was filed with the County^-. 
Clerk of Lucas County* : ’-»■■■ ,£■ 

,_V Mr* Reed advised, after an examination of his records, that : 
pn" June 1, 1934, George Winfield had brought this car in to the repel*' 

Shop of the Jess J* ails Motor Sales Company and had work dene thereon v 

amounting to $13.15* This was the second and last time that Mr* jEtssd'^j^;#* 
ever saw George Winfield# At the time he left the ear for repair work^V 
which was completed the same day, he gave as his address 33g Sunmit , >■' : 

Street, Toledo, Ohio# Mr. Carter advised that he knew nothing concerning^ 
the activities of Bert Angus while Mr* Reed advised that after the sal* 
of this car he had heard Bert Angus was a brother of Ted Angus of Toledo# 

» ir.^^ ff* '<5*#*v« *» r-*' 

* B - 

’ S> ~ 

3& V ■' ’ 

^'i-. r -v 



Ohio, but that he wa* not personally acquainted with r Ted Angus •lthbngiufi;’?: ^ ■ 
concerning Bert Angus, he stated that subsequent to' the sale bf this 
ear he had heard that Bart Angus had foxmerly been engaged in' some s.oftV ’>£&>. - 
of a confidence game In Toledo where he. would line up the •euckers* i ht Ci 
the Casino Club for professional confidence men who would then take thma.^V-^i.V 
to the Jefferson Hotel in Toledo, Ohio and shake them down for sverythluX'l^siVV 
.'they ha4*'''\^‘ v 

Mr# Reed appeared to be wery straightforward during this V. 
interview and stated that he would cooperate with the Division in this ' ' v ' 
matter in any manner we so desired# He also furnished information towards - 
another Car apparently sold to Jinoie Wilson as X# 7« Powell, which will 
be discussed later# \ ', ** 'v*- --*1 - y .’ . ■■ £■' wV; -3- 

Accordingly, the writer and Mr* Reed called at the Jovial 
Club using as a pretext "tBAT’WA desired to locate George Winfield and sell ; 

*%im another car# The writer also posed as a salesman for the Jess .J# • 

Xllis Motor Sales Company# The address of 631 St* Clair Street Is the -• 

Jovial Club, a notorious gambling resort in Toledo which was formerly . 
operated by Jimmie^Hayes* a notorious Toledo gambler who was murdered !*• • <- 

Detroit, Michigan on or about October 4, 1934# There inquiry was made of . 0/ - 
one Frank Parker, who stated he had beep employed at the Jovial Club for , ’ 
the pest Jive years end^Seor^e Winfiwld,.*? he stated he had never seen-?***- ' y 
or known anyone, at the Jovial Club to use that name during the tern of hie . . 
employment# It was explained to him of course, that it was desired to 
j*ocate~t!«c^rgwWlnfleld with a view of selling him a new ear# 

HBliiir *--■-** . -» ■ i 

; V y ^ - . . inquiry in the vicinity of 35fc Sunmit . Street developed that ' t . 

there was a policy game being operated there# Accordingly the writer sad"' 

Mr# Reed sailed at this address and interviewed one George Dyer under 
pretext of ^eelfiS2^8T locate. George Winfield with a view of selling hui^. 

*%. oar> and Dyer advised that he had never seen or known of anyone to use „ 
the name of George Winfield at 33j Su^t.Streetw.^^^-,^-'^^^^ 

%/^n- >■ , v ^ ■■ 

In connection with the aforedeacrlbed Car* a libel and^v _ . >/ v> . • > ^ 
forfeiture #631 was filed in United States District Court at Cleveland, 

Ohio for thla automobile tuA on November 17, 1934 United States District ^ 

Judge S# H# West entered a decree vesting title in this car end condemning 
this ear and awarding title to the United States of America as against all 
persons except the true owner, said oar to be retained by the Division of 
Investigation of the U. S* Department of Justice and to be used in the 
regular course of business# , 


• 6 • 

. V ‘ - » „ ' •* • .■ 

,'»**> v-»t 

< . ■ V • .» -.2 . . „ . 


P- ■ . . •:■ 

‘ '■t* : #■-' 


I' ' 


& ' v. 

; N 5 > v 

r V* 

'i • ' - * -? ... * • * ' • *** _1^ yw * * v • ’- 7 . ■- 4 *V V -.. <•’ . -••-•*, ■ ‘ *> !T V 

. :■ Ihen Hr# T# D. Reed was interviewed he advised further '. % '; ; ' 

-. *hat 0X1 ®oy 81, 1934 hereceived a telephone call at the m1 #« ?6cm r 'tv^»£;' .;'*'■*• 
i from Pert Angus and that Angus asked hi* whether^h# he# a na# four door 
>laok Ford Sedan in stoek and Mr. Seed advised. Mm thatjbe did.# ’ jngu*4'$M^£.~ 
then stated he would bring a nan over who wanted to buy *' black - 

door Ford Sedan and a short time later the same day Angus appeared with 
;-’ »n individual whom he introduced as 1# 7# Powell* He fihibited to Powell- ^ 

' a 1934 DeLuxe four door Sedan, Motor Ho# 699365. At the time he exhibited . ^'V' 
the ear it had red wire wheels on it but Powell objected to the faot that • ' 

It had red wire wheels on it and Insisted it be changed and black wire 
wheels were placed thereon. Mr. Reed described this ear as black with 
a red body stripe on the hood and with black wheels. It had no special 
equipment* The price quoted to Powell was #707.48 and Seed is of the opinion, j 
although is not positive, that this ^sar was paid for with seven #100 bills 
and the remaining amount in bills of mailer denomination. He further ^ ^ 
advised that before the ear was ready for delivery that day Powell advised . 
him that he had to go and unload a load of liquor that was cooing in on i 

a boat and Bert Angus remained to get ~ the car. _ Before">owell left Tie* • ;T~ 

executed a bill of sale that was to be filed in the County Clerk t s office 
and also application for 1934 license plates. Mr. Reed further advised ' 
that he had gone with Bert Angus to a branch- of the State Auto Registration --t - 
Division of the Ohio State Department of Highways of 724 Phillips Avenue, W r 
where Bert Angus obtained license plates for this ear,’ the numbers of which T 
he made /notations V and that afterwards the car was tak6n by Bert Angus 
Powell, at the time of purchasing this ear, gave Vis address ss I3is£ Adams r ■? ' 

' Street and the aama address appears on s sworn. bill of sale which Agent - --i 

found had been filed with the Clerk of Lucas County, Toledo,' Ohio, it' v > 
being Bill of Sale #363078. A tracing was made of Powell's signature* - . 

Mr. Reed advised he knew nothing further concerning Powell, but that Ber#^/'^.; , 
Angus confidentially told him that Powell was a bootlegger as Powell had'".''’'":';"' 
previously indicated to him. • ; y, ; ' \J-l- ■’} . 

The writer called at 784 Phillips Avenue and there ascertained - 
fi;om the records through the courtesy qf Mr. R. H. Gurney that on May 
"1934 Ohio 1934 license plates 535952 had been issued for the aforsdeseribtd .£?#, 

' oar in the name of X. 7* Powell, I312i Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio* '!>,”'*/ - 

• * • ■•‘imm .*- » • •; Tt>- . /v *>.. . - v£.v‘ •• 

>Vr ’ photographs of various members of the gang were exhibited to - 
Mr. Reed and he immediately picked out the .photograph of 7imnie Wilson mV' - 
being that of the person who purchased the aforedesoribed ear under the .>■ 
name of X. 7. Powells • > . - - ' 

Concerning the address of 15L2£ Adams Street, which was given 
by 7iirmie Wilson as E« 7. Powell, the writer observed this address and 
•»t is the second snd third floors above the address of 1312 Adams Street 

--ak?* a- . 

i,V * $*? 

lsisi Adana Street* lie address of ISIS Adams Street la occupied by thf^ 
Toledo Belting Company and Miss A* A* Adame of that company was inter# y* 
viewed* She advised that the Toledo Belting Company haa o coupled the address 
of 1318 Adana street for the past five years and for the past two years - 
has used 1312J Adams Street, the two floors above 1318, as a store room* . 
She further stated that no one by the name of Powell or Wilson was known 
to her and she could not identify photograph of Jimmie Wilson as that of 

i* - '■ ■ •*■*.*•— •< - v 

^anyone she aver 

*. * \ 


■ V 

V . 

i ~ - r- 

•*-■,-•■ v ‘ \ It is further noted lh report of Special Agent D* X* Ball, 

^ Detroit, Michigan dated 9/85/34 that at the pranises of 7009 Franklin Boulevard, 
Cleveland, Ohio there was found an owner’s service policy issued to 
H* J. Morley, 33& Summit Street, Toledo, Ohio bf Robison Chevrolet j £ ^ 

‘ Incorporated, Toledo, Ohio dated August 3, 1934 for a Chevrolet automobile, 
serial #lDA07-49267. At the office of the County Clerk of Lucas County, 

Toledo, Ohio, the writer examined the bills of sale file there and located 

. sworn bill of sale filed by the Robison Chevrolet; Incorporated 

Toledo, Ohio reflecting the sale on August 3, 1934 of a Chevrolet^ub 

Sedan Motor Ho. 4543656, Serial Ho* IDA-0749867 to H* J. ; V 

Street. Toledo, Ohio. It was further ascertained at the office of the 

Lucas County Auditor that apparently on the same date or on August,^, .1934 - ^ 

Ohio 1934 license plates H-74235 had been Issued to H* J* Morley, t ±, . „ . 

Srt St2£, Tolrfo, Ohio for th. aforedo»orlbod .uteoobllo* It. _ . 

bill of sale aforementioned was signed for by th « grantor, . 7 . , 

Robison and was witnessed by H. Berry and Irene Taylor, hawjng 
scribed and sworn to before Evelyn McPartland, Hotary Public* *V^vr ■.*» 
ascertained from an examination of the City Directory that the two , r , o 
:nne««1nd Notary are employees of the Robison Chevrolet Compaq* ^ , 

jps -V - *, It was further ascertained through discreet inquiry t Tj^ 

Assistant Pros e cut orArnold Bungs of Toledo, Ohio that he did 
anything concerning the reputation of the Robison ^e;rcoletCcmpa|y 
fTopeSteJ by Willard D. Robison, but he advised that until about six or 
eight months ago this agency had been operated by an individual y . ■ 

name of Shanahan, who was regarded as more or less of ?“ '“Jjj" Ught'* ' 
ewacter and whose salesmen were regarded In more or less the same ixgnw 


along tt... 

lines at this time* 


t r 

• 8 • 

i..yV v 4 f-r 

r-r ^ t *’>. *3&y-*-? ' - J .• w*’!. ' • H- ■*• * *-v ..Z^Z ,:Vi4WTL.'' 

: rv : . ConoerningBert lagtis, ff or mentioned, previous reports 

tend to indicate that he is associated with hie '• • 

-4. »i.. n.«<n> mnb in Toledo. Ohio* The Bureau Of Cri mi nal Identie,?^ 


* , ; t-j 

' tend to indicate that he is associated with hie 
> at the Casino, Club in Toledo, Ohio. The Bureau df . Criminal 
fication of the Michigan State Department of Publio 8a **J y » 

V * Lansing^ Michigan furnished the following original racord " 

. • * J . Angus . their #60391 i :,; ^ > .^*SV t 

y - 

V ^ v ;iv 




Ihe foUowin^4esc rlption^ f_Beri.JW wa# al8 ° Jf f . £$#*•/ 

*$***ni •>** ■ $ 

Vewia a otrt ilCOS .'. z- ,' l ' ; ” *■• ~--T ; .' ‘A. 'A. -- 


Age • 59 in 1931 "VV 
Weight • 210 pounds' 
Height ■«* 5* 6* 

Build • Medium Stout 
Hair - Dark Brown . 
Eyas • Green - 
Occupation •• Hotel M 

Hair - uarn erew^r v**~*.- . 

Eyas • Green ; --- $} ";•'•»• Zirf:Z*> i 3“'.. ■ 

Occupation -Hotel 

& \ ' y Concerning the’ address of 3^ Sumit Street, given "T 

h‘ j Worley in pur elms ing the aforedescribed automobile* y hen t . - -:2 : .,.^’:' 

i&fSZZJU «u3 P; ?f. 

^iSTS S^S r «0*«l Ml of M. to.o.1^6. » w «» 

— « r?«t ssxarS'S^ 

hones^and ip* ight individual and^»o ^SS^atthiS tSEalt', % r 

fid ential informant from the Chieago office •. ; ,.. ;i . .*<.. ** v 5 • 

> ■ Z +> ±X+ ' 


■' • r^r; o tad on uakes 2fi and 27 Of report of Special Agent "'V 

Bro«. mi *W 

Jirnie Wilson, that Arthur B. Barker used the alias of H. Moriey ^ ^. 
.; . Toledo, Ohio* . ; •: ^ ••• 

t-i *i-- i ’''' f Z Jl x ^l ia! 1 054’ information as to the care_ ; 

; . v ' - f ■■ _ • , " r ' ' . ««»" ojt* infoimatioh as to the cars ^ 

/;; / Under date of 5° T ® b f' “l and^H* J* Worley was submitted to , 

purchased in the names of £• J* P . . . . 0 ffi ee e with the request that 
the Chicago office with cop a. to « ^e^oii State iutomobile\icen.. 

T* - -. . 

• 9 m. 

' t:~ % t :Sr V4».: 

^ *• • »vJ jr 

- ■ 4 —: - *•- :■ ?*■ : 

order to dot ermine whether the afored escribed ford Sedan purchased '. 
by Jlnmle Wilson under the alias of Powell is registered in any ptV* 

/ .Sr : ; 



these states* The Chicago of flee was also requested %o advise thil 
other field offices* in the event the aforedesoribed Chevrolet Sedan "■ 
purchased in the name of H* J* Horley was not already located* thatf.?-* - '';^ 
identical procedure should be followed concerning it* -v: O'. - 

Tracings of the signatures of X* J* Powell and E* 7* Harley . i . 
obtained from the sworn bills of sale* aforementioned* are being sub** - - r 
mitted with copies of this report to the Chicago office* Prom the - 

specimens on hand it is impossible to identify the signature of Horley '• _ 

V as that of Arthur B* Barker and the Detroit Office has no specimen of .V'-'-? ■-< 
! Jimmie Wilson’s handwriting. • , • \ fr -s’- •> A ; ' r > 

. .... .r-< Nwwfv-.Y:’' 

It is noted in report of Special Agent B« D* Brown* Chicago* ; 7 , 
1 Illinois dated October 1, 1934 page 36* that Jinmie Wilson supplied 

formation to the effect that Arthur B* Barker, while in Toledo* Ohio, vent 
with a girl namedyliildred who lived on Colllngwood Avenue* It is further >- 
noted in report of Spscial Agent D* X* Hall* Detroit, Michigan dated 
ll/C/34, that the telephone tap on the Casino Club shoved calls being mads :*«v 
to a person named Mildred at Jefferson 1759-W and to a person named ;; 
Mildred at Longdale 0363, The telephone/number Jefferson 1759-W is the - 

telephone of Bichard iloltz end Lillian^Holts, 1959 Warren Avenue, Tolsdh, ' 

Ohio* “* • - A*-** . 4 \ ' -«*;'*■.* ;V-4 : "'v r •**> y ***•<: 

: It was discreetly determined from Assistant Prosecutor Arnold 7 . • 

Bunge, Bichard Holts is a Deputy Sheriff and in Mr* Bunge’s opinion he does ' 
not bear a favorable reputation* ^ -v,-* 

•- ; v .* AA- S /'?*¥■ 

u • Officer B* 1* Peters of the Toledo, Ohio Police Department* 7 ; 

who has acted as a reliable informant in connaotion with thia case pra» •"•-.v r . - 
viously and who was formerly a detective but who has been transferred te 7 . . 
the Uniform Division and who is well acquainted with vice circles in folsd©, ^ 
’ Ohio, was contacted discreetly to determine if the Mildred at 1959 Warren . Vy’: 
Avenue was s prostitute* He advised that he knew of no prostitute by ths^.v ; ^ 
nam e of Mildred at 1959 Warren Avenue or could he place any prostitute^ A 77 ; 
whatsoever at thia address. He made discreet inquiries of several eoh*l -.7 
fidential sources and later advised the writer that he had failed to secure j 
any information concerning a Mildred residing at 1959 Warren Avenue* : t - . , 

Concerning the telephone Longdale 0353, it was ascertained 
that this number is listed to the Becreation Night Club, 929 Phillips 
Avenue, J* A* Carvin, proprietor* The writer ascertained from Assistant 
Prosecuting Attorney Arnold Bunge that this place is a combined bowling 
allay and night club wnfl is known to have been frequented by Italian 
gangsters in Toledo, Ohio* 

3 ^ 


! '-» w: T ' 

- 10 • 

*«£* *•''♦■ ** 

>:*?>-* -.'if:., .- 

?r *‘ **.■'■%■ 

4 J '^-v .» .*. .\* 4< ’"*';? '*•• ’** ^ * } •*’’ I'/'Jd A\ ' fir. ■.' 

•• f/M-- • * At the West Toledo Postal Station located at Martha ^ 

and Phillips Avenues, carrier K* P* Reason *ho delivers • lr>&L; 

929 Phillips Avenue was interviewed, and he advised he never Ana* , : a •* £-'*i • 
anyone by the name of Mildred i or in f act,’ any woman ^.receive any 
mall at this address 

,> - t ^ iV . ,‘J^ /*!.'?: :C..- ;15- ; • -'" ’A • L"*;: ‘ 

•"..; 4 - /*'• • wr jt a r on one evening for about two hours visited •,' ‘S* 
the premises of 9£9 Phillips Avenue end could observe only two woman^vtVvi- ’ 
therein* One was about S5 years of age and was employed as a cheek ; r >-‘ - v 
girl and the other a women of about forty or forty-five employed as a^- 
hostess* The writer was unable to ascertain the names of these women* 

!V - 


** 4 \ 

' V ’ 

e*-K v>. v - 4 

■ »*, -r< .r- - ■ 


i 1 

Subsequently the writer made an anonymous phone sail 
Longdale 0353 and a man answered the phone and the writer inquired for k 
"Mildred” and was advised that no one by the name of Mildred was known j** 
at that address* Ho further investigation was conducted at Toledo, 

Ohio in tills respect at this time in view of the aforementioned con*» - - 

fidentlal infomant*a activities there, but It .will .be. given consideration ... 
in the future* ■ V-'- f V-' '• ' 

It is noted in report of Special Agent D* E* Hall, Detroit* 
Michigan 9/25/34 that/tie premises of 4419 W* 171st Street, Cleveland* 

Ohio, there was found a Division abstract of the criminal record of. v r -’ ! 
Charles Carroll alias Charles Winterhalter #30222 which had apparently been 
secured through the office of Sheriff H* 0* Hill of. Chard on, Ohio 55 ?/ , 

Pred Spohn,. an employee . of that office, on August 17, 1934* *It is noted . 
further on page 41 of said report, that Spohn stated he obtained this ••• ■*, - 

abstract of criminal record at the request of Prank J« Hoonan, who operates 
a private detective agency at 1900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio* In 
connection with this it will be noted therein that Spohn mentions certain 
correspondence between himself and Noonan which was turned over to Agents.:. ^ 
Peters and further details concerning this have inadvertently not been ' 
incorporated in reports subsequent to report of Special Agent D* E« Hall 
dated 9/5/34*; i ■ -,..j r*:.* »v.- r --0X. £-■' 

\ V’Sr^;- - V-- ; ‘ v-r ** 6 '* 

; ' Spohn stated that he had done some work for Noonan at the ■ .... ■* 

Bainbridge Race Track in the late spring and early summer at which time 
No onan had personally requested him to see if he could obtain any infor* * ; • 
nation as to Charles Carroll; that Carroll had served time in the ->■ '■ 

Kansas State Penitentiary and that he accordingly directed a letter to \fi : 
that institution and received the following reply dated July 26, 1934 .j .. 
which is quoted herein: ... ' 


• 11 • 


•Dear Sit* 

*'- ’ - ^ •.•• .- '*.'..*>»■ *Y* ’ ml,’* Y; Y.’--^ Yi >'Y* . I . *'*YY ■*'■-' '*.*-» .♦{•s v ' ^ • 

v ~ y '._ '«x *r,- A . ■>.. ^.'r'.Y' ;*'•>■., <<r.^ ^*Y’“^sY'C .^^"^r^rY - 

h... i TnU (iMi mT>«(m' "*' ; • '• 

• : -’V *1 hare your latter of July 84th, relative.^ . ; 'Y V Y fY’Y .Y Y*Y' 

to our Charles Carroll. 6a advised that this nan ;"' •“ v . 

was not paroled from this institution, hut was die* Y : i*Y- ; 
charged by expiration* He served two terns in the V . ^ (YY ■ V : * 

Oklahoma Penitentiary, the first one being 1 yea»^*^;..,Y ■ ‘Y • •#*-*> > - Y'’ 
/3 months and 85 days* The second one being of 8 " -"■ — t ■ -.^ •• 

years," 5 months and 9 days duration. He was disoh* .’H :'■* Y 

arged on both these terms# At the time he entered -Y-' V . Yp/f, ***?;•• 
this institution he asserted that his parents were Y * ; •. 

both dead end gave no other relatives* The last; : YYY l-.- 
report we have on this man was his arrest in St . *Paul , ‘ ; ~ ; 7 **"'* ' '“’•?* 

Minn* April 13, 1933, same name* *. 

.C’- » '*>- ■ - * 100 X 8 very truly* — - * Y 

-.5^ * ,**• 
VYY • 

:• Y< , - * Y; - 

*<fYV .> ' v •\ t 5>^ -<j . Y 

t /s/ c* w. Wiison ; i • • Y 

A .* • *v - • • 

; * Y, v t* V **-“■■ 

*5 V . Record Clerk ' 

(The following pen notation appears thereon*) 

V.rC .•••’• Y-Y -Y • J „t; -'k'*; Y >V-v . T ; -Y. vY;- -*•« 

: -Dear Sred- YY^YYYV 

•Kindly folios this upYXYY 

f ; ' j ' : *y. j. Hoonan* Y Y ; " ■ 

<>• --Y 

Spohn states that upon receipt of this letter he forwarded the seme to 
Noonan and it was returned to him by Noonan with the above notation ; •. Y Y .Y 
appearing thereon in handwriting* Upon return of the above letter he *• ■. .. 

sent the following letter to Noonan* which Noonan returned to him . ; : 

with the indicated notation thereon, to which there was evidently ' r 

attached a card showing the fingerprint classification of Charles 
Carroll , which Spohn does not have at this time* 

- 12 • 

!-* *.* i > 

i**;.; * 

-a locked up f 

..'•t - .*• ,\ " : :A , ':••* to locate 1 

^4 , r , ' *> “••>■/< * - -v* .* ' ’ Z 

... ■ • • *•* . . * •• •• - t '•• •».- » . T 

up tn same jail In this State* and we may be liable 
to hl« 4 ; : .iv/s: 

'•'" ).•*• . ' . - . *Tn nva <v> ■*. « -■ 

Tours truly*" . 

- „*-i 

£%%•'* 4 A . .•?*. -kf % *4 

. ,«• S,‘- $.7, •* 

*"'• ••'. * ' , ; ' 

*: .* V-* ..•>. - 


i:> - : a 


- 1ft 

"Fred 0* Spohn 

fV •• -• >*V\- - • 

4.^ 4 ?! i : V Cl^ -iC.^av:' S •>• : . 

totions Appear theraon*^ - ; 4f ; & S£^. ■■'■ .. f : ' 1 

..' •' >i -- r '♦■ "■' . - w ij.- *•• .. • v. . • 

*r t J? 

' *4 4 • V i*- 

'Following Notations 

“Copy tha same as on this 
Card. ' . - ; - , : .; 

; :*■$ » : V. ^ 4 ?*: .&V 5 : 

; te jr 

' ** lr* • ?■ s ' ‘ 

' 4 I ** . .C.- 

*1 ‘ 

£ lXr~ 4 A 5 

■Dear Fred! 

*■'*,.;■ ■ ■> . * ' .. : • • r - '•' * 4 : 4 ■’ •*' . ’ * » /v‘i^ .• 

"Bncloaed find photo of Charles Carroll if you will writs ;V;;- % ‘ ; ^ >' 

to St. Paul and also Waahingtoa fe might get some dope .a* tT:y i'S^ ’4 ; 

>im, 4- , 

.»• - v 

•v •• 

•r' e -J - v-’.i-'. .#':4 4 c,; 

, v *-~ "Frank J. Noonan^'* 1 ' 



-- ’ ‘ ' . ■ ' •' - - ' 4'..". ' ' ' Par I. Cook ; ^V^«C • '44 V -:4' '4 ; ' : 

•.;• ./ _? •' - ;* A- ■ . ‘ ‘MC- ; ^ >. '->• - ^ /'tf- f; 

.•P.8* Am anxious to find out where he i a now* .Will .hays 
4 j another Job for you as soon as the dog trade ^peos*f 

/: • ■* ' • . . - >• . » .•• i*. .. .'..I :/ pf . •*- -'->'*+/> ii • 

, * . . * . - * ; . .. ■*-. •- .* ' -«. v* Sj: • ■»” . .. * ,* • •> ^ * 

' Spohn stated that upon 'the return of the a bo re quoted letter he thsh.^A 7 '*.')^ 

' wrote the Dirision ;a letter which is’ quoted on page 40 of report of ,'v ‘ .£$■■. 

' Special Agent D* X* Sail, Detroit, Michigan dated 9/5/84 .and yfeon rs* ■■ l 

ceiving the abstract of criminal record fran the Division he forwarded 
to Koonan* The above quoted letters are all the correspondence Spohn'4.: i ; 

^ could locate when interviewed by Agent Peters on this subjeot. J Th«os:;ff .&■ 7 
letters are being retained in the Detroit office file hereon» 

,• -* u>'- 

■* •'>*> . 'A 




- '.= +*' v* '"* >‘ ”- v "'f**’’' '' - *‘ v r»',.*' --..*\r\: '■ ~ v > • '-/I*:*.' 1- --^rC;*. * “ '• 

*;:T ^ tt.U noted on page S of report Of Special Igeht in'Cfca^^:*®^*; 
Villi am Larson, Detroit, Michigan dated September 28, 1934 that 
Trank J. Noonan is. one of the closest associates of Nathan Teisenbs^'! f 

who is reported to control the slot-machine racket in and around -..I*; 

. Cleveland, It is farther noted that in a letter from the Detroit Ottiri ?.*£. " 
’ to the Kansas Dity office dated 9/28/34 in the Kansas City Haaeuerw^ t'V*J** : 
case that Nathan Velsenberg operates the Harvard Club, a gambling resort 
located at 3111 Harrard Road, Newburg Heights, Cleveland, Ohio, •' Jaks'/*V'.^i; 
Mints was re-interviewed by the writer at which time he advised ho 
believed Noonan was employed by Veisenberg, Velsenberg residing at J 
3958 Raymont Road, Cleveland, Ohio, telephone Fairmont 6671, According 
to Mints, Velsenberg is politically powerful in Cleveland and has 
apparently a direct connection with Sheriff Sultenann* ' ; 

*•> -y'~ r t, ’■ : : 

f i The writer was present in Cleveland Continuously from' %* 

November 3. to November 12, 1934 and immediately prior to the state and ; 
county elections on November 6, 1934 a number of articles appeared in ' 

the loeal press st Cleveland to the effect that Sheriff Sultaaann would ’ . 
not -close the Harvard Club, a notorious gambling resort* This elubV-i^V •!*-■ 
was closed about a week prior to election but on November 7, 1934 
members of the Cleveland Press carried articles deriding Sheriff ' 

Sultzmann very strongly and atating that the Harvard Club had re-opened ' 
on that date, , *yi„- .*;£ ' ^ Kfli? ^ 

, K :.,: r A- - it le further noted in report of Special Agent Hall, Detroit, • - > 

Michigan dated 9/25/54, page 24, that at the eddreee 3973 V, 140th Street, ’ . 
Cleveland, Ohio, which address waa occupied by Alvin Karpis and Dolores - 
ypeleney, that there wee found a blank account form of Stanley R«/RaymanV ^ 
D*D*S«, 17104 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio, Dr, Dayman waa interviewed */.- 
by the writer at this address and after examining hie records he could j I K 
locate no record of ever having worked on any of the Subjects or other 
persona connected with this case. He stated the only photograph * 
familiar to him waa that of Karpis, whom he believed he had Been soma 5 Kf Kv ^ •; t 
time before, but could not recall where. He waa questioned as to 
whether he gambled or frequented gambling places end advised that he 'Kl'I^i; 
did not but did state that he performed work on several persona, who , 

-' either gambled or ere employed by the Harvard Club, whose names he de- - •• . ? 

; dined .to die close* He stated he wae at a lose to know how the iceourt^fj^ 
form came into the possession of Dolores Delaney and Alvin Karpis ' 

unless one of hie friends or patients might have given it to thcmf'r^-jj; ,v\ 



' % 

• ■* 

V.%*-- — , 

* . V 

- * - ’■ %-.•' ** '--v '^- - . 
. • _\ a-: ■ •\-; 1 . , *5 M *v' J. 

■ :* • 14 • . •, > v , 

• •• \ * f* a A 4 T-tx 

,. ^?A' ~' -cf/V* 

•T- 7 - ' *^kk^g rt-'s?. • •’•' 

. ;• >f r‘- -. :•'•* ;^-^: . V - : ;i '&} ' - 

<>£ V*' It Is further noted on page SB of the Report of Spec ial*'//. -7-^*? V «/■ 

Agent Ball dated 9/£5/54 that among the effects of Barry Campbell ■'"“ 

at 7009 Franklin Boulevard, there was found a collection report on %'?*&,$: 
the Casino Cluh dated September 1, with the merchant* s signature 
thereon ae Fed) which would Indicate that Harry Campbell might he : "*" r ", ' 
working or connected with acme slot-machine radket* It will also be - . 

recalled from report of Special Agent Hall dated 9/B/M that at jr^r T *v 
3973 W, 140th Street, twelve pay envelopes of the / Frank 7« Hoonan.' r*,-£ ; 
Detective Agency bearing the signature of H* cM*llgreth which appears r f ^ 
to be in the handwriting of Alvin Karpls, was found. ... ... v .: • 

• *• • .-*?*?>* • . ' ' 

w» n- vjr - - 

*kk- ’■ v 

/Jr ’7 

*V' V 

m &?:''■ 

; ; 

<• r.-t ...r - 

. ■‘ ■'4 

r ; 

- -S*. Vi' 

late evening of 

September B or ythe early morning of September 6, 1934 afte^ttadv^ ^ 
'sawyer. Pauloy garmon and Wynona Burdett had been arrested 
gHBat a phone call was made from Polios Headquarter^oy an -p.> 
^^Scw^person, but whodjHBtrongly suspicions as being an officer of ' 
the Department, to_$he Hsrard Club to get In touch with subjocts ln^ 
this case an^^haj^ the pe rson at ths Harvard Club, said person being - 7' ',. 
unknown receive^the call and told them of the fast', tV~’ 
that the^WMRS^DeeiKrrestedJ^Hf fur then advised that the eame^r.^; 
individual who had called frcm Po^^w Headquarters to. the Harvard V ' ", ® 
Club had called another officer of the Polloe Department who was not at ^ 
headquarters at that time and asked him what he could do. for the . . 
women but that on the following day before the officer had done any* -aTS-.^ 
thing, he called the officer and told him to lay off as he didno^mcw v 

4M?v* &#LC 

^h^connection^of the wa 
flHBf adTlee^flVbelleTesI 
^^^uianthe person was who 
Police Headquarters#/ 

omen a 
o made 

at the time of the first call# ■■■jj| 
will be able to me cure the iafoiSatToff 
e the call to the Harvard Club from. ^ 

i e 4>< v 

tr " it 

r -t: 2C"\r 

: r : ' & 

V advised that it ie of interest to' note 

tin connectf^^t^Hroaee that two of tha three addresses which ware % y r$?- 
•'occupied by the gang in Cleveland at the time of the erreata of the 
women were owned hy notorious members of the Cleveland Gambling fraternity, 
William J ^Mitchell and A* W« Heberbrend. It will be recalled that the 
' address of 4419 W« 171st Street, Cleveland, Ohio which was occupied by \_- 
?red- Barker, Paula Hannon and Gladys and Harry Sawyer was rented from 
the William J« Mitchell Realtors organization, 13029 Lorain Avenue, 7, 
Cleveland, Ohio* 

' ••• , ' : . i \^r .rs-* ; ^-/Vvfr* ^-, 

; ',-v •:- ,, ■'; •:*•.'-■ 'V, : * i"i» v>:*- •■ ;>- : . \ , a, ^J-^yVT^.t-% %£?£., & " 

. . •;. -v . /-v*r * , ■■^... >****s. "i-c 1 v‘\ >; :^-&Anrfz&j,fJ*e< ■■:►*?,■■, - 

X- /•■ \ .-•*i4-‘. .'-~'n 'y.'<.s*\j;'i-. ", ' ^;'.'^ >> r<''r *•*-■' ;’C.^:-V.< • • 

it is fcirthsr noted in report of'" Special Agent 
>, Detroitf Michigan dated 9/85/34 that tie premiss* at $973 W« jt«Wth 

Street f which wee Occupied by" Dolores Delaney 'and Alvin Karpis, wac^j^f-?/,' 
rented frcrn the A* W* Eeberhrend Organisation located at 9713 Denison 
, Avenus, Cleveland* Ohio*; :'"}}£ :'i 'I : 

■i'i’j'ti'* ■ ■•"-" •■• -*’• t " t" *■ 'V -.'••/.*= +-■ 1: "-; V*i= T&’-.&igs’S .% •*. ’ 
" "•■. • It is also noted in report of Special Agent Chapmon Fletcher* ■? / 

Cincinnati* Ohio dated lO/U/34 that certain men's shirts Manufactured - -V . ... 
by the Thomas Shirt Company of Columbus* Ohio, were found at 4419 V* 171*4 y 
Street and 3973 W* 140th Street* Cleveland* Ohio; that apparently 

* 0. S* Frambes, Sr* had met three members. of the. gang at the Harvard Club * 
on llay 19* 1934 where they w©re introduced by one Eeberbrand* the manager > 
of . the Harvard Club* using the names, of X* Bronson* George T. West and 

D. J. Harris* These men ordered certain shirts and they were shipped tO^'f” 

X* Bronson at 3111 Harvard Boad* Cleveland* Ohio on July 6* 1954* , 

3111 Harvard Avenue ie the address of the Harvard Club and is located in , 
Newburg Heights* Ohio although the Post Office address ie Cleveland* Ohio* ' 

, In accordance with Division instructions, under date of 

November 14, 1934 Frank J« Noonan was interviewed by’ IhspAotbr’S*'** ** . * 

Cowley in room 3S5 of the Federal Building* Cleveland* Ohio* Frank J. ; yjr » . . 

•.. Noonan advised that he had spent all his life in Cleveland* Ohio end that • ‘ ' 

; he had never been arrested* ' Since 1927 he has operated a private detective ' 

J- ■ agency known as the Noonan Detective Agency at 1900 Xuclld Avenue* Prior 
to this time he operated a detective agency under a partnership arrange* ■ 
i »ent with a man named Woodward, as Woodward & Noonan at the same address* 

He stated at the present time he employs five persons who are ae follows t ; ; 
Beed Hess, Ed Cook, Cliff and Bose Seaton and an undercover man whose ^ X / 
f name he refused to divulge * } Rose Seaton acts as a stenographer* . 5* 

" stated that during the summer months he furnishes watchmen and police ; J \> ; 
to various race trades and enterprises of a similar nature in the vicinity 
pt Cleveland and also engages in a private detective practice, but hen dies 
4>|no domestic relations p^eea. 

' Concerning the pay envelopes of the Noonan Detective Agency f ound , y 

* at the residence of Alvin Karpis at 3973 W* 140th Street* Cleveland* .'.v ! “ -C- !C r 

Ohio* he stated on viewing them that they were the property of hi* , 

agency but he was unable to account for how they came into the possession 

of Alvin Karpis* He stated that his agency was hired to protect the 
Bainbridge and Thistledown race tracks located near Cleveland during the 
past summer and pay envelopes of his agency are kept at temporary offices 

• <• -• 

f * ' ^vy-*- sr*k* rn--. 

iJ*— , 


:<*|V .. r 

p f • 


•?'* . i--. ., 

\. v 't**' . ^ 'ey ■ -v.^ ; v s> r^w. '•• HL s v?.;;. - ••' A i*r ; ; 

■ "■ f ■ ** ? '.* - ^ ** . * * • ^ , * ,' .' k. ■., Jt-i- ' . • J ■* * • j. ..r ■ •■ ■»a>« -.'i.rf - 

• , ,• ■• iu‘Ay-t ;»£ ^.?c-v * 

at the track and that so record le kept >7 him of the stock on band 
and he .expressed the opinion that it was possible that they might ,' ; ..j; 
have disappeared at this time or slight hare been taken by ecmeoa# 
without authority* Bfe stated that he "employe sometimes as high aa v .'. 
one hundred men at a' single track during the surnner months '•4r;. 

p' ' ■ Photographs of the gang vere exhibited to him and he stated 
he had newer seen any of them with the possible exception of trad- 4 '.-’ 
Barker, whose face appeared familiar and wbonhe might have seen at 3 
One of the traoks but whom he was unable to place. . .. , j 


i* i "*■' • -i ^ 

'IS 1 



?A'« ... .• ■: ✓ 

Concerning the criminal record of Charles Carroll alias 
(Charles Winterhalter, Division Jacket #30222 , found in the residence^ 
Occupied by yred Barker, Paula Harmon and Gladys and/Harry Sawyer ~ 
at 4410 f, 171st Street, Cleveland, Ohio which Preyspohn, fingerprint • 
expert of the Sheriff's Office at Chardon, Ohio had reguested for V 
Hoonan, he advised that Pred Spohn was formerly Deputy Sheriff at .. W --4 
Chardon, Ohio iand is now employed in that capacity there, or as a -f-‘ 

fingerprint expert and takes care of all the fingerprint work end . T 
identification work for the Sheriff's Office at that plaee, Hoonan ' •* 

further advised that he employs gpohn for tenporary periods and that , 
Spohn has obtained many criminal records for him but he stated he dld- 
not know he had obtained any frem the Division, moat of them being ^ 
Obtained from the Ohio State Bureau of Criminal Identification. He j 
advised that he could not recall ever having requested Spohn . * ; 

obtain this particular record but did stete that he recalled seeing' v?.*- 
it, but did not recall that it was a Division record and stated that 
to the beet of his recollection it was returned to Spohn. • . ... Cj? . - , 

> ’ Upon viewing a photograph of Charles Carroll he stated he • w^vr >, 

could not identify this photograph but believed he had had a line .m-^. 
this individual in connection with counterfeiting activities at ona^ ;.": I; 
of the tracks but could not reoall further details. He reiterated ^ 
hia statement that he was not acquainted with numbers of the gang but 
: 8t a ted/ only information he bad on the gang was when the three women were • ^ 
arrested at Cleveland and he observed in the local press an article ■ 

y^rhich stated that one of the women used the name of/fcatefson oar*’.' , . yfc^y_ ■; . 
jxt asterson and was supposed to be married to a man employed in e loeal >.' • 

gambling establishment* ^ . ,V... 2 * v ' f 

.* : 1 v.tfku r-i.~ sg . * . 

- 1 ? - 

• ? „V* A* -t f • ' ** > • r ' * w - - •• * f - ^ •■*- < ■ — A: •; •• ' *• *- 5 ^ #.> v**;o * !'.*£*■* ***y*-~ •* 

>' ’v ^ Noonan was confronted with the information 
ployed In the elot-ma chine racket by Nathan Weleenberg and 'denied ■ 
this, but he did admit that he was well acquainted with Weiaesb0rg«r '^••7 l' ; \ 
Upon further questioning he Indicated that he might hare had state ..^r, 
connection with the slot-machine racket but would make no definite J*'-' 
admissions* He later advised be had' furnished detectives, guards 
and watchmen for various gambling establishments in Cleveland and the 
ficinity, He advised that until about nine months ago he had bean ' 

employed to furnish guards and detectives at the Harvard Club for thw 
protection of guests and to prevent a robbery -of the club. He was' ' f 'f 
questioned specifically ae to the Interested persons or owners in the 
Harvard Club and advlaed that while he did not know positively, he ">1' 

would say that the following are actively interested in this club;,..; . . . 

William or Billy Furgie, A* W« Heberbrand, William 9* Kit shell Wds-^' 
person named Levine who came to Cleveland within the past eeveral months , 7 - 
frcm Detroit, Michigan, He stated that Furgls as a rule acts as general . 
manager of the club during gambling hours and is assisted by Heberbrand 
and Mitchell, He also stated he le of the opinion that Nathan M j , * 

Weisenberg is possibly interested in the Harvard Club but takes no 
active part in the management thereof* He stated that during the 
summer of 1934 Furgls end Mitchell vent to Boumanla where they attested 
to establish slot machines. throughout the country but were forced out. , . 

by the Roumanian Government end during the time of their absence^ ■ 
Heberbrand was apparently in control of the club ae to management* . 

- *> •'-' '• •i'*'- i '*• • ; - r * ' 

, . ■ Regarding Furgls, Noonan stated he has been a notorious 

gambling operator around Cleveland for a long time* Concerning v ' 

Heberbrand and Mitchell, he advised these two worked closely together > 

In the real estate business; that prior to the depression, Heberbrand •• 
controlled a number of unimproved lots in Cleveland and Mitchell was 
a contractor and in their activities Heberbrand would sell a lot and^>^ : v . 
Mitchell would invariably build the building thereon* ' 

.• . •" •• *' ■-''■'if '■•** 

> “ . Noonan further stated that he often frequents the Harvard 

Club to gamble and that the Harvard Club is the largest gambling resort;*.,. ' 
in. the metropolitan Cleveland area and that the afternoon sessions. ers^ v* v 
devoted principally to bets oh horse races and the svening sessions to 
numerous gambling games# He advised that at an ordinary evening session* ... 
there are about five hundred patrons or more and that the club reMina/ 5 ' 
open as late ae anyone wants to play. He stated that there are gj* . 

number of guards there who are presently employed directly by the club * 
in the event of e hold-up and for the purpose of protecting patrons, , * 





v . > * • * : 

v'. v* 

> <>< 

r- -<TZ 



sr. ; Y? 

in -• i 

r r '■'** »■ * 

~.V - 3 T. “'T ** 

'V .v -/ p. 

• 18 • 

>> r‘V C*^ Kjtyi&i* ♦*>;**► *• 

“*.• ~ ? vt -t ?- 1 - ;rt. e:'<r nr?^ ’^'/W •; 

V :V ■ w *“ ♦* . ... . > . • ^ • u» /** ' r“<V *'?.•' 'Vl^ * •* «< '"' '■*- *• ; i \>W* ** 'T 4 ' V *^* ^ V ‘ ~ 

* > # *■ .**. /., r *^ 5* ' ' / ’” <k * r . V ' • * * i ’■ v v -%*/-“ ^ '• * ^ ' ;*? „> -* - M- ^ ^ f A V >: '* %/ ' * f* V "<• .^W )V ‘ ^ .* l >' \if* T 

C%;\» « * ; '•dviaiM that lha toluh fnrnlaiiAft tori Tat# imtORinhilaa %a tMnatw »4 




: '-7 


advising that the club furnishes .private’ hvtcmobiles to transport 
patrons to and from the 'club tad also furnishes 'a guard 'to accompany^ 

Thomas Club of Cleveland la slab • notorious gambling club, as is the; 

Revlere Club, which* has lust recently opened* He advised that fee would 
judge that there are approximately four hundred gambling establishments • 
or clubs in Cleveland proper^ • .&!!*'' ■ ‘\ ' ■ -• i/WT'.V: *■ n : f- >/ v 


When questioned as to the most likely gambling establishments : 
the gang would frequent, he stated he believed it would be the Harvard, t 
Club* He was informed that Information received indicated that thiy,^ 
had frequented this club* "f ; ■ S*', . . . . ...-.• 

,,V.. It should be noted that at the beginning of this interview 
Noonan was fingerprinted, he consenting to the same voluntarily, hut 
requesting that after a search was made, they be returned to him or 
that they be returned if he convinced the interviewers that he was 
honest throughout the interview* ” r V7 ~™~ — ~ 


• «*. . -A wp V 

1. '■ . ‘ * ’ " „ ^ ‘A . 11 . 

‘ - '9 

Throughout the course of the interview he seemed greatly 
perturbed and stated that if the information in possession of the 
Division as io the aforementioned oriminal record and pay envelopes * 
being in possession of the gang became public, it would greatly hinder ••; 
his business end cause him considerable embarrassment* He advised at, f v 
this time that he would endeavor to recall and determine further facts 
concerning the securing of the oriminal record of Charles Carroll* He 
also advised that he had Intimate contacts with people employed .at the ‘ 

Harvard Club* - V * ■■ ■ ' 

*? 4 * 

Ji ■ ”l V i i T 

-■sfV, ’• 

; ' It should be noted here that the' foregoing communications 

^ between Frank J« Noonan and Frad Spohn were not shown to Noonan but 
a comparison of the signatures of Noonan appearing on the aforementioned ?=v 
• correspondence indicated that the signature on one of them was probably ;rjr 
: t ha t of E, Cook. This was not revealed to Noonan as it was desired to; 
ascertain to what extent he can be trusted and to what extent he wilj , , ,j, ^ 

cooperate* Noonan stated he believed he could place the Division 1® ,^';’,.^ , 
contact with a reliable informant at the Harvard Club but in this con*, ;; 
section he stated that none of those interested in the same would . 
cooperate and that it would be necessary to secure the cooperation of 
one of the employees; that he desired to determine which could be 
most trusted* He advised that in this connection it would take at 
least two days to determine this and arrangements were made between 
Inspector Cowley and Noonan for Agent Peters to contact him on 
November 17, 1934* Agents Hall and Peters were present at this interview. 

The following description was obtained of freak . ; ''Vf 

Koonan from personal observation* v ’ 

• ; v, ; ‘rsf.'. yT ’ •' *; ■ **i. 

Age - 64 . ■' ' v • ; : ' f',': - 

Height • 5* 7 m ‘ V ; ' ' •'* 

Height - 807 lbs* ' ; , ; - . V * V 

Hair - Gray * 

Ryes - Brown 

Complexion «• Fair; ruddy " , J- ■ v 1 : . 

Race - White 

Nationality * American . - . r ' , 

Marital Status •* Married - V*.-^ 

Occupation «• Private Detective : ' . • * 

Residence •• 2452 Queenston Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 
F.P.C. 8 32 W Om 11 

. Tz w im ... .i_ 

■» • • w. ;V* . 

On November 17, 1934 pursuant to previous arrangements, 
a conference was had between Frank Noonan and Agent Peters at Noonan’s ~ , 
office in Cleveland and from his conversation it appeared that Noonan 
had/uMerstood the arrangements which were made at the time of the < 
previous interview. He was under the impression that he was to select * . •* 

someone he thought could be trusted and someone who might be placed >_ ~ / 

in the employ of the Harvard Club and would also be in a position to _ V 
observe the individuals frequenting the Harvard Club. He had in mind 
someone who could serve as a chauffeur to drive to and from the Harvard 
Club with guests and to park the car in such a way that it would be _ j 
possible for him to observe everyone who left and entered the elub* - 

Agent Peters informed Noonan specifically that this was not the desire 
of the Division but thet it desired to be placed in touch with someone 
connected with the club who had been there during the past summer* . 

Mr. Noonan stated that inasmuch as he had not previously considered the 
matter from this angle, he wo\ild again visit the club the night of - 
November 17, 1934 and would try to select one or two persons in the i . 

' employ of the club who might be trusted to work with us and arrangements 
were nade for Agent Peters to contact Noonan on November 19 • - . • ■; 

At the time of this interview Mr. Noonan advised that he Is 
of the opinion that if the gang was in town with as much money as they 
were reported to have f it is entirely possible that they may have 
a "piece" of the Harvard Club, particularly as it has not been easy for 
the operators of these clubs to get a bank roll with whfch to operate# 

He believes be may be able to learn their possible connection. 

• BO m 

£*' ' •*'* f. 2?*^ ':,*> * #• £•. ; ‘*rjP.,V 

, .>'. - V- • • ■-* ■-.*'• »>;• ••.*’■_ 

V - 

Noonan advised further that at the present time the *C‘> ’ 
Cuyahoga County grand Jury is having an extensive investigation ;."*f , r :.l '•/' 

into the operations of these joints and it nay he necessary for 
Harvard Club, the Thcnas Club and other similar gambling clubs to 
move out of Cuyahoga County. According to Noonan the operators 
the Harvard Club believe themselves so fizmly entrenched that they C-.:' 

will not have to move, but it is Noonan's personal opinion that a '<$ 
move la unavoidable* *'**• *>/ *■'&** •<?>••• < ->v ^ • >' C.* Vi 

ii *YJ 

Noonan stated that he has caused a thorough check of his 
office to be made and he is still unable to ascertain how the pay \ V‘ . 
envelopes got out of the possession of his agency. No mention was ; ' 
made to him of the signature of Cook appearing on some of the afore* 
quoted letters and they were not displayed to him at. this time* “j - ^ 

Noonan further advised at this time he was unable to re* ‘ 
call any further details as to the Charles Carroll abstract of Criminal 
record. ’•-» 

The outcome of the above Interview was camaunicated by long ; 
distance telephone with Inspector S*.P* Cowley of Chicago by Special 
Agent Peters of Detroit in accordance with prior Instructions and he V 
instructed Agent Peters to work out some plan with Noonan* ^ , 

( . . Under date of November 19 In accordance with prior arrange*" . 

ments. Agent Peters interviewed Prank 7* Noonan at his office in' -v 3 - 
Cleveland* Mr. Noonan stated that since his previous interview he >, •? 
has been attempting to refresh his recollection as to the Carroll 
fingerprint record and is now of the opinion Carroll was involved in ' V 
some way with a counterfeit ring which was laying down a lot of .. V 
counterfeit money at the Bainbrldge track during the Spring meeting}? 4j: 
that he bad received a tip that this money was going to be laid down;? 
and when it started to appear he gave his information to the United V 
States Secret Service and assisted that organization in apprehending a *? 
number of operators* "He was uncertain as to whether he received in- />i 
. formation that Carroll was a member of the ring or whether he picked 
him up for questioning but he now does recall requesting Spohn to make .-. 

a check-up on his record* ' /W 

.......... ■ ... . ■: ..... . .. • ,.-. J 

The letters bearing the signature of Prank 7. Noonan were'/ 
displayed to him at this time* He advised they were in the handwriting 
of B1 Cook, his first assistant, but that Cook had permission to sign - 
the name of Prank J* Noonan and he, Noonan, would accept responsibility 
for these letters as he had probably instructed Cook to write them* 


«* El • 


■* . ^ ■ 
•3?: ,.-jL 

jr vv ,^p # >> ■.* 

* -r * ; t\:’ * C ■' 

-• .,* -* * I . 

Vr r . ••-£*> . !-■-*> 

■•*.*. :-*•-• • v ‘ 
B *U* * . -» - 

' ** • ~J*~ - V> '■ * • ~ . x ' 

jr£ ;■*.' 

.vl . ■ 

. **cv^ - 

vV.'ii-rtr'' - t 


•*. W.-vr^v- c- 


£ 351 


; ■ 'V; "* 

V*£- > ;•* 


}"*K; ■ &*: 

'.' * /• * 

*v - ' -v -• ' uoonan further advised at this time as previously, »•*-, 
:%$%Zs no knowledge irhitsoevsr *s to how the copy . w,f tbe'crimin^l ; 

"reached the address of 4419 ¥. 191st Street* where it *w4s found.;^;^ . / 

stated that since the previous conference with Agent, Patera .?*$■■*. Ijk 

S'. Kov ember 17, 1934* he had been making di sorest inqui^r *t the 

Club end at various other resorts of a similar nature and the eoployeei^ 

' of the Harvard Club have definitely informed him that two of the gang r v £':: , 
ware at the Harvard Club and that they were known to individuals around* 

’ the club aa -Shorty" and "Slim". He further stated that ? e « t 5° U f?i,r , 

possible that "Shorty" might refer to Fred Barker and *Slim- tollvin - v^>. 

* Karpis, Noonan further advised that he has information to the effect . ; 

:• that these individuals were placing heavy bate wWchweraaoJ.a^a that 
-• they were out of line with the usual batting at the Harvard Club and^ - , 

therefore attracted the attention of the game operator. 1. ,,, 

< able to ascertain whether these tw<? members were nsua^ly \ V> 

: by any women, at the time of their visits thaS^wofe ■ = 

r stated that he had, ascertained inf oimation to the effeetj^ ttosvtkO^ ^ ^, . 

members of the gang frequented the Thiatiedown race track, where there , 

was a meeting from August 4 to September 5, 1954 and ^ a ®? d hit. ' 

g e .gvi.ed th a t although -batting -thare is legalised and the a . 

^e^lacldl^gb^ual rn^Snes, the trade P^ts a fOw rsspectabl. 
handbook makers to operate for the purpose of taking bets too large to . 

run through the machines. tfoonan is (tf tb ® link" *4#* <«*-: 

' their betting with one Levying wfio operated a handbo<Sk at the -track _ . 

and also operated a relatively small gambling spot. Juat across ta^ *?■.£■■■' v,' . 

; SS r i 

•Shorty 1 * and ,f Slttt" • - A**' *' H i r r v * . A ^ v * . ; 

Koonan ttat Kins <.p.r.t.J «hro»^ 

of Singer ul «.» Ox, h *5t°°%Sf S. of So HorrSd Clot, - •= i 

a club known as the Reviere Club af e no.d in Shaker Heights • ■-•■ 

thfs club being located on Bayard Avenue ; 

'£ or Maple Heights* * ere 1 ^ ffic”Sl of *20^000 ' 

inasmuch as there is report ed^^ ouite possible in Noonan’s^ 

: ; SC S2 SJWS’St. V 

sseTicr^'S: m T^WA : 

possibility# ' t v_ •• y - .b * ’ ^ ‘ 

- 88 * 

With referenced to the possibility of the Division working,:?.,^ 
with an employee of the)fearyard Club # Noonan atated he believed auch -V 
would be impossible# He stated that it la his opinion that as soon u. ‘ y- ; , 
anything connected with the Government would be mentioned, the source v d 
of information would be ahut off and the Division would be unable te f •. 
secure further information* He believed that with his contacts, he oah ’ 
secure the information desired not only aa to why the gang was ia. : .v 
Cleveland but he believes he can later learn where they have gone aa he / 
feels they are not around Cleveland at the present time* - 

Agent Peters at this time requested an interview with Cook ~ y-. 
to determine his knowledge of Carroll 1 s criminal record but he was not 
available at that time and arrangements were made with Noonan to have o, .*■ ; . 
him in his office for an interview on November 21, 1934* Noonan atated > ' - 
that he had not mentioned any of the conversations to Cook. . He also 
stated that as Cook is now attached to the Mayfair Bestaurent, which la 
a rather notorious rendezvous for gambling and the criminal element, it 
is possible that the gang might be slipping in and out of there* ^ 

As it appeared to Agent Petera during the course of this 
interview with Noonan that he is making an effort to Cooperate, his 
fingerprints were returned to him. ~ y . ; * •* *'**■; • *>•> ^ *" 

Noonan advised at this time that if the Division desired to 
bring an Agent in under cover, he would put him in touch with proper. s 
contacts ao he could go anywhere and visit any of the gambling rendezvous 4 
in Cleveland# * , * ^ v v 

Under date of November 21, 1934 Agent Peters again interviewed 
Frank J# Noonan. At the beginning of this interview hia employes, 

Bd/Cook, was present and they were interviewed together# Correspondence " 
with Spohn was displayed to Cook, at which time he admitted the slg* 
natures of Frank J# Noonan and F# J# Noonan were in hia handwriting but 
that 80 far as he could now recall, he does not have any knowledge of the 
incidents concerning them# He atated that tiiatever he had done in this t 
connection was done at the direction of Noonan and with his authority# 

He does not recall ever. having received or seeing photograph of Charles / 
Carroll nor does he recall having seen a criminal record of Charles . 

Carroll nor does he know what became of it# f f r ; 

As previously set forth, Cook is now employed as a private v 
detective on duty at the Mayfair Club, acting as assistant to Harry 
Propper, proprietor of the Mayfair Club, which is a notorious rendezvous 

- S3 • 

for the gambling clement and underworld character* In Clwvelaud*' It 
i* located on Suclld Avenue and Playhouse Square. s .. ^ 1 > 

V** - ' , Noonan was interviewed further alone and stated with V -'Tj -V-^ 

reference to pay envelopes found at 3973 W. 140th Street, Cleveland j'-; '%j 
Ohio that In June and July, 1934 he was working In Cleveland on a ease 
which Involved most of the breweries In the city* It was a matter which 
had to be handled with much discretion and Noonan decided It would be 
Inadvisable to handle the matter from his own office* Therefore* he went 
to the Manager of the Carter Hotel and arranged with the Manager there to 
rent a suite of roams for the purpose of establishing an office in the ; ^ 
hotel and had a private telephone installed and brought in a new type-' 
writer and a sufficient supply of stationery f scratch pads and pay C.. 
envelopes with which to operate an office and avoid the necessity of - ' 

going back end forth to his own office* Cook at that time was enployed , 
from his agency as house detective at the Carter Hotel. As Noonan had V* 
twin beds in one room, it was arranged that Noonan and Cook would stay 
in the suite of rooms which Noonan rented. Due to a number of favors 
which Noonan has done for the Carter Hotel, it was possible for him to 
rent the suite ridiculously low and as long as the rooms remained in 
Noonan's name, the low rate continued. 

The brewery cases wound themselves up the early part of • 

July | 1934 and Noonan was going to vacate these rooms# However, Irt: ■; 
Heber brand, who has been formerly mentioned in connection with the- v ^V V. 
Harvard Club, knew that Noonan had these rooms and knew that Noonan was ^ 
getting them very reasonably# Heberbrand told Noonan that as long ns 
Noonan was getting the rooms so low, he, Heberbrand, would like to take 
over the suite if Noonan was through with it ami use it for entertainment 
purposes# Noonan stated he infomed Heberbrand that this arrangement. ^ 
would be satisfactory as long as Heberbrand paid the bills# At this ^ 
time Cook moved into a room across the hall and Heberbrand took over 
Noonan # s suite# At the time Noonan moved out, he did not think to ; > 

move out the stationery and envelopes, etc# Heberbrand continued to 
occupy the rooms in which he threw a lot of parties, until Noonan decided 
■ the arrangement was not satisfactory and prevailed upon Heberbrand to v 
have the account transferred to Heberbrand 1 s name# Noonan stated^hs 
" has learned Heberbrand occupied these rooms until only recently* 



- 84 - 

In Tlew of the connection between Heberbrend and the gang, r 
aa set forth previously in this report, it is possible that the ,, 
pay envelopes were obtained from this room by Heberbrand or one of 
the members of the gang visiting him* i- . j-.-v'v •. 

Fingerprints of M Cook were voluntarily supplied to Agent ' 
Peters by Cook and tbey are being tranaaitted herewith to the Diviaiou ' 
for a search to be made to determine whether Cook has any criminal 
record, but he requests that they be returned to hlwu § * 

Noonan advised at this time he was continuing his endeavor 
to ascertain a reliable informant to determine what the gang's com- \. 
nections are in Cleveland and whether they are frequenting Cleveland , 
at the present time and will also endeavor to ascertain their location, 
At this time Noonan also advised that he had finally located in his - 
files a carbon copy of a letter fran the Noonan agency to fired 8 pohn .„> 
which he exhibited to Agent Peters and which reads as follows j - '*$■ 



•August 3, 1934 

"Mr. Fred Spohn 

c/o The Sheriff's Offloe - 

Kiardon, Ohio - ! . ; 

"Dear Fred:- »>• - 

fT . ' ' . v . , ~ \ /• ‘ ' . - . • 

"Here is your check for the last five days 
at Bainbridge# When Frank comes out you . 
can give him your badge* . - 4 ^ 



3* "• -.r* 

•Will you please see if you can find out the’ 
present whereabouts of Charles Carroll that * v » 
Frank had you look up. The Central Bureau : ’ V 

may have a later record of him. .* ... . 

' ... 

"Tours very truly,'' 

yr- *■' . :. ji , •! V.- 

’ (Not signed) 

« •• 

The carbon copy was not signed, but Noonan advised the letter had 
been dictated by Hess, a former employee of his, but that said letter 
was written as he recalls, at his direction by Hess and advised that 
Hess has no knowledge concerning the Carroll matter. 

Noonan advised that the Police Department is divided between 
the administration and the anti-administration forces, i.e., between 
the forces supporting Mayor Harry Davis and the forces opposed to him 



«► 65 • 

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: :■■ ry. 

t. " * ,.* ’ ■ 

He further intimated that the city ae veil as the county In filled y 
with graft and corruption and the city end county allow gambling *£-;■ 
and prostitution and the like to go on unmolested and the supporters 
of the administration will not make any moves until the higher forces 
in administration politics have been consulted* The following is 
Noonan's own expression concerning this* ; . . -v V 

"You have undoubtedly heard that Toledo Invites this 
element. Hell, if you have the right connections 
in this town, Toledo doesn't run one, two, three *; 
with Cleveland. • 


He further stated that if anyone goes to the Police Department or the 
city hall making inquiry about something in which he is interested, 

•an: he knew a about it within ten minutes after the individual has left' 
the building. In this connection Noonan stated that if any inquiry 
were made at the Police Department it should be ascertained first 
with what faction the officers of whan inquiry is made, are alined 
to determine whether their cooperation is assured or whether they 
will not cooperate. 

from report of Agent Hall 9/25/34, that 
It was noted/at the premises 3973 V. 140th Street, Cleveland, 

Ohio, there was found a paper containing the following names : ^ 

Phillip Imersbach, 7124 Clark Avenue ’ ^ 

Cleveland, Ohio •*• >■' ■ ' 

Edward Summers *. 

Charles Ward * . i-\ '..V ; *• 

Jessie Donavon. • . ' .'• . 

In regard to this, current city and telephone directories failed to 
list any of the aforementioned, other than Charles Ward and there 
.are a number of individuals listed by the name of Charles Ward and > 
it was impossible to tell whether this name might have any signifi- . 
cance from the directory. 

Concerning Phillip Amersbach, 7124 Clark Avenue, this address 
is at present occupied by Anthony J. Amersbach, who was discreetly 
interviewed. He is an old man 70 years of age. Anthony Amersbach ' 
advised that Phillip Amersbach is his son who has been gone for the 
past ten years and he has not heard from him for a long time but 
advised he at one time was in the Michigan State Prison at Jackson, Mich 
He could not throw any light on the other nemes. 

- - r ■- 

- - -..A, ' ‘ ' 

* 4 

^:<"* \y :< 

r« < • ■ ; • 

'„'•''* -S - •••*;• -?> r y‘- v.-i ;.»•) . «. ••- \ ^v-- 

- '••>' f^* *. yv*- s? * **• > -*■ ■- jj a***^*-%>» W, -.. • ' »\; ■ • ^ *1*. . . *. • -v -v * . 

-' r - •.v'&i* r * ^ 

It "la also notwd on page 83 of the aforementioned report. j*\3f '■?<.”% i 
.that there was found at the address 3973. W* 140th §treet a papa^^yjl vrf&s*?:?;* 
/ containing the address of .5205 II Broadway «V Jt waa ascertained £-/ *&£'£g$y$t’ 
/by the writer that there,, is a Broadway Street. inCI eve}.and hit, '' ' . 
there i a no sueV address as 3805 M jjraadwiy*: ; 

'■Jt'-ii— r- 

" c j- Concerning the receipt also listed on the Warns page lof 

‘•.- the shore report dated August 7, 1934 la the amount of f!8 100 . . ' 

to Mr, Milgreth signed 7* B* Considlne per G»0»B* , Mr* Conaidine*;' -»j; ’• 
was lnterriswed at 133S5 Detroit Arenue where he operates as a 1 Z& 7 £■$%,$' .J'.j . 
veterinary and also has a pet shop and boarding kennels* Mpon -^f-S^^J^^v 
viewing the receipt he stated that this receipt had been given to ■ "-*V*'*- r 
V>; a person whom he knew as Mr* Milgreth and who, two weeks prior to ’ 

^ August 7, 1934, had brought in two mongrel' dogs which Were more 4;;^*' 

.« fox terrier than anything else and had them boarded for, two ^reeks’, 'y? v -• $i^y' 
giving the address of 3973 W. 140th Street. >! Mr. Considlne -y. v 
immediately identified the photograph of Alvin Karpis as being • 
that of Mr. Milgreth* <8inoe that time he had had no contact with^^ -^O^ 
Karp is as Karpis took the dogs away at that time* Be was unable T v 

to describe the dogs. He further stated that Karpis was unknown • 
to him up until the time he brought the dogs in to be boarded . v 

and could supply no further Information Of Walua» y > ; '>%v^?r^^^?*:^'' , ?b'-^' • 

' . • , ' '' 1 -r. ^ 

■a-.-- In accordance with Division letter of October 13, 1834, : • 

V‘ fingerprints of Fred Barker with aliases. Division #59163) Harry " 

f Campbell with aliases. Division #419856) Volney Davis with aliases* ; / w ' 

Division' #400441) Jess Doyle, Division Ho* 99408; Myrtle Baton witri '^.'/v 
aliases, Division Ho, 337474; Charles J« Fitzgerald with aliases, : 

Division #95780; Dina Murray with aliases* Division #9397; Clyde : 

Nimerick with aliases, Division #77961; Harry Sawyer with alissws 
Division #481335 and William Weaver with aliases, Division #17980 . : > 

were personally supplied to Superintendent Koestle of the Identifi^JT* 
cation Unit of the Cleveland, Ohio Police Department with tbt ^ 
notation placed thereon of the address and telephone of the Detroit 
-f*' office together with.the rile ; number in this caee with the wapeat,'^/^^^ 
that if any informat Ion aa to the same ie obtained* It .immedia«Jji:j£?^f5,^: / 
be transmitted to the^trpit office of the Division. Jdenticsa/ : A ' 

instructions' were also given concerning Identification Orders on 
Russell Gibson with alias, 1*0* #1213; Alvin Karpis with aliases* . * -v 
~ 1*0* #1218, Arthur R* Barker with aliases* I*0» #1219 said te>* Joseph p* . 

Koran with aliases* 1*0* #1232* ■ . 

* : ; * 


y /-* -? 
t- - 


• 87 - 

'--\S'i--?-rf-*-; >:•'•- xV.- A weprdh by Superintendent Eoeetle o* UaTr^orda ¥iiiU^%£0&>‘ - ' 
- ' X. to fll»cloae any additional reoord that already c ontainad in ;Xtv> %* l ' 

a . :ix- » a. 

V:..\ - . , Special Agent B* B* Graham at Detroit contacted In^oto* jfcv'--: 

'* ' Carmody in charge of the Identification Unit*- Detroit 't^e§X : y^X^ty'^X- 
X z .: Department and left the aame fingerprints and’eanwi xaqueata alw ^ 

W.»A.‘ v- v •*.«., to .tbo Identification Orders Hated. above* t A »®arch of the 
.*$&,■ ' * '•■ la poeaeeaion of the Detroit Police Department rafleetW 

J - -••'*• ditional criminal record at that place than contained in Division 

'XXX ^0/ 

&b-X':z__- :iX~X'‘‘ : ' Special Agent Abraham Dictate in performed the aame invest!- - v>r 
K %-5\ V' gat ion through Lieutenant Hugo Ericeon o'f the Orimliiai Identification >' - 

f ??' v Bureau of the Michigan State Police, East Lansing, Michigan and a V.' ,'N. * / x ' •• 
kV*f? .' *■ 'Imamorandm was submitted by him, copy of which, ha a bean submitted^*© i’. f \£^ 

m* jZ.; 

Z£t*r , ‘ memorandm waa submitted by him, copy of which , baa been submitted^ tc 

^ the DiTiaion# '/• . V , - • v -. : ° : ■ > i’-'.-y 

Special Agent D« X* Hall conducted identical InTeatigation «: 
at the Identification Unit of the Toledo t Ohio Police Department * >v 
through Inspector John Louy and was advised that there was no ad» 4 

***"•- <*-« T «— . 

- _. ditional criminal record contained in the files of the Toledo, Ohio --'V 
police department on any of the above listed 'individuals* ^“.T 

p .saSa^sv •• v 

WZ . ' • •. 

ir.. «» -■_ . *V 

* - The Detroit off ice will continue investigation at Cleveland 

and Toledo, Ohio based upon information contained In this report and'^ 1 '.-X 
•■■ , in previous reports as to the connections of, the gang in those 'citlea* '%* 

• ■ V;; . rV^“-. 

% .* Hv t>i v: rft . ’• i < - s . 1 • iir*r' 

vi- • ; * • ; .V 

4 • yV-vir-fV-v 

• r ,‘ * : 1 i '•* * v .v >»*>■ -Jt V.v/s** > ’b/-- ■/£& - 4.^-fU ;«■ ■* • 

‘ 4. *.* * " ’ * im ■ •** • ' ^ ^ ^ . % . v ’• # vt 0 * ' * t ^ .-Ta" 4*v ? 4 „ 

■pifristmt of (Snftesttgaium 

JS. §b. ^Beparftnttrf of 3u*Ur* 

Post Office Box #2118 
Detroit, Michigan 
December 5 1934 


Division of Investigation 
U» S. Department of Justice 
Pennsylvania Avenue at 9th Street, N. W. 

Washington, D. C. 


Re: ALVIN EARPIS with aliases, 1.0. #1218; \ 

ARTHUR R. t %AHEER with aliases, 1.0. #1219; ' 
DR. JOSEPH P.DM0RAN with aliases, ^.0. #1232 

Dear Sir: 

Please be advised that there are being forwarded 
herewith copies of report of Special Agent D. E. Hall dated at 
Detroit, Michigan December 3, 1934, of which all field offices 
will receive a copy. However, at this mailing, only one typing 
run has been completed and it is being furnished as set forth 

?ing \ . 

th y 

Division 3 
St. Paul 3 

Chicago 2 
Detroit 2 

As soon as additional runs have been completed, 
all Other offices of the Division will receive copies. 

9 ,rs-> 



t > « 


r V;>i 

i^r^r -Sf *- r jl /J&V."* _- 

* » *•_.- -V 

^ . / • •'. w *■ .* . 


» "• - *7 ’• 

~f i 



*> * 

'•^ 4 

) > 

’/ V \ - < f *** 

‘4 ;V : 4). > 

/iU«* f 4 



S' - 



-'• ,\v • 


'V >*> -*. --« 

i*' •■ 

On tli* sight of 11-E1-54 while at Topeka, Kansas, Batectives 
lbompsom and Plant brought to my roca ait the hotel one Ed foodie, TIC 
Brenner Street, Topeka, Kansas (or Looks, Arkansas) , when the/ stated 
had lnfonaatioa concerning the Karpls and Barker gang* »_ / , , 

, - ■- v ^ ' > ■*> 

y ’ foodie advised that he has lotown Xarpia f mumbdr of jfears/'Y 
including the tine Xarpia resided in Topekn.'whieh la foodie’s Jbcoef j 
that fOedle has served a sentence in the lilssourl Penitentiary and 1 y VT- 
Tor this reason is able to single with underworld eharaetera ant 'V %%< 
obtain infoxnation from that that he has never "done time" with anr\^u 
of this nob, foodie further stated that he had just eons to Topeka 
Tran Tian, Oklahoma, where he has been associating with Hama Dietrlfh, 

Si slater of Ford Bradshaw; that she told him the preceding Thursday I . 
Karpls and Fred Barker had "eooe up this way", and that foodii had 
proceeded to Topeka in an endeavor to loeate than, he previously 4 ^-^v 
having assisted the Oklahoma City Office. in the apprehension s 



T’ijr ■ ■ O 

m - . '■ Hie 

Frank Dolnar, Subject of Kansas City filo fl*f* "-"-v . 

4 . - V m 'V •$ , j, 

Aftor Z questioned foodie to non# extent In an endeavor '*#7 
to aseertaln where ho thought Xarpia and Barker adgit have some ha 
finally stated that he uadsrstood Tran Berne Dietrich that they had 
gone to Topaka, but the nannar in vhioh he gave this information was 
not very convincing* Ha addad that Bama had told hla that Karpls 
and Barker hung out at the following places in Topekax, ’ ; '• 

- • ■ * i.' * ■ * * .,- ■'* : s*-* •.**-- ■ • ‘4 *'( '■ '** 4 T ' - ■ . _ y ’? T ; id* 

■> v • ; Groan Book Lunch, Andy Yokuat, proprietor, about 

>* ; t V.. 

s < 

•ss .*> 
[■-> / 

*. ' ■>{ •- 

£<ki \ 'V 

. hd* » A 

yr v i 

T • 

.. X01C or 1018 Xajrt 8th Stroot f Topokog Xanaaon 

.7 ■ : 4*4 vN- - K#': , ; 

Boadhouse of Pat Ter ity, located On East side of 
Highway 40,’ going towards Kansas City, at the c 

first turn east of Tsoumsah, Kansas* • ■; i . v \v- 7 ' -’V^y. ;- 5 7 7 

,--a , r»y’5iP:> f >'■ »r(- j’-i- -- - 

Criterion Boadhouse, about Sj nilaa south of * ;- r T ' ^ ’ 

Topalca on Hlgiway T8* 4 " . 

-s . 

foodie further stated that one Willi an Harper, who iw now 
held by Federal offielale at Ifuakogee, Oklahoma, for evading the tax 
on liquor at Arkoma, Oklahoma, had "knooked off" Ford Bradshaw, and 
that Bradshaw*s slater, Gypsy Bradshaw, had told foodie that Raymond ' 
Hanllton, Karpls and Fred Barker were going to take Harper for a ride 
at the flret opportunity* He also added that one Russell Cooper, at 
COPIES PESTRq f w) aaith , Arkansas, la a connection of all the gangsters coming into 

- - r"-2 




r 7 ^ .V 

;.i -| -■ ^ ' 

w <1 v t,. 

?' ;■»*;} ,*,/* ■■' 
■•;>• 4:.\ --■■? 


Tori aiith 



at*iw»" > -**«fcr - Mt- j 

W- — 

Continuing, Voodla stated that he m attnaa,"£klah< 

Sleetloa Day and aav Baynonfl Hamilton drive hy ia 0” gray . Plymouth . T . 

-.--'.V - A*' ! V •'-" -5 r|r '» v,' ’ i \ ~y-v S \ V '*: v ■ ’. i-U^y-,' . ;?* *> ■^*?yr ' * .. 

- . . Boodle further stated that Karpla aad Barker visit Southwest / ? >i* 
City, Mlaaouri frequently) that >a doaa act know their eonmeetloas at^Vj-V 
that place hut that oaa Aubrey Bright, pharmacist at that pises, /VboX-^j 
liras ia a tie yellow houaa, will Identify photo as of Karple and Barkar 
as haring baaa la that towa if Bright ia Informed that, ths party — n«g 
tha inquiry is a frisad af Voodla* Voodla adrlsad that the a* partias 
are doahtlass saaa by numerous paopla at Southwest City Vat hi doss 
mot dasw it advisable to auk* Inquiry of most of tha paopla at that';/' 
plaoa daa to tha fast that various underworld characters Vara o6aaao-\^ 
tloas there, Ha also addad that Trad Barkar is alow waning with •- 

• Bird sail, wifi of Charlas Arthur yioyd’s fonar partner la _-y; 
crime ia Oklahoma) that aha wlllbe fooad with or asar fkad Barkar 
at all times) that Karpla frequently goes oat with Bans Dietrioh Vat 
that ha la aot particularly interested ia her. due to the fast aha 
drinks too such and Karpla will aot hare any 'dealings with a person 

V -*r 9 

ft"*- ;Z\y :i {>*.■ r - 



• ' fc*: 3». 


>e» ^ 

that gats drwak*^ 

v ‘i ■ >, -*7 * ■■ 

y-.’-tiT-* >:, Voodla farther stated that there is a "hot oar* dealer. 

Unknown, at Mountain, Missouri , near tha Arkansas llae,where Karpin* 
sad Barker sad ths gang trade thalr hot ears for other ears, paying j f 
a dlffarenaa of $50,00 or $100,00 on oaoh trade, according to tha... W- ; ^ 

aonditloa af tha ears, Voodla stated he did aot know tha exaet looa- * ..... 
tioa af this place Vat eoald locate it If ha vaat to Eoantala for * 

fhat purpose* £vv 

r ' : ^ At the conclusion af’lha lntsrrlsw Voodla asked for noaty “ny' ’ 

for the purpose af coatlaalag Me efforts to looata. this gang* As 
Vs had previously aentionad that ha had raoantly Veen to tho Kansas ;fW4l> r 7 
. City Divlaloa Office and had reported practically all the foregoing € v - ^'4 . 

information at. that tlma, it was deemed lnedyl sable to oaks aaf» .'r* '■!££';■ .J&g*- 
’X further arrsngeraonts with Via until tha natter could be dlscuesad la 
<' the office,- Be vac informed la the event his pervieea ara furthw -;-,r4-V^X ; 
desired this office will conmunleata with him through Officers 
Thompson and Plant of Mia Topeka,. Kansas Police Dapartmcat, 1 7 

'T.C'' ' / ! —7. , - ■' . y ? '■ > ?’ *• ’'/r i 4; ^ \ * - .. • 

" Baspaetfully sutmltted: * '*■" 



v / 

?v* : 

■tKpfi* ‘ *,*f ^ **». ' S»< TjU if .- _ ■ 

* - U- ^ * •*<- • — f * Vl*wV-.. K. ’r.T 

1*14 rtderal SMfrr* Ink AlUla* . . 

m-. .Hun Oily* Klee c«ti 

IpM&al l|«l In Quoi 
UIU* Soak* ilkiuu 

*■ . *.»>• .-; ... •■ 
-■• 4*^. ‘ ' ^ 

ft? v - >•■ *^w - - : v -? y ^ ;; ' ^ r W~. -:'• ' > ' 

2$ 5 - \ •:.. •***-. : >V - if i > v ^<- ■ *\ . 

-4 *- 


* ..W i. ^ -.7 T 

Otar sari SSi ALY21MUH£I8 wife aliuM, X* 0 * #UU J“ 

n . ;V abhor r*twkjb oia aiiseea, x*o« #i*it 

. t .- ( ■» , : .-7 : ~ ’y' '; ■“'.**■■ v ; v . sb« soaos p^wsus «i is aiiuM, x*o* fisaa 
A.'? v ' T*st VIA lUun, 1.0. #UU.i • 

’- s. V* jl 'i -ij;v ,v£ . Si *1 " > v '{ ..- jO F' " A" *'» f . .••?• 

■ •^•v. ’Jr- r . ^ . .*> B4 wrt 4 Osip vw • ’KIsIIk’ Vv.'^y^V' 

'5 V.. , KUHAPWI ;“V.-.U V V \ 

Mtmet is was Is Mf letter tr Ae umilo^ affb* aateiTV^- 
Kormber IS, 1134, ooncernlag ©Be Si JV*Vco44e af MovaUUtalf, A*keaoas*’\\; 
vbo sail *4 «i this ifflw os Bovcaber IS* 1194* *s4 ailegc4 Uni bo hsft - - v 
Ufomatio* of value nliUn lo the vbereebost* of Ae various eVb Jeati *»V 
|s tho taste*! east* ■?: - ■- \ / ^ , ■ .u : iUi l %*. ■ ■^ > - - ' ,V<*---Tv" ; 

" V '* v* 

■v' v:“,< 7* -<v 

V- * -♦* 

* ‘ • ? s ’ k * " / 

. -f-rsS; 

K 1<4 

*S . - 

fhoro is betas itUAM |e os A sopy ff Alt isllsr s Spare >alw ^>>4 
aohalttea by fecial Areal V* S« Killer Palot Dooeober 1, 1934, rel&lire '■*£ 
-lo as inlarriov baft by bis «llh VooOls a| fapAs* ta a aasp As X O oama lot - 

is MT letter A As Little look office dafte4 Vorosber 16, 1134, X an sol 
ispreaeed wiA the yoMibllity of Voodia bsl an serertheleaa aaboittiag 
Ibis iDfonatios to you aa4 Ao various fielA Offices scStlaoo4 at the «s4 
«f Ala latter for she Avar actios Is 4aoao4 sy yr o pfls ISs ^ ^ 

' ifv 

Hi : v - . 'h. . ’ ; • ’-f^ ?-? r * - f«ry truly yours* ;V <■:•*,»' ’ . 

me.:.--, : 

11 MAR 19 1965 . ,7 c’r; :' ^ 4 'v' : :'K>; ??: V; % ■ 

, *r zf ■»■,.*> . ^ - ** 1 — ‘.0*1 , r * • ^ * > *V: T'jl . - £.. ‘|A* . ‘ *4 * va - r - ■- 

tesir’ ' r - r/ : • '.-• '• ^ ; r «rv L-v-JTL 

ec - Diricios — -“■ 
OtlehooM Oily 
Ohio ago 
81* Pa A 


DEC s m 

j Division of investigation 

] DEC? 1S54 

II S.^ARTKtiT Of JUST!: f. 





26-3339 * -j 
7-29 .. ? 

^ C V • . • 

«.v :y. 

New Orleans, La. 
December 3, 1934. 


*•• \ - -j - ? ;• : 

. AGENTS : ;? © - • £ 'Vi ‘ 

RE: Alvin Earpis, J?ith aliases, iX*i©. 1218; $»t el* 

Edward George TJremar, Victim. .. kidnaping : V, "41 v*'- 

s -i ' '■■',* "... • :.v -V. : : i ; •••••. -••■/.'> v; v ?.\ 

Lester M. Gillie, with aliases, I. 0. 1223} et al.'V..»:' 
, N. M. V. T. A. Conspiracy to Harbor Fugitive s. ' 4 ' 

■’ .' " probation violators. ' : : -V ; . Sv'. \i. ~ 


v -V.Kf 1 . ■: 


■’ -;di 

' ; •’ v:T H . tEfcomas He Robinson, Jr# * with aliases* >>1V* ri^v-v'.-' 

- I. 0. 1233, Fugitive, et al: Mrs# Alice Speed 5 ^ 

. ; v , Stoll, Victim* KIDNAPHTSe ; ^ v - V^:v 

^ J : . ’’ic - w ' • « " ** '* 1 t . * » / . . \+{ ••.?:■ 

* •- "t ■ ■.*. ... ,r. ... ^ .* . v £ ■* -■ - ! 

The Division has instructed that inmediate attention T>e given to all leads re-w i 
reived in this district and a report to be submitted thereon within fifteen ^ ' T 
days after the receipt of such leads in the three above named cases • V 

Any leads of importance developed in these cases by this office while you are 4 
in the fifcld should be immediately transmitted by telephone or telegram so 
t v at these leads nay be transmitted to other districts by like manner for ^ 
immediate attention* ; .' j ” k 

?T '^*4^ — -1 

D • V • ifcgee , v 1 : ’ v * . 

Special Agent in Charge* 

‘ . : V ‘^: r v ; ' 7 . 

k4 ^*.r • ‘ f>v« ^ '%'c; 

c - 

. .. vr - •’ ;-*• 

-w- : ' ^ J . .4 . •• 




*■ K 

Mj‘ • * .; : v.A . 

y *>. V 

... : 4 ' •; ^ -. '30/jf < *'< ... v. >^=- : ■ ■' 

s v" ; 

r^ t , <r # v 'S * ^ ' A * ^ ;'n • , V-/ 

■ ^ ,C V 'y- 

. - ' >•. 

‘ * "■ ' ’ . , V-. % . 'i . ■ 

tv 4 


rt-ynL-S p 5 ~ 

r . / !Lm' 

, j.i .S C . » .M-< *v.'! 

OEC r i 1234 

OP/; | ! 

; • r n «■ 





: UJlBD^^ 

3 cop*®* 


N . J'- 

N .^*n-— 

•** * - ..•»’ 

Mr. To'.o" _ 

Mr- CM*-- '' 
wr .Ba«« h "'* "' 

C ntet 

\ \ M- C» 1,,y 

* r .CO«WV“~ 
r *~ 

W»r. E« an 


Mr. K« Uh 

- — ♦er 






KO. X 


XI Paso, Tex* =■' 


. :*• ^ ■ 

12 - 4-54 


12-4-54 " : ' e ' 

REPORT MADE |Y* - 7. > *’ 

7 \ B# B# Colvin# 

TI7UD ALVIN KAHPIS, with aliases, 1*0 .#1218; 

ARTHUR R.^BAHEBR with aliases, I *0*#1219; Jg IR, JOS, 
P,° MORAN, with aliases, 1,0 .#1232; BUSSELL/ GIB SOS, 
with aliases, 1.0.#1215, et al; XOTAHD GEORGE 

CHARACIER OFCMEt - * - f *; V '. . . ^ 

v- * . 7 ..'3» >. • 

^ • xiikapii»7 v ^7»7'' j 77'. .7~V 

. - :.vv/ v?;.",-/ 

BREKXB, Victim* 

0 ' ' 



> ‘ / -rr , * * ■:* . -V,‘. : _ -7 . .* i • * - t .y- j - : 

'^.V* 7r' -•• •' ,-v • . :£•* ' - *• ' 

Tile reviewed and all outstanding leads in XI Paso 
district have been covered* Stop orders placed with j 
New Mexico Division of. Motor Vehicles, foe Ford 
sedan, mot * #899, 365, Chevrolet club sedan, motor 

#4* 545*656 a nd for Chevrolet coupe, motor #4,135,650* 0^/^ ip |7~j 
'Ford coupe, motor No * 18-1*037*480* located at Miami, /’** 

Fla*, as reflected by file. 

— R»TJ*C, 


BefxRJMCX: Division form letter of November 28, 1954, 

DETAILS: «• - ... 

’ . <jhe file in this case has been reviewed and it. is observed that all 

outstanding leads in the XI Paso district have been covered. Stop notices have been 
filed with the Division of Motor Vehicles at Santa Fe, N*M», for the following cars: 
Ford V-8 Sedan, Hot, #899,565, Chevrolet Club Sedan, Motor #4,543,656 and for Chevro- 
let coupe, mot, #4,135,550. Pick up notices for these earn have f? . 

t he weekly bulletin Issued to peace officers by the New Mexico Motor Patrol, without 
In dication being made to the case In which they are involved# ; ?*£.- v 

It is observed from the file that Ford coupe, Motor #18-1, 057,480 
°&3fc s feeen located by Division agents at Miami, Florida, - 77' 

There being no further leads in the territory covered by th®. 

XI Paso office at this time, the matter is being referred upon completion, to be 
reopened when necessary^.;.. 

•7:- 7'777 7 ••• -• 77'‘ 77 ■ :* f -.7 


’’ it, *»" . 'f •''} ’ ■-'* ' * 7 f . "j ; <«. . •’ ,:' r * s* • '•' .. ' *■ 

':'7 7 \;7 * ^7^,7- .7 • -■ . 7; . 7 . , 7 77 DO NOT WRItX IN THESE SMCB ‘ 




HEC_? 1934 




St, Paul-2; 


n£C 7 1934 A.M 



EC 1 Q 




.f'H 1 

1 t mar 19 1968 

«. a asvsssawv fume i 

YL«z EH ; 


TOLSON *%*:*j.C*;<i* r * r 
EDWARDS -I - f - ** > *£ ;U .->• 


APPEL V ‘ r 
BAUGHMAH i! *? ' ■ !>*; 


December 6, 1934* 


LISTERMAN •' . ; ' T' V- ; 

LONDON ^ .i. 


jfc. ' 

RICHMOND, l* H. *■"•> 



SMITH 'V y ; >•-.- • .• ; • . - i> r - -J- .•: 
TAMM ! : , ': - V ; " J ' > : ’ ' 

TRACI ■.:'■-■■■ 'i ! ~' 4 .'■ ,- • V -“ ; . 
WAEHES : SJ ; •• ■ •; y y-.y 

i.,. ; * ■ ■; -r.-y.- \Vft ^ £• 


S 85 Uv- '■ '.-i'' *■ *••;• : , BRIAH . % *** •:•• RENNEBERGER 

m ..W : '.a:.' coffei ', quinn 

T^uik : ' FAGAN ".v.;.- >! W ''->•■ . ’ " SEIFABIH^i ^ • 

glavih • .. smith v 

rrf^SJ? •■-. • ■; ■■ BtTH • tiiim V.. : - r 

^iiS ,-t .: ■ ■ ' ' .., harbo : 'V -- IRAtar^^c^D- . : -V><.' 

^4al • HINCE ^ WAEHES 

i0S ^7- . 

‘ ?'%; ■ : J 

. For your confidential information, Mr. E. J. Donnelley has been ^4 " 

^ * placed in charge of the investigations of the following easest . ;;/ : v ^ :- -, ^ ; v f 

|i® ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I.O. #1218, ET AL. - -1 

LESTER M. GILLIS with aliases (Deceased), ET AL. . ,. v 

CHARLES ARTHUR •PREITI BOIf FLOID with aliases (Deceased), ET AL. 

^ ,. . and is maintaining an office in the New Tork Life Insurance Building, Chicago, 

' • Illinois. The ^telephone numbers of the office are Franklin 4606 and Franklin 

Ja^O^.., 4607. “s ,:• ' 

.. X-v;;... ^. v ; ■./■'.■$. ?:•.•• i:' ;: > 

- .6 : .4 ; ' m All communications and reports in the above entitled cases should 

v ^ ^ ' V S be addressed to Mr. E. J. Connelley, Division of Investigation, U. S. .-De- ; 

3 partment of Justice, Post Office Box 829,^Chicago, .Illinois. -•/ '■. 

I - y ’ All telegrams in the above entitled cases should be directed to ; 

T > N.,' Mr. E. J. Connelley in care of the Chicago Division Office, 1900 Bankers* ' *■ < 

c hi°ago, Illinois. - :>.* • 

f -i f Th® above instructions should be followed until Ihrther. ootioa^C 1 . 

- Q 4:’ . • r Very lr uiryou r s?^j> !;, -;.‘ 

' • V T' r:- 8cj. 

• A . '^111 Edgar Hoover. : 

|r^ f^ga - J 

a ; 



- y- i 

Li--' 1 ' 1 * 1 * 

i Edgar Hoover^ Ay^vl ; V;:’ 
Director. D EG ' v *7 ,1 324 

,V» - ■** •■•■■ 

r ■' 



essm ** ' 


P. 0. Box 630 
Loe Angelas, California 

U. E. Department of Juatle 
Post Offies Box 667, 

Saa Francisco, California* 

%£j \ itTW KARPISOr. n. » i.0.#ia8j 
lls* - * ", nWAHD OBOnOB-BRZMBI - Vietln. " A ' >* ■' 

*.-V v ' Kidnaping. =- • -"fy 

113 v" v . 

Dnr 31P1- •'■ **■ - v^ ; * ■ ' L. is FiU 7-4 2* - **■:*:• -.* ■ -w^v* 4*L 

■• ■ > *. . *. 

Replying to your letter of Mov. 10, 1934, rslatiTs to sons inf or mat (on * 
which Chief of Police Kirkley, Reno, Merada, furnished to Special Agent McLaughlin 
regarding one COO HTLaJD^3>WaHD, who was nurdarad In Movscfear 1933 on tbs Shy Lina. 
Highway, please ha advised that Agent Findlay of this office made investigation at 
Low Angelas with the following results » ..sSev*.. i - - :>•*'•**•• 

. . . \ ^ < ,..../; ,?tf >,* y:-fr . : V ; > : ?f > '* ' ?T^ ; 

' There Is a - record in the Identification Bare an of the Loe Angel as Vol iop 
Department of COTOTLAKD HOWARD, alias John Y&^arker, #30854-M-6, In whioh It ts ' ' 
stated that Courtland Howard was killed in San Francisco on tho Sky Line Highway 
on Nor. 20, 1933, and that JACl6lCIRDCHBAIJli 0 and BB^RkSNCBASS are wanted hy the v >' 
San Francisco P. D. for said murder. ''\r " ‘ ~ . r. / * Jjfo , * : 

are wanted hy the v , 

— * *» * - * • » • - fry* w •> . 

san Franoiaeo P. D. Tor said aurdar. i Lg r * 

i Farther investigation revealed that JACK JORSCHBAUW, all as . John M. ' 

fKireohhaum, alias John K.fKirsehbnumP alias Jacob# irschhanm? Philadelphia P. D. 
#39090, fingerprint classification 29 - MO 17, in which it is stated that - 

- 27 - * ' ' ■■ ; 

Further investigation revealed that JACK XTRSCTTBATJM, all as 4 John It. 

f&q&hr<h ' i 



/ Investigation at trie Sheriff* a" Office at Loe Angeles failed to reveedyv 
any ^Urthar information with respect to this natter. It appears, therefore, that 
the Infornatlon which the Chief of Police at Reno furnished to Agent McLaughlin/.- 
related to San Francisco and not to Los Angelas. -/ 

co Divlsion- 
St. Paul 

'V* ,y- ' Very truly you're, 

i >M. rec0EDE0 "" ,cOT '° 

r s - p * «* 

. • , .1 

?- sifeEMi 


DEC 8 - 1934 

j. i. r. rera. 

Special Agent in Charge. NOV 3 D 1934 U? 



& UNIT #3 

* Jk 1934 

* - . V , 

~ • v ? . r * f \ *•■*“'• 

•W ^ v* * . '*•*.*: .'v- > V/Us? ’•* 

i-v^f ’ 

. *c^vr -V-s" . ' ,V 'S’ 

• \- ■ '** ' r ^ 

- ■- 

_Unit Four _ 

Files Section 

Personnel Files 

Equipment Section 

Chief Clerk 1 s Office 


Unit One 

Mr. Listerman 

Mr. Lowdon 

Mr. Bryan 

Mr. Newby 

Mr. Richmond 

Mr. Thompson 

Mr. Nathan 
Mr. Tolson 
Mr. Edwards 
Mr. Quinn 
.Mr. Tamm 
Unit Two 

U n it Five ^ ^ 

r^n ^entiflcation Unit^ 
statistical section 
Technical Laboratory 

Unit Three 

Mr. Joseph 

Mr. Fagan 

Mr. Smith 

Miss Gandy 
Mrs. Kelley 

Washington Field Office 





Re -date 

See me 

Send file 



V^' - *• 


7-576 *• 3 *S* /t „ - " -f -k-. w ? • - ■- • 

'•• ■; , - » ' M Jj'-'. !**;*, .*• v**, ~ •. , » '- •* v ’ *r ' * s v*. *• 

? r- - ' .-• ■ • - **. ->■ 'V- '- f 

R11C0BD ®; 


®r%l , 

.'- .i 

; ~ *■ 

• V .v \j*/ 
* ** , .• 

' ‘ *2**^ / '-?• 

„ »* ,^r 

Special l|mt U Charge, ' t : '.-;Si\ .-;.t' - • ‘<ik .'*?.' •- 

tea r»KltM| Cellforatea ' :pp PPpi ppppp. "i -pP, ] 
• ■. ,- •' ••• ; • «’■ Pp&PsPpP* ■ s 

. ~ :- " ; ' V .•’* \ . •; . • r- *• - . • '• * V • *•* ••■• ' . ■ *. < •*■•-...*- •*' 

,• .*■* r ■: : — ' - : > v* . < *r*~ vv . 1 •' - :• . -«/ ■ ” • ■ k- * ^ - *■ 

v * .V' .: • 'N . . > • .J *, . /, \ 2 P -■ vJ v*’ 4 . . • ' '?y*> •• 

DearBlri yv'.V'' .SV\. : .. Y ; _ \ , .. • 

* ; • . - .' -■• P. p‘;+ - r’i' ■' •■■■ T*'r r* 

*B« ALYI* IARPIS, with klUtu, X. 0. 1218, : 

ARTHUR R, BARKER, with iUum, X, 0. 1219, l - 
DB, JOSEPH P, KORAR, with aliftMB, I, 0, 1232, \ 

RUSSELL 0IBS0M, «ith UliHI, X« 0* m3, «t •!, 


• * ^ ^ ^ - *' ' * ’ 

tefcrcaoc i» mAi t* the letter ef the Lee Aagelee P‘P 
Office, eddreteed to the tea Frencleoo Office, eader date " ;* P 

of BOTeaher 26, 1934, relative to ioferaatloa obtained free 
Chief ef Police Klrklejr, Rono, Vevada, regarding one Courtlaad 
lowerd, vbo m eurdered la Beveaber, 1933 ea the ter Liae .*. 


Am the Inf creation net Perth la the letter It p'% 
hae not been peealble to Identify in the fllee of the . ^ 

Idantifleatloa Salt ef the Diriaion a record ea leek v -Ppp* P : ' 
Klreehbaoa, with aliases, mentioned tharaia, flogarprlate 
have been reeelvad, boa ever, ea one Rea Oreeagreae, vhe 
au arreeted by the felloe Departaent, See Franelaee, 

California, oa Kovoebor 13, 1934, eharged *lth aurder, -.-? s ^' v y ' 
•ho ear possibly be ldeatleal with the Individual ef the : '"'V 
san« aaae ■aatioaed la the letter ef the Lee Aagelee Offioe* ; 

Ter/ truly youru, 

: A -■?•■■■ -f - .% ;; ; *; 

■ •“♦‘V *“ ' ■ ■' — «. J .. -a.':, 

John Zdgf Boor+Tf 

CC ioa Aagelee 
£t, Paul 

t C'—w U ^ 

2 copies 

! c- 7. r - ! • 1 

ij t/isf.i JN c r j 

^ U fe. 01 J 


i 7 ' 

4 ' 

r ~ ^ 


■ Jfc' i. . 


Fora Vo. 1 

L. A. 7-48- 




l Los Aisles 



a& ■* 

$ir?3 ' 

j« < 

flBpfc - -t s, 


Jsmes G. Findlay 


m. JOSEPH P.OMDHAN, with illttu, I. 0. #1838; 
# t al. IPffAHD GB0B0B *%am aa » Vi c ti m? 




% # f i 


* .'^1 


.. .• j. i -A .. r^.^Tf -W ' r *T? ;. j .J-* > -T ,, / 


■ " ; ' 

:- •' V, 

. , «sr a - V *. Jk , • ' * i 

MAE^BAHTCR, 318 So* Veatlake Ave., Los Angel ea, stated 

& ■ •; 


>-vTT%& ^wn. 
^yrSJN^.^fc, fciw 

that B. C.*GHEEN vaa at her home for one week In March 
1033, and no one by the name of Green has been there £ 
slnee. Cover placed on mall T Cover has been planed m 
the mall of VTiTMWim'^S and wife at 1883 Vo, Tine St., 
Bollywood, Calif., which has resulted in receipt of two 
tracings from Davenport, Iowa, and one from Bock Isl Bid, 

Agent En fires obtained snapshots of MBS. OWES B. -* r ' 
CARTER from MRS. ?. T. McCANN, Phoenix, Aria*, a nd ob --~*[> ^ 
tained record of airplane trip made by OWEN B. CARTER 
Chicago, 111*, on January 0, 1034* Home of MRS. L0UH 
0PH1E) HENEBKRGH (not Henneburg) located 
dhMail^— — — 

'*** **&■' 

' - W* ' j ■ 


<&> h: 

< 7 . 

• * - • V*. ♦ ’t ^ • - : r . 

• ; - - yv':‘ ' r~. y ->•: '■ a 

Letters from Inspector S* p* Cowley dated Nor. 8 A 14, 1934) 
Report of Special Agent Paul Hansen, Okie. City, 11-16-54) * ‘ 
Report of Special Agent James G. Findlay, Los Angel as, - d 
dated 11-88-34. 

Reporting further on investigation made at 318 South TestlMce Avenue, 

Los Angelas, California, as indicated on Page 7 of reference report of Agent 
Findlay, Los Angeles, dated 11-88-34, Acting Special Agent in Charge B* X. Saekett 
and this agent male investigation at this address by interviewing MRS. MAE BARTOW, 
the mnager of the place, which is a large rooming house of ten or twelve rooms. 

A *> -;-r . t.'n ~4 v . ■ ' t . . <?!''** . ’ 3 *■ ’ V V‘ i '1 " ' ' •: v-- • ^2 i. 

A i ■ '* V ■ " ' ' t:r^t DO NOT WRIT* IN them: RFActfi -A- V . yf * _ s ; „ 4 


8 St. Paul 
8 Chicago 
1 Each Field Office 

cppiES desi ko'yeS” m ‘ lM 

7- 31 (o"3S^i 


7 °^8- i9 a 


DEC 7 1924 a. 





^ j/v 

> i 

MAR 19 1S6S 










She stated that a young man by the name of E. C. GREEK earns to her plaee on March 
14 1 1939. She bad a set of record cards shoving the amount which her roomers had 
paid her, and by reference to these eazds it was ascertained that the dafe, thereon _ 
vas March 14, 1933* She was questioned closely as to whether or not *e. could >9 "_~ r 
mistaken as to the date, and she stated that she made the entries an these cards 
at the time the parties paid their room rent, and that the dates thereon should be 
Correct, hut she stated that it could hare been possible that she may have made a 
mistake and mads it, the third month instead of the fourth month, as tha date on v • 
shiest appears from the letter of Inspector Cowl ay dated Hot. 6 , 1934, that jUM» 
long distance telephone call was placed from Hanmond, Indiana, on April 1S^ 1934, ' r 
to KJnkiric 7776, which is Mrs, Bartow’s telephone number, SOW stated that she hod ' 
no knowledge that Green received any long distance telephone call from anyplace, and 
she believes that she would have rmnesfeared it ha d anything been said with respect 1 
to same at the time. She stated that ®. C. GREEN was a young approximately 88 
or S3 years of age, 5* 8 or 9* tall, slim build, and would possibly weigh from 130 
to 135 pounds, and that he had light brown curly hair. She stated that ha stated his 
old home was someplace in Texas, but she did not remember the name of the eity. 

She also stated that she understood from him that he had heen married but that he^- r 'f 
and his wife wars living apart, Sha atatsd that the did not remember that he sa- • 

eelved any mail while there, and aha does mot ramenfcer any mail coming there for 
him after ha left her plaee; that as aha remembers, and as her reoord shove, he 
atayed at bar place only one weak and stated that he was leaving beeause it was too 
expensive, tbs record showing that he vas paying #3*50 par weak room rent, and that 
he was going to live with two other young nan shorn he knew in order to cut don 
expenses. She stated that Green did not seam to have much money as he was ordin- 
arily dressed, and that tha only baggage she remembers him having vae one suitcase* 
Mrs. Bartow was vexy emphatic in stating that she had only good people living at 

her place, end rather resented the repeated inquiries made by agents which caused 
her to believe that agents were insinuating that she had possibly had a criminal 
stopping at her plaee. v _ ^ -'T'jt+r?' i'T 

In «n affbrt to detaining definitely about tha mail which ,*he mail carrier, 
X. 7, 1MDN, on that route had stated to Agent Findlay he had recently delivered to 
someone at that nidress for a party by the name of Green, agents had a further talk 
with Cutfer An*™ and he stated that he Is sure that he sear one letter addressed „ 
to eomeone by the name of GREEN at that address, and that the reason he remembers . 
it was because of tbs fact that the letter vas in a green envelope and he mads a ^ , 
mental note of the fact that the envelope vas green and the party’s name qppearlng 
thereon was also Green. Ha stated that he had observed this letter while walking . 
along the street assorting his mail preparatory to delivering it to the different 
houses, and stated that he did not remember that the letter addressed to Green was'r 
aotually delivered to this particular address, 318 South Westlake Avenue, toe 
Angeles; tha t tills inoident occurred within the past jnonth.W . .* 

^ T S ' ' * • A ' ■ . ,T y ..%■ -r '&■ ' . ^ 

‘ 'Xh order to eover the matter in an exhaustive manner, - a thirty-day cover ^ 
JpTtJSen placed on all mail going to tills address, end to date there has been no „ 
ail delivered to anyone at this address by the name of Green, One letter has been^ 
elivered to MRS*. MAX BAI£Rf with return afldreea to the Naval Training Station, - 
|Uh <. no doubt from heir 'fen, as she stated that hereon recently enlisted in the jf 

* 7 * 


* " * V 


* / • 

Another letter in reoeived by MRS. X. M0lBl7“%fco le tbe mother of lire. 
tow. •'There were four tree logs of letters delivered to this ed dress for MHB.-r' — - 
BRAKX. lire. Bartow had stated that Mrs. Brake has bees .stopping at her ~ ***' , ’' 
for a long time. She other traeiag was for sail received by HUHK X. MOT, ■ 
a return address of £99 Cabot Street. Beverly. Massachusetts. A eover is being a 
lag to this place, sod .any information of value obtained 

^ ; -V-^ ' _* • •!- 

, ' . -U,* * ■■ ' 


stated in Agent Hndlsa»mf sport dated Bovenfcer £2. IBM. a Mdl aover 
me PiaMfttfi the wail being dedireref to WYATT UKEKBS ecd wife *t lS££'XOrth Tiae 
®fe p#t» Hollfwood, California. To date. Bee ember 1, 1934, three traelnga dir mall;*., 
have been received at this address— one to WiATf winters, with retain ■ddrcco.^jg. W 
WINTERS, Daveqpprt, lewe; the ether two tracings are for MBS. WTATf llJHPjBfiU OpC' 
with return addreae 1459 West 8th St*. Davenport. Iowa; the other with ths rwtSaf - 
address £25 - 16th 8t». Bock Island. 111. The eover is being m tM.% “ 

pail for a period of thirty days, and any further inforoation o’ 
mediately reported. / 

f v 
* _■ 




tr: - M J'*?* • ' ^ ^ °t** ’ 

f'' *+ ■ ** "■ -'•* A- — ■* ■' r 'h ■■ . •.. * V ' 

In compliance with instructions contained in the letter of Inspector Cow- 
lay dated Bov. 14. 1954. Special Jgent C. J. End res made investigation at Phoenix. 
Arizona, and interviewed MRS. J. f . MeCAKN, 626 West Latham Street, and Obtained 
three snapshots. Of the se ex hibits , two ware of MBS. CTtSN B. CARTER and the other " 
was of subject OWEN B. CARTER. Mrs. McCann etatad that these snapshots were taken 
last July or August at Utowanna, Lake Winnebago. Wisconsin. Mrs. McCann la naking 
further search in an effort to find other photographs or snapshots of Mr. and Ure.^ 
Carter, and If sum are located aha will furnish earns to this office and same will 
be forwarded to the Chicago Division office. The snapshots which were obtained 
from MTa. McCann ware inmediataly sent by air anil to the Chicago Division office V? 
on Kovanber £3. 1934, with request that eopies of sapr vbe mds and furnished to thi 

Jacksonville, St. Paul and Los Angelas Division off leas. 

m s> 

Agent Kndree also made investigatio n at the American Airways at Phoenix,. 
Arisons, for the purpose of ascertaining whan OWDI B. CARTER left Phoenix for 
Chicago, 111., end was told by B. H. McAEERN, Traffic Manager, that Carter purchased 
ticket number 0*3-14776 at the ticket offiee at Phoenix on January 9, 1934, and 
left far Chicago, whloh transportation would place Carter in Chicago on January 10, 
1934, at 7:35 A.M. ^ j • 

• . , ••• •' *r-- ; ; ^ ^ ->£T- . 

This letter from Inspector Cowley instructed that Mrs. McCann be inter- . 
Agent Endres bed already interviewed Mrs. McCann and bis interview was sab' 

out in‘ report of his dated November 13, 1934. ^ ^ : y -V > '■ x «; • 

... .■ . - -J- .. . 

Upon reeelpt of referenea report of Agent Hansen, Oklahoma. City, dated 
Horenfcer 16, 1934, effort was made to locate Mrs. LOUIE (QPHIE) hejjmeburg end Mrs. 
EARL (OKSEMA) REYNOLDS, the wife of Earl Reynolds. A thorough search was made of 
the city directories for several years hack and no record was obtained of anyone 
by the name of LOUIE or MRS. QPHIE BSNNEBDRG. A search of the city directories also 
failed to reveal anyone by the name of EARL REYNOLDS, whose wife’s name was OKEHMA. 

- 3 - 

- A* 


Special Agent in Charge 8. X. Sacks 


ilimilM MM 

iwtznrM volte: 


ho aar eeen to- 

r brother*, the caly **? ••• r 
ad dltional information which he wae able to give was that he ballered that 0FBXS.,' *V.'. 
HBNNSBOHJ lived on North flower Street on top of the hill in Lob Angeles. This' - A. 1 ' 
isatter vae taken 19 with the postal authorities in the sain post office at Los '‘A ; 
Angeles, end a thorough search was Bade in an effort to find either MRS. HSHNSBDBB^ 
or KARL HHNOXDS or MBS. KARL (OKEBMA) HSTHOim, ; V v ; if , :? iAA A 

V the Bail carrier covering No rth fl o wer St reet, Loe Angelas, reported 'that - 

he remembers that he delivered nail to CKBMA. HKTNOIDS at 114£ North flower Street . 
and that she had Bored last August to SIS South Union Avenue and left a forwarding 
address on August 83, 1938. He also stated that MRS. LOUIS BENEB33CH lives at v 
513j South Union Avenue, Los Angeles. The Bail carrier cn this last naaed route > 
stated that there la a Mrs. Benebergh living at that address at the present tine. 
Later, the carrier on this route reported that Mr. and Mrs. BOBER? CLARE live at 
613 South Union Avenue and that there is a email hop, 0. KEXNOIDS, living at BlSj 
South Union Avenue and the name appearing on the anil box at that address is LOUIS 
HKNSBMffl; that there la also a Mrs. Benebergh at this address and that It appeared - 
that Mrs* Benebergh la the mother of 0* Reynolds . (Perhaps Mrs. Benebergh ia the 
grandmother of the boy and that Mrs. Benebergh ia the Bother of Okeena Reynolds)* ’ 

A cover was placed on the nail going to this address on Novenher 88, 1934, » 
but up until the date of this report, December 1, 1934, no Bail tracings have been 
received* .. i ■ , ... .. _ . 

■ -r A 

■'V-X ,i .1 * *'**'»“ A'.-*.-- . 

The matters referred to in this report which are now outstanding will be 
">-• ■ , followed closely, and a report will bo Bade upon aama promptly. , -•? - • > -•* ^ ” 

. - A . 

* • • "T 

i m V '\*-**. ' * f 
' V'v -v*'\ ;«■ 

; r ' * JL f V 

* T r ' ^ # ' '< V’ k 

. u Av- • ■■ h *' 

% ,:A fcr ' * . "ri-: , , 

* v Y !- ■ % * v' V > 


v V»,-f -V : >' 
■■ . * -• * ? *■. 

_ '1 - 

% , --I' 

-#u* : v. f*<T- 

. v A- , - a: i. 

V j,*' . •• i 53. ■ ^ i ~ -e y , "* . 

, iT.ilr-*- A .1 - - • ; ^ - /;*•• • v , 

... V-> H v v.:; w fifty**' 



* i • ’ <* i> „ . . • Pl\ 

'* ' ^ ^-4L'’ " 'I-. 

; - 1 - -i v 'ri 

Tr .? ”'S v„ ■.}■>' ' jv .-j,-.; v;, : r---'* j • 

?'■” ■i-'i ’* aafSt : '• \ ’.-Ai'. ' ^ V- VVV*.'- *' • 

.An* : -&V* A ^ •: AAAj 

<. v<r ->r.y;v-. 


i- - : • > S>U *.••• •< •; 

'* . * 4 9* ■ »* '■' V< 

^frision of ^(rtfiesltgatixm 
JL £. Jfparimrnl nf Justus 
P. 0. Box 1583 

Butte, Montana, December 4, 1934* 

,ih Director, 

y \ Division of Investigation, 

/ r .i U. S. Department of Justice, 

' ’ Pennsylvania Avenue at 9tb Street, N. V., 

^ Washington, D. C. 


ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. 1218; 

ARTHUR R.‘ BARKER with aliases, I. 0. 1219; 

RUSSELL' GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. 1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P.-- MORAN with aliases, I. 0. 1232; et al 
Kidnaping u 

Dear Sir; 

Referring to Division telegram, dated November 30, C* 

1934, received at 5:41 P. M., that day, I would respectfully state 
that I immediately caununicated with Special Agent George Costello 
at Glasgow, Montana, and had him make arrangements through confidential 
informants and trusted officers to keep in touch with the situation and 
advise promptly if anything develops there. 

Agent Costello advises me that he arranged with Deputy 
County Attorney James Shea to keep in touch with the informant and 
that information will be transmitted promptly if anything further is 
learned. He also arranged with the Assistant Postmaster at Glasgow 
to furnish the Butte yOffiee with tracings of all letters received by 
Corey v^ales, VioletVGregg, and Mr. and Mrs. HarrWstanley, and states 
that ne has advisea Inspector H. H. Clegg of his action. 

On December 1, 1934, Agent Costello resumed his work 
on assignments in northern Montana. I thank you for letting me have 
his help again, as it was very badly needed, as outlined in my telegrem. 


cc Chicago 
St. Paul 

rttoorded copy piled m ■ 


« 5 

. -/ 

P. 0. Bok 615, 

St. Paul, Minnesota. 

** -t. *<-'• *■* • 7 ,, ( f. . . ’i - > 4,- . -t- ' 

v • : .'• * *. v T v ■; : »t _tf r - ’C * •• .■■•■■’■-. - > .% * ■:* .■ ■ * < • y ; f 

^ v *: ■ £: ; y •ste-- 

I;- ••-*•.:. * ^ >v- •■• -.viv. : £;• . • > ;:%a? ■. : 

Special Agent’ la Charge, 

PlTlelon of Investigation, 

V. 3. Department of JU sties, 

1900 Bankers* Building, .• ,$ >’ -yl ’ 

flhioego, Illinois. r- . i "•-•>>• •:■.•; -. ’- ’ 

• o .-•'•■ Vf-' •-• 

Deer Sirs 7 RKt ALVXH KARPIS, with aliases, X.O.# ISIS) ; 

ARSXJR JUBARKSR, with aUases,I.0.| 1£1B| ^ V ... 

> . HDSSZLI^OXBSQB, with aliases, ' I.O.# ISIS) V 

r; 7/ i i DR. JD3EPU P^UDRaK, with aliases, Z«0. -V 

§ 1852; If AL. BD3ARD OSOROS^RSUR - 'V. . ^ 

Victim. KXDNAPXKO. St .Paul Pile DO. f-30. 

Chief of Police ndgar 7. Me Alpine, South St.Pmil," - 
Minnesota, sonunicated with the writer by telephone this morning and 
stated be noticed by the papers that there wore some Indications that 
KaRPIS had been taken Into custody. 



Chief Uo Alpine stated he was rather positive that 
KARPIS was ona of tho non who robbed bank aeesengers of an amount bo* V 
.tween #30,000.00 and #32,000.00 In South St.Peul on August 30, 1933, 
end In the event he Is In eustody be would appreciate any information 
> that nay be eeoured from KARPIS In that oaoneotion. the file in this 
ease, I believe, gives very full details as to ths robbery. 

- * . - "I* - + ^ 

In&emiob as Mr. Do Alpine bae always manifested a very'.' 
friendly attitude toward ths Division, and has attenptsd to ooopsrato -,V.. ' V 
In every possible w«y, I believe It would be beneflelal to oanply ? 
with his request insofar as It Is possible whan It is possible to do Y: 

•0* •••, ... •' . i ••Y-'YV 

r;: 1^5-- V, 

•V •' < T«y truly yours, . V- :, A v , . : *,y : 



v'* ; 

• ,*C * ’ s V 



V-r '> 

• -'OH 

D. U. LADD, ; ‘ 

Speoial Agent in Charge.. 

>• :v>. 

•/ .r- 

v : j'- -; 

S is 

CC Division 

Divisieu c : F i?.vi:T.c, 

DEC 7 1S24 t. 





f-.r ' 

13 .. C 

P. 0. Box 536 
Los Angeles, California 
December 3, 1934. * 

-• ^ •' ^ « <V ?■ Kldnaj**. ■ 

■■"!. '■ -. •■ ' Dear Sir*- '- r Vr*. - ' »e: X.. A. file t-48. : 

%-v " . ~ ’ ‘ • ; 'x - .. -;*•>-'$<*< • - W- ^ 

«;'./ '."- W;' • *,' .., ■ . .■-' ;■ ; ;’ -•*«. -',■ * * r" • * f - '. •• * ; / r * T * . ' .3* “V ’ 

i>; v ' ' ‘ ” J ^Siaittm aeo this ofTlee mnuitafl m to kindly olaee * . v • 

ALVIH KAFPIS, at al. .... , 

Kidnaping. - 

tin# ago thin ofTlea requested you to kindly plane .*. 
going to 6461 Blackburn Street, Los Angelas, Calif. V1 *■ 


Plaasa be advised that the cfcjeot of this nail aoTer : •'. . *i' r 
as bean accomplished, and it la requested that same be discontinued, 

• *‘ ‘ ; • ■ v ‘ ‘ * ■* v. " * > 

Thanking you vary kindly for your cooperation 1 b thla 
X remain - ,**v* ; v:*.? 7 ^ > v - 

;■• * . . . -3?. ; •' ’*'$.* - v>;. .* o' — 1 .. . *• . ^ i. ■ "■ 

* - v ••* ->.f. - '*■*'' * j- ; 

. : ■ ; ‘ •■• ‘ ‘ -' ' v — *■ — ’ 


/ j 
- r’^ ? 

V- l; 

v Vwy.tnily youra,^^-^ 

" A- > ;■ . ’ • • .. : ‘ , i . •• .: * /••*?/ -'/-f : ; ^r.'- : • ' - ‘ r ' 

Jo So F. DOTH, 

m • - . ^ / • i ; r • : 

gBg # * -v- v> c ^ ^ • - 

a • z r-y V’sgt’ -ii-:- ^ • : v:s»'^?v r fO . -i 

'••'•> r ••.-■; / I. Division of jkvestjsatiox | 

;-,4 O* >>’ % ^ <• • ' ? •• >*.,v ,-• ; J ' nrA* 4 aa o 4 IW t 

DEC 7 1934 It 

H * EPARTfi;E s -T Of /LKTJCE i 














-V. . '• <5 Jf' s*-- 

December 5* 1934 

A * * <• >. 

Special Agent in Charge,; * : 7 - •^^7 *' "?:7 :$;■■■ 

Birmingham, Alabama* / $ Lu 0 pA/t*e^ 

: y -i 

. 2?vV 'v7**v; ■ 

/ V^;~Vv n a <“•--•• 

• f * * .... -» . v - v * *: *■ 4 v , . 

** * . *. . kjhi. . i<. v . . 

Dear Sir: 

HE: ALVIlfKABPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1218; 'f:- ' 

ABTHUB R.^BAHKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; --. 
BUSSELLC'GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; 

DH. JOSEPH P.0 MOHAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 


• V .,«5 


s'yvo M * s . 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional l 
members and associates of the so-called ‘Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph Pi Moran, WilliamjWeaver, Russell ’Gibson, Jess'lDoyle, Harryfeawyer, ” - 

in one gnoup; C. J.IFitzierald, Myrtle Eaton, EdnajrMuoray, Doris! Oj Conner, 
and KateVBarker , irJthe dther group. The description/ of each aa of the 
year obtained C showp in parentheses) is set forth/ Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of 'the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. „ X j * 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 4K dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
witlrfdescriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O’Conner. The V .V 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion ‘of Jess Doyle. An . 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves-- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that.. the, 

nm.. b. lnk.4 out. RECORDED & INDEXED 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephony ojl telegraph ,, 
to the appropriate field offices 1 

r X ! [ E D 

y. DEC 5 

Very truly yours, j *~ 

n l* 

^Sp'IiOYE]} $■ l‘L^. p TVtNT OF JUSTICE j) 

mar 19 jggg 

John Edgar Hoover, 





\ f 1 ; - 

OtcMbtr 6 , 1954 * 

Tim-10135 A.M. 

Sft*? :^.V *f- . . 

*> : r * 



During * talaphonlc oocnraraation with Mr. Clagg In Chlaatt# v^. r : ^ V 
Illinoia. Mr. Clagg atatad that tha Hamid Examlnar, on# af tha V»j 

Bearst ptpert| carried a photograph of AlrlxrXarptf at tho ago Of 
fourteen years sod a heart-breaking appeal froa the aether of Kaxpl 

* fourtaan ysars and a haart-b ranking appaal fro* tha aothar of Kaxpla . > rV > 
£ • i to Xarpla to giro hlasalf tip* Mr. Clagg atatad that thia pictura af 
V'j Xarpla m naad aa a aaana ef ldsntlty bataaan aothar and aoo aa no ooa 
} > had a pictura af hla Ilka thia ooa axcapt tha aothar) that tha papar <* • 

J i Author atatad that if Xarpla aould dlseloaa hla location to hla aothar. 

< i hla aothar and rapraaantatlTaa af tha Hamid Kxaminar aould go to hla. _ 

4 and than apparsntly aould turn hla orar to Mj and thus aould aara tha ^ 
C ahadding of any aora blood. ’ ? . 

Ji ... •; *>r >’ 

cVt; X told Hr. Clagg If ha aaa quaatlonad about It. ha should sap that ~ 

° w didn't know anything about It only «hat wa had aeon in tha neaspapom. 

.» i ' . . s * 

% .. Tory truly youra. - • ■ - 

* ■-•i-dr../ W .. . * -S ‘-..T y . - 0 . , ' 

K«*-y , 

'v • V-J * 

* ■ 

John Kgar Hoot or, 
Dirac tor. 

l «o«r 



* r>- 



y - Deceaber 6| 1934* 

' ■■" v : , ' . Tiae-10i35 M 


#*■ * ' * ? - ^ « *.. 

'** »'V * - •- -i* -*?■' * 

During * telephonic conversation 
from Chicago, Illinois, Sr* Clegg advised aa that 
tha "secret* office was all ready to bo used and ha 
ns of tha opinion that hr* Counellsy could sot* ow 
to this now office and than thara would ba aoaaono , 
thara at all tinea* X stated that X approved of tha 

iiae-xu ipy T-C'*'- ~ v ‘ 

: r/,..-; S ■ -• i : . 

W •.* « % .'3 m «• 

i ** •' k *V- ■V'' . •’ ■■v'V , 

with »r. Clacg •* . A 

•y. v 

:yi ?1 


Mr* Clegg inquired whan they could Issue tha 
bulletin on it as thej already had tha telephone 4 ,-.;.y ' : 
number and tha nail box aunber and would like to go 
\ ahead with it* 1 stated that X would make the necessary 
'} arrangaoaats immediately* 



x ? 

, *r. Clegg stated that It was probable that the 

Lie'll ? all-night shift would renaln at the old office and X 
Remarked that would be satisfactory* 

t\ . 


pa Ak 

V f " 

1 copy 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar floorer, 

’ >* * • .1 - **-• n — « 

< ■ .*■ **?;■ , ■- 

V** 1'* : * *' 

A • . 



- n * 



s. . 




Mr. Nathan 

Mr. To! son 

Mr." Clegg.......;.,;... 

Mr. BaughmanLj*; 

Chief Clerk 

Mr. Cof fey ........... 

M r. Cowley . 

Mr. Edwards ......... 

Mr. Egan 

Mr. Harbo 

Mr. Keith 

Mr. tester 

Mr. Quinn 

Mr. Schlider 

Mr. Tamm 

Mr. Tracy 

- l 

'V * ’ *■ - k 4*** ^ 'r.K'* 

,.-• ,Y : n :.:,ih 

•/* ,-Uvyr , .+ //v- -i 

,-.V' - 

'■ : REc ^DED r:A. 

k\*v y 

I C ' v 

t . - D • 

i: czc r o '• 

p. v. 

C -.'v-M 1-' I VfiT CATION, 

CEO 7 IS34 

li i. rfr.r 



Form No. 1 

This case originated at ST* PAUL, MINNESOTA.* 

nuE no. 7-88 T« 



— • — -iS-OV.'P* w i • — 

Birmingham, Ala*'' ' ■] 1B-6-34 11/23-12/3-34 

7"“ ALVIN b KAHPIS, with aliases, I.Oi /l£18j v wi*5 

ARffiDB R. C BARKEH, with aliases/ 1*0. ’* • ♦ '■$*'.&& % k ' "wS 

TOsSELIr GIBSON , with aliases, 1.0. #1213; - KJraUPITO'V £* /: 

DR. JOSEPH pPmORAN, 1.0. #1232, at il, >yj- ■l| i > 1 jyf - '« A ■ 

f... : **•* i; 

' V '“ . r- ■■ -.Vt *- -J'T -'T 

• • » •••''■ 5 


*V'* ■£**'■' '-NT ' "■'}■ -Cif - .. < 

No record registration 193* Ford Deluxe Sedan,"? ; >' !r V ^ ' 
motor NDr BOSSES, ^Chevrolet Club Seda n, moto r -•• - : 'V ' .. 
No. 4543665, \n states of Alabama or Georgia. 'A ’ . t 

r^-r V A A 


' J - v ^ v-v V •“• ^ - ->r- * \ ■ *« •' I; . * t-V -i. ? ^ *'*• V-' 

;.«! A kf 

5 4 ; Jitter from Detroit office to Chicago office JL1-I9~34v 

T * . ** “ . 4. ■ -t A- ' 1 .*» * IF • r. \* • 5T ' ► 1 / - ^ E 

KEFEEBiNCE: * letter from Detroit 0 if ice to Chicago office 11-19*34. ,\ .$. 

■ : ‘ - "* k- ' .. .-WAA ‘ 

details t : ... ■' 

In accordance with the Information set out in the letter of 
reference, letters were sent to the Motor Vehicle Registration Dirisiona of the 
states of Alabama and Georgia, requesting that this office be notified if there 
bad been registered in those states Ford Deluxe Sedan, motor No. 899365, or Chevro- 
let Club sedan, motor No. 4543655; also that atop notices be placed and this cffioe 
immediately notified should such oars be registered. ? . * . : 

AA * ~'r | The Motor Vehicle Registration Conmiesions of these two 

states "have advised the Birmlnghan office that neither of these autcoobiles. had . ^ 
been registered up to the present time; further that this office will be notified, / 
in the event they are registered... . ~ ^ • ’■ -- . ■ 

in the event they are regie terea. ^ ‘ • - 

i 1 •' ••K iujj . . m B ■<•- •*. ' .. . . , i. 

V > > |0| « » . v ! ^ ^ 

ui L Iq w ,r * ' • • - 

>V.: : '-f ' t- • ■$ , r ---v ; ■. r-j ; 

r 4 '>.^;3 ' r _ . 'X H: : A t ‘ ; >' V* ' ^ *- A AcA' A’ * 

y - ^ f- „ » * / ■ 

' ' ^ ^ 1 ' k ■ r DO NOT WRITK IN THESE TTW 

A * ' _ ' ' 



3 Division 
2 St. Paul 


1 Detroit „ ^ ,„ t 

2 Birmin^Jtf. MAR 1* 

' ' < . • 
% ' t 


Fiona MO. 1 


file no. 7-27 


40^Biso^rApj*fr>19S47sord Sedan, Kotor No. 899365 n ot registered ,In ^ L - ■ 

s$V' &ate of Utah or Nevada./ Stop cards 

^ v7?v TV \,.\5&*eS by the Uotor Vehicle Bureaus of both- states* i 
zr\ f'^HaTrjTsawyer, who allegedly was in Las Vegas. Nevada ,•' ..T _■ 

'<> \ A Boulder Hotel under the name of RrankNbnee,V ._ ■■?'-&■ V; .*• 

xflU o- 5kffl-«tft £ forwarding mall order to 1337 So, CahriHo Y -- J W 

v . 



Copy^pf latter dated November 19 *>1934 from Jtoirolt 
Division Office to Chicago Division' Office# ’ - '?£• 

?* .. 

Co-jaissioner of Motor Vehicles, State of Nevada and State Tax Com- 
mission. State of Utah, advise that 1934 Ford Sedan. Kotor No# 899365. is not reg- 
istered in their states# Both have advised that stop cards have been placed among 
their records and should this oar come to the attention of elther f the information re- 
lating thereto wiU ’be furnished the Salt Lake City Din ai on Of fie • promptly. ■'"a^jsd 

:-4 r r •• */• i -r<>V- # V .i 

V >25r (3n November 30, 1934, a memorandum dated November 27 , 193* , taare. 

ceived ,from Special Agent Nina of this office' from Las Vegas, Nevada i- *I3n this JUBm-j . 
orandum agent Nine referred to peat infarmation in effect that Harry Sawyer is re- 
da ct ad to have stopped at the Boulder Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, under the nam e 
Frank .Jones* Agent Nine advised that one Frank D, Jones left a forwarding mail u-- 
order ln‘ the Las Vegas, Nevada Post Office on September ?, 1954 instructing that his , 
mail be forwarded to 1337 South Cabrillo Avenue, San Pedro, California. Agent Wine 
secured the original removal mail ord^r in the handwriting of this Frank D, Jones 
and it is being forwarded to the St. pkul Division office and in relation thereto, j 
it' Is requeued that aiiearly.comparison of . the handwriting t pf this Frank.;®#' Jones ^ 
be made with the Jiandwri ting of Barfy Sawyer and this iff ice and the Los An^eleb ‘ 
Division office advised ©f ,3#' conclusion reached.- \ ... /£*' * J *r : -i ' - ; 

Division office advised 



3 Co. vision . 

2 Salt Lake City 
jE»P ifiS PS3TR0YED 




> DEC .6 193 4 


OEC S 1G34 /U3 



LitC 10T934 





7— *034 

»-* v 7. ” tv* • *** 


« * 



c o 


— w “» V;, 

Deputy Sheriff, loner ,l3roves, Jab ire^q^.lievada, InTprmed Agsp^ vil 

A- '■> ; v » vry 

Wine that he is sur^ that Harry Sawyer .waif ip., town for several gipjit^jdxnA 

■ z±y- 

X ~ .■■■ 

*r 4V: 

under cover enquiry at 1337 South Cabrillo Avenue for the purpose of det er», i . 
mining if Harry Sawyer has been or is at that address or known there aaA ••' 

also for the purpose of determine who Rank D, JOnes is and if he -1$ Harry 
Sawyer. The advieahility of making this investigation now or hold It. 
abeyance until report concerning the handwriting of Rank D. Jones , '1 s ' ' '*/• ‘ 

received from the St, Paul Division office, is left with the Los Angeles \ ’ •;* 

Office* - 

r - ' -T r<V' **?V' . 


v ’ * ^ n / /«* .. - 

THE ST. .PAUL OFFICE will make a catnpariion of the handwriting ofi : 

Frank t># Jo new, .which is attached to reports in this matter being ssiit to 1 ^ 
the Ste Paul Division office and will advise this office and the Los Angeles I f 1 
Division office if the handwriting of that person strongly resembles ths : :.:*rn 
handwriting of Harry Sawyer# v T5ie* removal mail order referred to f dated -*• 

September 5, 1954, is the property of the Post Office at Las Vegas, Nevada ** _■ 
and should be carefully preserved by the St# Paxil Office end returned to 
,the Salt Lake City Office at as early a date en is practicable for trans^ ^. - ” 

. . . _ - _ ' *' . ** '■ ■ f ‘ **' • 'f _* ' - *•'»># V *-*>**»- • * ■. ts^x^'^a ^ > ' * >*"“ nrfc-V'n.. '-> -- 

mittal to the Postmaster at Las Vegas. Levada# y ^ ^ , 

— v. 7' v-V 7 . ;^7.7^, 

. * •- ' v ' •'* ‘ ‘ *v-r J- ^ r . - 7 .- -- 

•/ If the St# Paul office has no specimen pf.tjie handwriting of J' * - 

Harry Sawyer and is not in the position to make .the cc«Bparison, please $ 

direct the request of the comparison tp the Chicago, Illinois Divi^c^^l^^ 

Office and see that the Chicago Division office is requested to preserve and ^ ^ ? 
return the handwriting speciment to the Salt Lake City Division office# , : . 

# V V ■ 

. ■ ^ v • ■ v ^ - ' - " v , PEiroiND ■ ' ■ 

■ - v • h »• ^ ^ ^ . • ' *. V * v .r j *■. ^ ^ . 

• •.vV'*’’ ■ >y - ' v? - ,v .: v . *-'v *--- - f; 5.- . ’ r *^;> “ 

rjy'' •'>£;- :<■ • -' - v v.>:T< > s .- • ?.j5^ 

■ ’i .-V< -* , v ... -; 4 . A>> .• . V ' ~»V i ■»»* ^ •* *-■ 

• ^ '• ^ - ^ ‘ u:v ’ 

“ * " sV :*v 4 '*v v v*. : ‘ 1 V- V’- 1 y. fV r ^ ^ -V '<» i • * - 

• -Ji - ' • -V'.' ■ •*• •■* ' ' ' 9 V +.1 %; <%!.’ r .'V wS* - ... / - * 



“"V* n,. . , i 

Poet OfflN Utern UfT 
St. Louis. MlSSOWXl 
fiioaAtr l t 1994 

fitpoolol Ignt la Chore*. : . 

Division «f Investigation, , ^'y-r 

D. 3. Department tf v:' 

r. 0. Box 4907. ..... t, '■ • T>:4 ' ' 

Jacksonville, florid* . ; -,v- r - 

:> . y I?. v<o 

£a/’ r 'Yfc 

f DEC 1 0 IS34 W ? r / . 

Door Sin 

Mt oUXN KAVPI3, with ollaoos, I.O.flklB; 

4BXHD3 B.°&ABKSH, with ollaoos. I.O./ltltj 
msasu^xsaa*. with olios**. x.o.#icU| V 
dr. joskph rrvmm, with oils***. i.o.#ustj 

•t tl» 

mSiPDO ' • ■ : ;*4 

. ." ■ ..••• IHMAPD® ' . ■ , «.*.** , : *.V -: ^ 

' Roforeaes 1* node to your latter iireetod totki Chiaag* # 
Off l*o Rovehber 4. 1934 relating to the srrost *f Villi ao B^Brosn with 
ollaoos, sub j cot of Jacksonville Pil* /86-JB008, who Is reported to h* 

• friend of Hike Carlo?, Ml sal, florid*. A* letter Just referred to 
Indicated that Brosn wight he la £ position to fwralsh informatics van-' * - ■" 
•era lag the whereabout* *f sillieracrrieoa and probably other members 
«f the Barker Xsrpis wob. 

" . ' v-\ ..V >•* V* .. -/V 

" r 'V- Coder date of Rovesiber B2, 1934, Inspector &an*l f. 

Cowley of the Chisago Of flee addressed * cocwmnl cation to the St. Lode 
Off lee dlreetlog on Interview with Brown who wo* then thought to b* 
confined in the County Jell et Springfield, Illinois, iiyen effort t* 

•Holt information concerning the locatioo of Vllllan Jr 'Hasrleon sad 

•lielt information concerning the location *f William Jc'Enrrlson sad ,\r ' 
othsr subjects in this see*. : 

Xt has bsen ascertained that Vllllan K. Brown was re- ^ ■ .; v ' ' 
lsassd from custody at Springfield, Illinois on * $5,000.00 bond cm 4 : 4v- rV v 
Eoveaber 9, 1934. Xt la Very probable that h * returned to Miami, 
riorlde Immediately thereafter; therefore, pleas* conduct lcamdlate ■*■ 
Investigation at Klmal, and If Brown la there at tbla time. Interview ;. y 
kin in aooordsne* with tbs suggaatlona set out above. 

«• r ■ V..',.-'. ' - V A ‘ * <* • ;im, . . *V 

•v- ■;* :• Very truly yours.- .■ . . •. 

• ?, •* .1- r ^ ^ •- k *' v,f ;•« v \Vv, ' . . 'ey , 




*e Division 
St.* Paul 

it. b. Tsnmi. 

Special Agent in Cherg* 

DEC 1 0 !.<&> *EC-;- JED . 



• X- T * * iV’ • *■ : 

*>■ * * 1 * • - i - _ ^ 

biLis MJ ^ 




December J, 1934 



' " “Sv w 

Special Agent in Charge^ 

v. , . • 


-#*r - 

* : V- ^ • -V -.' 

T :r - f y •• " 3' 7 ^.“.V^vv '? '■ W ; . 

*. -Vv;V^V^ 

... ... . ‘ V. j* *•* • V -*. A > , 

baatlont Mr* C* 1* Appal . ■-< -•*- v ••. ■'VvPt?*- K - : - 

• y • > : ••*•''••■’ •' •' ' .v',' 1 -^ ■•.“ -■ ' > "' t *J¥:':V'‘ isi^r »*’ . 

with aliases, I. 0. #1218;.' • \'CT^r • . 


ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; v 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 
KIDNAPING. . 1 A •‘• f . ' 

Dear 6ir: 

1 ' There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 

members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris 0 1 Conner. 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 7 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge . 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip \ 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis> 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The . 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request., ..>• 

^ Special Agents are* to be / instructed to use their own discretion as $o 

the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their invest 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the 

RECORDS* fj-Sj l^SAfp \ • 

All leads indicating the present whereabou'.s Sf 1 'l^e^atove* named 

individuals or their associates should be furnished Ty teleghpneyor <p^legrapb i 
to the appropriate field offices. ' '~' J J 1 



if t 

p. w. 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 




•, December 5, 1934 

Special Agent in Charge, i - ■! 

Attentions Mr. T* t. Baughman 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. O. #1218; i ~ 
ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 

* - . * ' • ’* 

Dear Sir: ; ».• ’ ... ; : .- f ... ' 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include . , t 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, RubssII Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip \ v. 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney, Davis; 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell, r ’ 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division BullptinV 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, togethen 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. TheAf V y 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. vAn) 
additional supply of these photographs Mill be furnished upon request. "'/VYv' 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as fciK 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their invetfrA 
tigations.. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the hNa 
names be inked out. . v •• • / / • . m ' 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above n amWv\ 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph ‘V| ' \ 
to the appropriate field offices. - | ./u 

6 1:24 

( f *» .rjr.ATicN, 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 



Special Agent in 'Charge, 

December 5, 

*■ ‘av- >'*£:,*&■ r * i 

' * "li" r < / -7, r, 

r. f 

■ ' n*-: , '* - ♦ , 'V . •*> ■* 7* , -, l * /:v •*. ■*,«■> \ >• • ' . 

j- *•«•: . -v. ■ v . %■ «; *V x4? . Vk'^w 

Attentioai M*. T. S. Billings 

Pear Sir: 

HE: ALVIN KABPIS with aliases, I. O. #1218; 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases', I. 0. #1219;* 

RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; ' "’V . 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232;.— "^/v/ 
ET AL - EDWARD GEORGE BREMER - Victim; . ± ': , /. 

KIDNAPING. \ • ' .V . ' / 

, i ■ ■ ■■ * 

. • - 4 ; ;i \; : A- . • i - / > 

• f «<r » ’ 

■v ; rrf V ; r 

- -r > , ; > v; ; -f 

v • - f Vks^ *i.' • • 

: ' ' • • : ■ ■ v. r ' r ' f ••• 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of jadditional .. 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They Trifclude 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Bussell Gibson, Jobs Doyle, Harry Sawyer, . ! 

in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, A . 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of -the ‘ 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth, 6pecial Agents in Charge,^** 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic stri^ V 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney’Da^Js, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell, fv iM# 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The v’: 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle, An ' 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. ^ ^ 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves-( % £ 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the v-r 
names be inked out. \ ^ 

* All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 

individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 

A\ KC s h: 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 


Deceaber 5, 1934 : v r '* •• ‘ v’^- 

'•p *■■'.■* ;<*??■ ", - : -jjf * 

^‘C • ‘ ♦■’ J. * -7^ ^ J V_ _ Vir”* . "•' J __ , - ~ .■ •'■ * . ■ \, , . 

A Special Agent in Charge, *;" 

i \- 

- *y 

^':V* ■ ' ' f’ 

.-j~ Attention I fc*« L* I# Bryan ■■ 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I, 0. #1218; 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I- 0- #1219; 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I, 0. #1232; 
KIDNAPING. /. : .w ^ - "* ': ‘ 

■ * . ; V * ■ 

\ j: :: 

Dear Sir: 

, % 

?•->. *> 
\ ■ * 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 7 -V 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris 0* Conner, / 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the y 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge ’A.A 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic/ 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip ^ ^ 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davisy 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. > ' t A A" ? A ; 4T A 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin v f 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The -r-i ' : y\- 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle, An ; 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request.* -^4 ; A V 

; . Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as td 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their* inves-j 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the f 
names be inked out. \ A .A •*’ ■ A'A- A '* 

■ : v . _ ■- . \* ■ ■ :< . % v 

. V , v ' All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above namei- 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph v 

to the appropriate field offices, \ 

r - * •’ * r -‘* *’ * \ 


'■ : t Very truly yours, 


O •.-.'.4 ir ; 


John Edgar Hoover, 


. - - - ’ 4 




- > j- 

December 5, 1934 

w , ... ■ >. 

* ;*r/„ 

Special Agent in Charge, 

i> <r v *- 

r^. - « JT r - 

Attention 1 Mr* H» B. Clegg 

Dear Sir: 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases; I. 0. #1210; /•<; 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I, 0. #1219; ,'V. 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; " 

- DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232;’ 

,i*y. ?: ***"~ m . . ‘ • *’ ‘ *'s<* - 

\ • - t;r 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include . . 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer; 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davii, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell, ■ - ;// ^ 

. *- ' ' -••.-< - . - j**; -r/' . 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. ~ V 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves-; ; 
tigations.' If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the 
names be inked out.- * ^ >•' ‘ 

■v t. 

All leads' indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 

to the appropriate field offices. 

‘ . . . u U l. I 



«c « w; ' £ * \ 

Very truly yours 

John Edgar Hoover, 





'-A "tr »* 



V»*: z i* * . •■...:* \>v VV-V 1 

bw 5, 1934 /r v*'- • - -v '-/ v^VV'*' &.-;*? v 

• *"■:• . • •' :’ . *r '• r * v* ' • *. v.-'*v 

Special Agent in Charge, 

,X *' 


J-5 • » &?■ -V r -* */, ‘ • Z gr- 

% •> ■ :■■> * 

;•*“ ■ »-*r ••■f**" v-; >•■ ■ 7BK; ? •- . f '- 

Attentions Mr* I. P« Coffey 

HE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases/!. 0. #1218; 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; ' 

RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, 1. 0. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases. I. 0. #1232; 
ET AL - EDWARD GEORGE BREMER - Victim; / ^‘ • 
KIDNAPING. ™ :■ '.V." 

■ “V , 

r ? :/ p X l'- 


» ■ • - * 

*5 ‘ ; 

Dear Sir: 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Bussell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the - 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 1 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip ;/ 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell, , . ~ 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin ... 
Ho* 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together; 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris 0*Conner. The 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request^ - - ^ ^ 

* -/ *•.. ' ; * //V - / . * 't l .> '• : : ^ \ 

•i-J v Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to ^ 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the ' 
names be inked out. ^ ; V--, --*■/ V- 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph, 
to the appropriate field offices. 



Very truly yourB, * 

John Edgar Hoover, 
• 1,r ' Director. 


December 5p 1934 


, - , •; ; > • ; ■ , ■ • &:■ ■ V . ^ -- --, ■ v ^ :■ -V :4 

ent in Charge, ■>■-*. .... ,.. . .;:< .■■Zfr.l'Hjf.L: 

: ;/.,.-, . £*• . > r-C < 

Attention; Mr* J . J. Idrards • V • 

>>■, * , y - ■ ■- :* -.,••/ •; f ; : •-•:.•• ....v. •- .* .. • • •* .- V- ; \ ** . .< ■••■ • -.. ■* . ,/*• , 4 k/-*- 

Special Agent 

. * -A 

Dear Sir: 

RE: ALVIN KABPIS with aliases, I, 0. #1218; 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 1 0. #1219; 
BUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; '■ ' >i 
DR. JOSEPH P. HORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 

■■V .. • - . V . *; . >'•' V 

■,,r - , . ■ • \ f ■ > ■ 

iwr* .:it ••. . ■: . i ■ A..-. 

,-rv' ; ■*. ... 

*V - 

.v* -rtr 

- */■ /•>«-. .-a- ■- . *- 

. -i < 
>■ • 

k-- - 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson,. Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris (^Conner, V v) »■ 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the \ 

year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set Torth. Special Agents in^ Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic^ 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic stripy- 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell, > ^ 

•r.. . 

.,V4;V * ■ 

Tbe attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An/ 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request, ... .... •/ - 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- ." 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the 
names be inked out. - -‘• i ’ * '••‘A ' • v '• I’ ■/' ' 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph *" 
to the appropriate field offices. 

•’ ’V i .. tct'On V, • • 

1 > ; l - *■ c ‘ ■■ Very truly yours. 

p • 

- ^ > 

*w re 11 • I 


John Edgar Hoover, 


DMMbw 5, 1934 

Special Agent in Charge 

■ •' • - -• . ! - \ -v * . .* > "- V'- -r"*-. *■* 

\ - v : , . „ - ♦*• - . •* «*yv *' -‘ ; fit* ■ \-i.~ -***- h r 

,.»> - * t- # *v ** - * v '* * '•?*" • 4i . ; ' ' * 4 - r * * 

* -7*-' • •■ . • , 7/^ '*"'"* 

4 ? r‘ . v* •' / ,. '■ . ■• ... - ?* • , ■'.•••/ V- .. ' r \ * . ~ 4 * *- - • t.- ■ 

'**' * " ' ,£'■ — ■ '*'' *f*; ■•» '-• ’' ? v.i- ■*'• **V ' - ^ ./ <AJ . ' ‘ . ' *-Jv l C t ,: - Vj* V 

ft. „ yy\- [p i :; ■ ... -, 'fc - •• ' '7r - 

Attention! lir« J. .4; Igaa p 

> a r»ri t n • a. i- _ . * ^ A . ' . j. V, * v .. . 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1216; "- :-;‘.v/ ‘V, 1 

ARTHUR B. BARKER with aliases, l, 0. #1219; \cP:Pt ; :f ;'V- 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. O. #1215; v P : - y./ 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases. I, 0, #12S2; : ' 

ET AL - EDWARD GEORGE BREMER - Victim;! ' , . : . l\- r „ 

KIDNAPING. ?• • ' • ' ; 

Dear Sir: 

V * zt* 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Bussell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawye r, • _ 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O’Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the v * 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip •? 7 
previously distributed to all AgentB, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. • v- . - r ‘ w ' 

-f • - '.‘.v •• v .' . v .. ... . MV ■ V 

. v- . - v -y s ' * .‘a -v 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin ; 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
w^th descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O’Conner. The 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An ... 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. - v-v 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the 
names be inked out. ?■ ' _ V':".V". ^ • -■ ' ■ . ’ v!. - - < ■ 

- ;r .: v - .v v -‘ r y . ; ^ 'V- ‘-f' 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices, ' - 

. jl • - ' p / 

Very truly yours, L-i / 

John Edgar Hoover, 



1** #; * 


■' - *»■*"■ 

:• * -'• W'-y* ** • ■ •- 

':- V ' -»<V> 

D*cwb*r 5, 1934 

Special Agent in Charge, 


r.vw.w.* -- y.^ 

. .. I’: . ; rl../ V *!'*■■ -W /v * •; ' " >' V.^fV* rf '*TV’* • 

-•' ivV’ ’ ! !‘» -■ ■’ v'i»' : V, •:** #' ■ 

v >*■ J: ‘ 

. ' Attention# Mr. R. L. Fagan 

HE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, 1.0. #1218; ^ 

ARTHUR B. BARKER with aliases. I. 0. #1219; 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1215; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 

Dear Siri 


n ; 


. r o. There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional - 

members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpie gang. They include 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, : _ 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge ^ 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. 

fe| Vv 
g&l • -r 

re~- . 

The attention of all Agents should he directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The 
latter individual is reported to he the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will he furnished upon request. . 

<:k- : ■ i ' : i-- r = . ,V' ‘>i . 

' 'X- ' - Special Agents are to . he instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it iB suggested that the ‘ 
names he inked out. . i--. >: 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 

DIC * iC-4 ★ 

P. M. 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 




Special Agent in Charge', , .t 

•nber 5, A934 . ' ” 7 

<, A : n, 7 V:- ; ^v «■*>'.& . . 

” '•‘*' . ■■ -~-r * -V ’. '$-> ’-r* ,.; :: . /-i-Vi:' CA-- • -*• ..J;. , -:i- ’-«i. 

av.> “ •'■• '*•■'..* '.v 7 ‘ 7 v*V' v v ;•*-:*»■ :.;^vv.’ ^‘..77- 7;/ • 

r - “* \* 1 • * # V "* * * 'A f * ; - iF * . r-_. V— •'V 

»-• ** * - ** . . y - V -**‘' .* ‘ -4 * f*' A ^ * ** v ^ ‘ »•<’ ^ ' - * *‘-*•1*'*''’' -i ^ " m 5.’ , », **- <3» **' E r _ ! J* , !L *.. *^*1 n'* * V " * ** --• 

. ; - 7 Attention: Mr. ». *.’aUvl7^^ 

- v . : v 

- r - .'-. tv 7 .. v '-«.•** ;* ‘ v«. ■** * 

•-' r-K,' * 7. 

BE: ALVIN KARP IS with aliasee, I. 0. #1218;7v : * ; . .■;"- i, ; .'77777 %• 
ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases/ I. 0. #1219 777 T77 777 w 7 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; 7 7v? « j 7':7 ^ . T •*'• 
DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases. I. 0. #1232;'' •' . ' -• : ' - " 


— /,- .. KIDNAPING. 

'■ v. . ; ’• ■ •' \ • 

Dear Sir: /.. 7 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include l^’/ ,, 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, , 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special AgentB in Charge “H” 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell; . .V; 1 „ 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The ' v * 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. 

, Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as bo 

the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the 
names be inked out.. / ' '■ ■. • 1;; ”7 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph . 
to the appropriate field offices. 

Very truly yours. 

\ ^-•77^ '77^ 

7 j- j77' John Edgar Hoover, 

v Director. 






» * * * 

-- A 

.. ^ V tV.V' 

December 5, 1934 ^ ‘ 

* * V. ^ ** ! :"#*^ “ 

’• A • ; < *1, -~.‘ ■»« ■.*-,. j j 

-•‘ - ’’ “>-'j "' *^v— ' 

Special Agent 

: '' rV ^" V fe 

* in Charge ^ ' » V- V4L;;- T A '/* t* . t *«4 •’/>" 

Attention* Mr* E* P. Hair 

BE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1218; 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases. I. 0. #1219; : 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases. I. 0. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 
KIDNAPING. * ’ ; . ' - • \ ' l < 

1 . 
V • 


. • * • 'tif T t -V . 

*e. . - v ?j-*' ’ 

•V *S : - 

; ; ■ % ‘ . ' 

*_ , ■ ■ 

Dear Sir 

' * There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 

members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Bussell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 

in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner., 

and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic- / 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An ' 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. --- 

v Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- , 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the 
nameB be inked out. . 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 

• r- 1; V-1V " - 0t * \] 

. • ». £ £ i; Very truly yours. 


-* DLC 

O 4" 




John Edgar Hoover, 

C zs 



December 5# 1934 

Bpecial Agent in Charge, 

-O wr- 

itten tiont *r. B.T. Barbo 

• •••»>• Si •*«'; 

Si • v ^ 

BE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. O. #1218; " P\.'., s y^- 

ARTHUB R. BABKEB with aliases. I. 0. #1219; P '“'P 'W' < r ^ % v . r 
BUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1215; '.‘^T 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, 1. 0. #1232; - . ,A . ' 



' . • ... .• ’ - ■ . : . '. •. ; V P : 

Dear Sir: V . Z •' »$\ ,|'- : 

- •••• ’ < •.. '! - •. %'■ 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include ' ;V- , 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, P 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray. Doris O'Conner, V 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the ? 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge V 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip H 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. ir . r r 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The . 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. ; , ' 

. ... Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the ^ 
names be inked out. • . ' c .. y - , r< 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 

.. osc » v f ry ,ruly your '- \y 

John Edgar Hoover, 





,-r ♦ • •* -■• . : 

December 5, 1934 

>j ^ • f'Y’* 


Special Agent 

' ^-.V\ *-■>• , *:■ .- December 5, <*• f i ^ - 

; ,•- - , ■ r; r 1 

in Charge,^*,: s A : W- 

•"*• ■; ;■'.' ' ■•'■• "V:^r> ' « • VV-.‘:V;-.‘ r’-’r* '-v ftflvlV.* : : -‘ v 

Attention* Mr. J» A. Hinee 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliaeeB, I. 0. #1218; 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 

• .-\\v v : r ; :'; • 

* V ~*y V-«V.\ 

• -V A. -V '‘A 


Dear Sir: 

-.i v-.i-a. 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional - 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include / ^ ’ 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, \ 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, j 

and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the j 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photogTal^hic^ 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic^ sti^iri ^ v 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Voiney^DAvis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell, * 




The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bullet: 

No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O’Conner. The V 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. '.An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request.^ ; t * V 

• ' . .... *V .V f" . • .<* -T-, / > • *--Vr ‘ ■ - A, ^ 

' * “ Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as kto 

the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their invesV v V. 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the ' 
names be inked out. | V ^' : v' 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. . 1 . 

Very truly yours. 


John Edgar Hoover, 

‘ 'll 




*5?- *f 

December 5 * 1934 

Special Agent in Charge. 

Attention i Vr 

BE: ALVIN KARP IS with aliases, I. 0. #1218; ’ 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; • 

RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases. I. 0. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 

Dear Sir: 

..£» i < 

. . 

£-"■ : - ;V — - ^ ^ 

• H. E. Joseph 

: , v; ,; .' 

* .-5T.V * * i,. Vc 

• .r. •• »: 


, a* 
/ -^ 


There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs o t additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include ^ . ; 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O’Conner," 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the ‘ 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred- Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. . V 4 . ; 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with ^descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O’Conner. v The 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of JesB Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. V 

l \ ... \ . - 

f- Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to s 
the 'manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the 
names be inked out. ■ *" 4 A . 

,71 , . • ' ’ ' • '■ • '' . - ' : - - • • 

... 1 j All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telpjgraph 
o the appropriate field offices. 

(' n-- - - • • > 

Very truly yours, 


!i i- - - ■» 

I f 

j* < UlC YX-f * 




, . . . i ViO**. 


•j John Edgar Hoover, 

; ; Director. 


— n 



December J>» 1934 

' ‘ \ ' 

Special Agent in Charge,- • 



M r* 3. »• Keith 

RE: ALVIN KAHPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1218; T ' 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; >v ; . ' 4 ^ 

RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; V : v "'- ~ 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; V’ /'• 


Dear Sir: 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include ^ ' 

Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O’Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge [ \ 

are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic, 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip \\ 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell.;* v \.y ^ 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O’Conner. The 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- / 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the ? * 
names be inked out. _ * v* > -•* ' • v ;^ ; " - 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 

* ’ • 

u Very truly youre. 

John Edgar Hoover, 

O ‘ 



■'*' • 'f r ’ ' ... * • v-t* i ^ •** 

- •: - Itooember 5, 1934 -• .• -J*? • •• .. 

. • ' 7:;‘ ';v ' •: .7 “ ,vV . --7v7..'« . • / ! * 

in Charge," ‘ ’ \;7 ; s ^ . * 

y-.i -Vlf >, ;• >. • - ^7v : V.-y V ■’ 

■ '‘ r .' •*'••'. v - "*"•••; -t£ ;*» * 

At+.*nf.1nn* ■*>. • O. ft r -• 7 • 7" 

Special Agent 

;r.» * 

Attention* Mr. W. fl. o. Lester 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1218; . 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; - 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. HORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 
KIDNAPING. , ... . 

1 4 '; 

t - 

Dear Sir; 


There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O’Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the -. 4 

year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip -• 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker# and Harry Campbell. 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin ' 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The . 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations . If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the ,v* . 
names be inked out. * \ 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 

t / 






ltoCMbtr 5, 1934 

:• rr 

Special Agent in Charge, 

-«* - r ip***' •- 

,v ■VfTfc--, ^ 

A -? -.V/ v s - ' J 



‘. J •. - .• v .> -f a «|W? # Viv-» - . 

- Attention! ' W. L* Liattrman ^ ' 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1216; 

'* „.,fc . t. ^ r . •• , 


ARTHURS. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; X/.V 

RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1215; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 


J -v. 

Dear Sir: 

’ \ 

• * '■</'+ 
' ■ %-J 

1 ' 

. f 

*- if 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang* They include ^ 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Bussell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, /; r ^. r , 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the \ 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip "• 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney ,Davjs, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. > \ 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin! * 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The . \ 

latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle, 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. 


Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as *to^ 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inveB- i 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the * * 
names be inked out, , . « ^ *-•' . ■.?. '. ...... . H .- ‘ 

;• • 4 • •••'*. • ' * ‘ • .*• {> A. t i,. ’ ■ A 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph * 
to the appropriate field offices.* . : 


u * | 

Very truly yours. 


John Edgar Hoover, 





December 5* 1934 

Special Agent in Charge, 

'£* ±>: 

, *. - • • 'ir • 

V * 

Attention* Mr* 0. I.Lowdoa 

•' RE: ALVIN KARP IS with aliaeee, I. 0. #1218; 4. - T 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; *- *f-; 

: ' RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1215; .'i ! 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; ' . . ^ , 


. KIDNAPING. .. ' 

Dear Sir; - ~ - 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include ' • 

Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic . 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, - 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. - ' 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together, 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The' ^ 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion'as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the * 
names be inked out. 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 

1 1 

I Very truly yours, 

0 ..v- ^ ij 



/.st "t , John Edgar Hoover, 



D*ceab«r 5, 1934 

t V\ .,4..- r r ;* :••— . < 

Special Agent in Charge , 

Attention! Ir« f« I# McOarraghy 

■ **? i 

^ ' ' T,. »-*• .. * * J-> ^ ‘H- 

HE: ALVIN KAEPIS with aliases. I. 0. #1218; * C. 

ABTHUB H. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; ■> 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases. iTO. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 

Dear Sir: ' ; • *'V \ •- v* .-S- 

. , ' : •* • - — ■ »v * . i - \ ; -V ■ 

■ ' * * ■ i 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include y* _ 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, JesB Doyle/Harry Sawyer " 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O’Conner, V 

and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the \ 

year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge v y 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic \ 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip;, 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. ^ /, 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations*' If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the* 
names be inked out. '' v ^ V ' 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 

C r - Very truly yours, ^ 

John Edgar Hoover, 


- . y December 5. 193A ' 

•, , - -•; ;:. • .• -•• ;* • ; /-*' '•■■•-•' r .t^, - ;V f , ?-v > r ^ 

\< •.*•.•' ‘ -v • - .-. v . ; /f 

Special Agent in Charge. . -V v . ' v'.v • ' 

*% * r’ 1 *:•' "* i - 4- »*: * . ' i n J ...-/' ** -• * * * *v‘ J '* w < * ;4 ’ /. • ~- ■ Jyfc* ~ -r ^ *‘ *% 

, v-* — ; - . . V. ; •".*■; ,..-*!*• :;■•.' >*..-•■{; >• •_■ ...'. '-i* 

■- * — — m W~ fl ■•AL— '■ . •* -.'■. T ■ " ^ ■ i .* V , - 

Attention* Mr. H. He than 

BE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1218; 

ARTHUR B. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; Cs 
BUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1215; ' 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 
KIDNAPING. . . .. ^-->77 

'•■ ' YfeC v'.’cVV. 

Dear Sir: 

.There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include ,-, 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, JesB Doyle, Harry Sawyer,;, group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, ; 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) iB set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis 
Fred. Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. J-' f >VV- 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The . 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. 'An v 
additional supply of these photographs will be furniBhed upon request. • *' 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves-S 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the ; 
names be inked out. ' •- • /• 4 ; ~-. 5 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 

to the appropriate field offices} 

- 3 

Very truly yours. 

* ;» 

John Edgar Hoover, 


Deceaber 5, 1934 


Special Agent in Charge, 

t 'V' - V/ 

- . IvSwj/ >>M -i- 

. • '. Attention! Mr* R. t. Iswbj -• •;••'*/ ' / . ; ; r 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, 1,0. #1218'; ./'’■/ . 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; . — . V/ '- 

RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, 1. 0. #1213; ’ /■•' v,*, ; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; '• 


KIDNAPING. • ; v; '' 

Dear Sir: 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph P. Horan, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, - 

in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge „■ 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip" ~ 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davie, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. y - 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The , 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. /;/ - . 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that’ the i-f 
names be inked out, / j- .„■/*./ \ . . .•< :. v ..// ■ 

,■ All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 

individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 


Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 



Special Agent in Charge, 

December 5, 1914 

V : : *ij 

" Attention! Mr* T. D* Quiim 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1210; 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; 
BUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. Q. #1213; -f/.J 
DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 

-i, *4- jt -v 

’ - '"/TV** A;: . ':** • 


, - > wer^JX y vjfc,-;?.- -4K '«* 

V- > • T a. *. ‘ ' • 

. •' \4 :*?a . 

■':> ' : \*2 

• v 

Dear Sir: 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include^ : * 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Bussell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer/.^;.*' 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O’Conner, ' " 

and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the * * 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davie, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. v 

\ -V- ^ v v - v v; \* V-*: 

The attention of all Agents should be* directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The ' 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request.^ — - v" 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- v 
tigations.. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the ,yv ♦ 
names be inked out* ■ : 'J ,.v' ■/-> ■ *v'. ■,* r'5 • 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field office*. 

:**!. I 

— i j) 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 





I -- , 

• -w; ^ 

' , V y - .•* - D«0«b«r f, 1934 .- 

Special Agent in Charge.: >.-■• -' if ff_f fffyf ./; ’ % ; \/,, * ’/ Vli.' 

» ' ■ . r .*' •■ V* “"* £■■■' • '■ ; Tk- .f ♦ f „■ •*- :•*.*: // ' 

f " Attention! Mr. R. C. Renneberger v~- 

•a*.. „ . 

V- -- 

Dear Sir: 

HE: ALVIN KABPIS with aliases. I. 0. #1218; 

ARTHUH B. BARKER with aliases. I. 0. #1219; * • 
BUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases. I. 0. #1232;' 

... . • V- 

■Z\ V-. 


.‘V. £ 

. -VS - f- 

■ , r* i 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include , 
-Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Bussell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer/''”"' 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge • 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. - -4- 1 

• . • ■ . . '-s* - 

-- : •• • * ; > . ..«*» J. - , V- .* -• - * : > ■ - ^ ^ .> . 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The .. 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves-,', 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the / ■ 
names be inked out. ' • v> •< 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 

HFC # * it 

* 5 

b t*» ‘ 

■ V ■" i ''♦•i'C 'iuAliOKi 


Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 



* •# »: c; 

■ %. * I 



■*:■ : ^ 

. % 

December 5# 1914 

^ ’JK. '- i ?*'*.%• *;- 

Special Agent 

* "V ;/'■•*' -.• *,i’ ‘j ‘ ' * ' > . y.*? r * y •"' '» . ■'• ■'••-r% . I: *. '■■*■>■'. ' •'Sy " :?r*. ''•'*z%** * ' •?* r v ,t i*?H ' 

tent in Charge, *^‘ , vyX‘i'v'y : '- ; ‘ ' : .y?r- '>*>"* ■ * I 1 > ’ • 

#, -. J- ’ - • ,-• v ‘v*. * JC .<- * -*#'• «.». -?.•■- ' .h.- '- 

i • ; . ■$*' /»- . .. - -**.». - — * * •- *•-* - >.^5 ■ ■*.• ■, .../* 

. ’ •■ 'a '* jf • f *• '•. . ‘V’’^ w lV -4w V- -i.' . 

> ••..*, - i- ■». 4*. " <» ; ■/' *; -vfr * L-fv* ~-v »» - y—^ - 

, Attentions Hr. *. L. Riebmoad ... £>*> 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases , I, 0. #1218; X :y;;^' V'V^' 4 * % 4.t' 

APTHTTR n TUWFS *it.h dHum T fl .' <1 91 Q • ’ K ' ' M -T \ >"-; 

ARTHUR B. BARKER with 'aliases, vl. 0. #1219;:; yX: ; yxy.. y 
BUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, . I. 0. #1213; : 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases. 1. 0. #1232; ; ; i' 1 

ET AL - EDWARD GEORGE BREMER - Victim; ; T ' • '/• ...i^ i . 

KIDNAPING. "'*•.. . 

' "if- 

- . f C* 

Dear .Sir: x - :■ «' h v • . 

. v ' ’ "y ' ^ ; ' ■• r . ••• . ^ v- v * • 

' * ” * * • v . ./-•*' ^ 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional \ 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include * 

Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer,J 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) iB set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic Btrip ' 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell*. ^ *' f V v 

■ :>! * - ■ - y.;.-,,/. : y . y/,.. 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The | A 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle.; An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon requests ^ A w j ^ ^ 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion ae. to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inyes- _ 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that thejy # ;'"* 
names be inked out. . , y : y , v ; • ^ 

• (\ , f- ’ ' - • •• S* 

; All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the abov^ yarned 

individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. .M k ■ 

: 1 " ' M ’ " • • V 

t • ' Vortf fnilv vftiiro — ' 



•c"t »!“,*■ 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 
Director. 1 



Deceaber 5, 1934 

Special Agent in Charge, 

" * >. * , *; ■v./- A* > ^'. * c 

: .V £*. r ir,V* % *-T * '- ';■*■■ k * V* • • . t > v ' ’ :r ■ ’ 

;* V- V- 

Attention* Mr, L* C. Scbildar 

* V - . • *. 

: . " *-;v 

‘v-'- ■ *'*:*• L -, 

, . »r *<«$•* '* * ••- 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1218; ‘ . v! 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, 1. 0. #1219; 

RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, 1. 0. #1215; . V-* V' 

DR, JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 



' i* i- 

. t **■ 

Dear Sir: 




There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer,./., 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker., and Harry Campbell. ■ 

’ ' w ‘ > „ ' * , jk . 

■ . 4 T * # - • ‘ ‘ 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris 0* Conner. The 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. . 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their invest 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the / 
names be inked out. . \ * * V , 

\ All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 

individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices*^ 




Very truly yours. 

! DEC ti 1C'34 * 

y . || 

: r 7 t John Edgar Hoover, 



% * * 

DKubtr 5* 1934 

Special Agent in Charge, 

v.;- • * • ,tjr. . ; * v __ ■ .*** * A 

rs* ~ *•- ■«£■•* > % t 

Attention* Mr* V* A. Smith ,L , 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases. I. 0. #1218; W ; 
ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases. I. 0. #1213; ■ 

PR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 


* . >> ‘ ■ • * ‘..-i .* . 

^ ■ *• „ . T :_ V .. ' 

Dear Sir; 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional , 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include / 

Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer,. 1 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner,';?''' ;';'" ’ 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the ! » 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip ^ '• 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davos, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. \ ■ 

r ' * " ;■ H' ' • - ' -A 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The 1 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. Aiu 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. ' $ 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested, that the . 
names be inked out . ^ ^ ... '• ' • v* ' " ; '- 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. . 

u IV '* 1 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 






Deoeaber J, 1934 

. f >- ,r- ■ 

. w • r -* \ 

Special Agent 


nt -in Charge, ^ 7* *v; 

.’ .**“.->- \ • > .* . - * » :. " 7 t.<- •■• »•* :' ■•■ .* ' • *•• ? 4 -v*>. • ■ ■—"• . : 4-v . v-*-' 

;■' ■ ’ • . ■ ^‘.v_ - / ■ . -- ■ .. • * •/. > > * ; 

iv-: ' . •■?•*'••*'*' t ■■■■■■ • • >vi.v., ••••••'.:-• •••• **«;••* 

. ; attention! «r. I. ,4. TUB v ;,. ~ - 

RE: ALVIN KABPIS with aliases, i. 0. #1218; L ' ‘ ’* 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; 

RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. .#1213 ; I V 
DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases I. 0. #1232; 



, *>’ V. 

. \ - 

T ^ 

. Vv / VpaJ ;*: ,1 


Dear Sir: 


>* * 

• . * There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional ^ 

members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Bussell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer# ^,*1 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris 0* Conner;^ ♦; 

and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the ’ 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic *. 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip * 7 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell.,, ^ 7 V* : W - 

. ‘ fW : ./ T ’ > ; ' r -V' ■ ' " //k- - 

1 - The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin.,*./ 

Ho. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris 0* Conner. The 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle* An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request v ^ 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that' the , 
inked out. • > ’• . ■ ** " ■ v.# 

names be ini 

■ i ^ 

A A 



All leads indicating^ the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates^ should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 

J . ^ 1 v : V-,-. - JJ 

to the appropriate field officer. 

I j . /. rrr i> r * ■ . ! 

I ) t ; ^ V .*■ w- -p- 

■ '79 A - . ! . ^ * V *** i 

M Or 1* 

T ; - 

• T . * ? 


Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 


> “ « 

r , «r* , 




December 5, 1934 

' . ' ' ~ <VV*~W - ' 

Special Agent in Charge.’ 

- v . . ,-.kv v>v-r 

A. •. ■ ^ . •>■• -r *^T-A *?•:• - " - *' 'V>i .«*■ rg * . y- * 

’’ : ’ r ' V ,<"f *' ' :.~Z ,V C 'W>*‘ 

A : ir> 

•v - . 

U*-? rTr V i 

: X^r 

> . i V V • ■* . . * . W J- y.T'tslf • * , r X i .T W : / ^V - 

■ * -v- .*-.. ••» ' ' v; i. i ; ' ■•■•-. ;*v, ,\- V j v?? if&Sfo'&ppy*' 

Attentions Mr. X. K» Thompson ' 

r .i 


r ; , /* / ; *;-•? 


RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1218; . 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, 1. 0. #1219;-:‘:" 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 

Dear Sir: . 

V- - 
T , 

*:• ■ •*•: • 'm.- :■* ■ •> - *• 

•>: ^ * V- 

'**. , ■ V J V. 

\v ■ . ' • - • . - ;.}>► . , - - *. .■- 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional . 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include}- 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell GibBon, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer*' 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner/* 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the ] ^ 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge v 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip ^ * 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Da^is, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell* <{ A 

’ ^ • • ' ■ i 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin! \ 

Ho. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together \ 

Ho. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together \ 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. TheV^A ‘ \ 

latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle.' An! 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. . 

* Special Agents are instructed to use their own discretion as to 

the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- . 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the , 
names be inked out. ' ' - 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices^ . , y . 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 




December 5 • 1934 

Special Agent 

in Charge,,,.' '■ / ^ ^ '^f "'• 

.-•*• « v--. — . -•- • ■ W, ' r- - *- •■£■*'•■“ • ■ <„ ..-j! - •*» •* • » w »tf • 

... ^ • ., .V*. ■ . ■ 4j *^t- . ' - 4 __ , ,>i. " -> .% 

' ... v .-'■ " > * 1 . '•" 

Attentions Mr* C. A* Tolsoa' " &■■■* 

Attentions Mr* C.A. Toleoa '. ..'**■ v 7- ■'H*. *'■ 

EE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases. 10. #1218; . - ; _4r • ;7 . 

ARTHUR B. BARKER with aliases. I. 0. #12191 :V v- 

RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; . fi- 
lm. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; • 8 >*' . S 


KIDNAPING. - • ' : 

Dear’ Sir; >. •. i' . - . y . .? "• . - 

>• ■ .. * . V-.V * 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional* 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include sS ^ 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip . 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. . ; -'^ y > 

... '■ . V- ; /, ’ •' V-. * v -' V *'£ '*}' %'M' 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The 
latter individual iB reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. Anjv 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. , \ 

■ •. 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to s 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- ■ 
tigations.- If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the ; 
names be inked out. ~y t \z: A . •- :> - ■ •. 

All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. ; - 

U rt^’- 

Y& * 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 


- - 


Dtewbtr 5, 1934 

• - «( .. . T,y* ---S 

Special Agent in 

: ''•$ : " .• ; 

: - • •- * •' # * ■ . . - -■+ \' m : : v -■ '?> r 

n Charge/ - ■■ v--a: s •*r.v : ;2 y v^/-f.-v 

- . /-•. • - y.‘;,,r.;v^ -V V' v- ^ ■.-'v-'.r, ;•*- 

■ ' : *<* • a . ** • *•’' v ■ . -W '-4 i ■■ , W.. r-Vv, •• . ■•- .'i-ii' 

/. ■ :">'■=. :•».•> • .f» 

Attention! Mr. S. J. Tracy -vV'.- 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1218; .-i,'*- ; 

ARTHUR R. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; a A: , 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases. I. 0. #1213; -- >• 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases, I. 0. #1232; 



. ~ ~ JT l-i-’ , • ' ~ . w 

A i V 

■ ' ir * --’M -r£ 

J ' ,'a.e- 

f ' ; ' •' .3 

Dear Sir 

. ^ ;* 

■ -« < 

4-'’ * 


There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, /- 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O’Conner,*/ 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge"*'/ 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip j V 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, 
Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker,. and Harry Campbell. . 

The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 
No. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The ' 
latter individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle. An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. . 

. • ■ " . ^ ’ - 

- , / , / Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 

the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations^ If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the'; 
names be inked out. ■. .. V’ ■ " '• ? -•>; :V v*- '• ^ . " 

J i - - ' •• . : :: - 


f f- All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should be furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 




December 5, 1934 

v *-». 


Special Agent in Charge, ' 

1 ■* 
■ -y 

~' C T ,V < *£*.“ ‘ 


' r ■; 

s*';- */!?<'„ f‘ ' V 

-. -*? • ’ ■■ ■* 

■ -;. •*&'. -■ 

f- '' Attention! Mr* J. W, VaznM 

EE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1218; : 
ARTHUR B. BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1213; 

DR. JOSEPH P. MORAN with aliases. I. 0. #1232; 

. > • "V f • r* ■ ^'"- r 

'* s' 

’V. *■ ' - - /‘g. 

v . « v A-*-.- . 

; f : i' 1 

Dear Sir: 

There are transmitted herewith a supply of photographs of additional 
members and associates of the so-called Barker-Karpis gang. They include ■*,>*■ 
Joseph P. Moran, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer, ^ 
in one group; C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Murray, Doris O'Conner, 
and Kate Barker, in the other group. The description of each as of the 
year obtained (shown in parentheses) is set forth. Special Agents in Charge * 
are instructed to make certain that each Agent receives both of the photographic 
strips transmitted herewith and has in his possession the photographic strip • , 
previously distributed to all Agents, reflecting the photographs of Volney Davis, * 
Pred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Arthur Barker, and Harry Campbell. > V 


y The attention of all Agents should be directed to Division Bulletin 

Hq. 41, dated September 29, 1934, which contains the names and aliases, together 
with descriptive data of all these individuals except Doris O'Conner. The ^ v 
latier individual is reported to be the traveling companion of Jess Doyle, ?An 
additional supply of these photographs will be furnished upon request. . ^ - V v 

A i 

Special Agents are to be instructed to use their own discretion as to 
the manner in which photographs are exhibited during the course of their inves- 
tigations. If deemed inadvisable to show the names, it is suggested that the : ■ 
ntfmes be inked out. - r ^ . v ‘ :s 

• v*' 

4 . 

/ All leads indicating the present whereabouts of any of the above named 
individuals or their associates should he furnished by telephone or telegraph 
to the appropriate field offices. 

Very truly yours. 

John Edgar Hoover, 



# MS8 



Laboratory Report 

December 6, 1934* 


Alvin Karpis with aliases at al 
Edward G. Bremer * Victim, Kidnapping 



Specimens: one Colt Automatic Pistol, calibre .S3, So* 327502, with clip. 

Examination requested by: Chicago DiTision Office - Mr. S. J. Connelley 
Date received: November 27, 1934. 

Examination requested: Ballistic and Fingerprint 

Result of examination: Examination by: Parson^ 

Comparisons of test bullets and shells from this gun were made from 
all specimens of the same type in our files, but none similar were found* 
These test specimens are being filed for future comparison. 

This gun had not been previously recorded in the Laboratory Pile* 

A report on the fingerprints will be submitted separately* 


2-Chicago - Mr. E. J. Connelley 

1- St. Paul 

2- Laboratory 


* l mar 19 }y 6S 


DEC \ 1 193®- 


‘t t; i 

. 4 -J V <•»*>. . 

• -V* „ V.. 

. Deoanber 7 f 1934. 

tordhd r ^3^ ^ • w'v.; v:v;*' 

»• •• f ■* * *y *£••»*•->* » *■; -*r> • *a-* v * •..«** J- 4L, * - %• 

^ v^V • 

i‘^h %*. *'-V v >4 r *. * * 

L .* V '• -V ^* 5 *. v * • * .* - : .V.>..* 

S3 ■? 



* <Ou C? & X/ • : .*‘,;v.;.v.;? : ‘^v. v • 

Mr. I. J. Connsllsy, <' v;Vy,. #.. -['s ' \r, * ’, 

Division of- Investigation, *'•• 

U. 8. D»:>artaoat of . Ju»tios»i -j‘.‘^: , \ r ^.X;-^ ^ ■..-** 1-V- •‘‘v - 

Post Office Box 829, '• ^ '• V v=’>' - - 

Chicago, IllinoU.^^^^^.^:^ ; ' < 

Dear Sir' 

.^’ ■•—■■' *•; • y / ■ ,. *■ •''*•'.'•• . » r * • 

Be: Alvin Karpia with aliases at al 

Sdnard 0. Brener - Victim, Kidnapping. 

7 -"v.. '--i ■ i ; • * -; - 4 \ ■ -. ‘iiV 

*V- 1 

a \% r* < • ‘ 

'V/- *w\ 

* *■. . - * • 

* ‘* -f at ■ 

There is transmitted herewith the laboratory report 
covering the ^examination of specimens submitted by your office V 
in connection with the above entitled matter and received' In 
the Division . ' 

November B7 9 1934. 

: - .t , Very truly yours," ?£***$ •'? • 

John Edgar Hoover, 



1 tu 

.-.'5r - Vr 

V --V * • v : . 

■‘t- v^v. 
-> • 
f - * • V *«• 



DECEMBER 7,1934 4-20 PM 

| Mr. Nathan 

Mr. Tolson 

Mr. Cle** 

Mr. Baughman 
Chief Clerk 

Mr. Coffey 

Mr. Cowley 

Mr. Edwards ... 

Mr. Eg-an ... 

Mr. Harbo 

Mr. Keith 
Mr. Lesta^_ 


^!r, Tamm 
Mr. Traoy 






JZ.51L-3FA LL._ 

EEC C Ii34 

DEC 1 0 1934 

1 . M 

'V . Yf 

• #W' 

• A /A 

% '/ST 

V :‘ J r *>** 

1616 IMiril Rtnm 

Bank Bn lid lac 
Kanaaa City, Miaeourl 

jK^V'-r i .: 

'» y»5*' V V •*■ «, . * * 1 

£ei*is. ■ . 


-*V -sts. •:**- 


**P* »•««*. Witt allMH, 1.0. flBSt 

■v*"--.;r-r o; .; ■■ .•-.$#•.?.■ • * *• f HDassuPoxBaa*, itu iituM, j.o. /im v. 

■ .■ W?; ^■V^iff..?.:v^;Jlf£ - 0 / ".r ••• . , .v... ■>..;•:■ ':'V;-'^ - 

.'•'- \ •*^aftfi:v s r* f c liwttap'osDaerMirat -• Ti«ti»< 

:,., Ob December 4, ItM, 8petliU|«t 1. •• Saeft ef tbla office. ***»& 

while at Topeka, luuei, had occasion to interview Major flat Saitta, bead 
of tba Kansas stata Highway patrol,; Major Smith edvlasd leant Soott that 

on Deeaaber 3, l*34, a «on»a* whose naaebe declined "to ' reveal” aiia^to~iaa“ !' *' r v '•' ~ 

bln la an affort to gat bin to aaoiat bar hnsband, who la mow in. tba pa 
ltentiary. an 1 th ate tad that thla woman baa *017 good eoaaaatioaa with 
,,. • - mom ot tba Isadora of tba oadaraorld. She adTlaed a»ltb that -aba fcBoaW'^H^r---- 

- ..-of tbraa brotbara who have used tba naaaa of Caale/Kuaao. and laatab*^^^*:^ f- ♦. •“"" 

'JS-j. ,' According to tbi# noaan, theca brotbara bava raaldad •! • big 1 hunting 

f ': r lodgejust Out a Ida Of H^nnaapoli a, MinnaaotoT o^t* of tba brothers ■■$£'£' 

''"i reported to ba naaad Ed and w fomarly blewytf, but retire? at too 
/ly of thirty-five, dot to, tba faat that ba bad beep connected jtftb raekctM^Jfy „• 

■yK2 and bad nada tonal da reb la money. Another brother fa reported to have beam -V. !■;. 
killed. fba ona knoaa aa Kd la ra ported to still lira at tba bunt in g lodge 
Mentioned, and Major Smith’a informant atetea that aha bee raaaon to believe ■ 
?;.*%■■■■■ that Karpla la probably living there. llajor Smith further advlasd tha%>'’f'..i;--.’>j 

. thla Informant told bln that aba aaw M Bant*, Doe Barker, frad Barks r," 'had --f : - *3? - 1 - 


Karpla in 3t. Loula daring August, 1934. -V/,; 

~*3 1 

Agent Scott ardeOTorefl to obtain furtbar inrortBBtlon^fco* t'ejof 

Smlth eonopyblne tba IdabUV, of bla 'inf orpant, Wt be t deolla«d to'fiva IK,: V 
and ateted that be vas only beating this' laforaet ion along for iba\ It night : 
ba .worth. ' it la bur gested. tact aueb la^ulrlea aa nay be poealbla ba 
by tba St, 'Paul Office fros the above iBforuti«B."-cV'|'3" '■'* f 

''■■rr-ZciL : •••>. . •* : ‘-.0 *-V. : v. • V?-U. ■ I. :•■.'■ ,'i "■ /•r;-?-'- 5 ’ : ^> 

^ '-ft 

*-o-V £ * *» 

l-NS-VIV^ V 

'T* *>.* 

*.t •«--«- ^ ;-. r .. ... jP’’* r-’ . -i-V? U A/r4'. r > ei./ *■■* ‘ ff. *.■ J»5i >.***■ ■ » 

53 - Tery trcly youra' 'A' ^ 

"V- ’• '* ' ' ■.'■ ’’ " •’ ' u • , ! division 

fr ■ ■* 


• " =?r>» a..-*. -- -, 

•** -r ? /V < ^ • 



00 - Dlvlsioa 
St. Loula 

division of investigation 

• ■ ^ ■/*>: r.. 

DtC 3 1034 A.r. 

R. B. KATH^I p,-r n i| J 

Special Agent In Cherga L J •*»* 


t — 





P* 0. Box BIG* 

St. Pail* Ulna* sot •« 

JV - • ’ £ * * *M. Pel dLTXH KARPX3 with aliases, I.0.1*1B| ^ 

'*•< • V-* •' Vto© 5 ‘ ABHOR fcflARKSR elth ftlUftftft,I.O.m»t- 2 

im l^f^o ®i-v' ■ BO 33SUr QXBSOX with aliases, I. O.itlSt . 

^ ■••••- V ^ .sW&5i ;V DB /03BPH iHlORlff with allaass,X*0.1S3B| > A ^V 


t ',- « 

* t .4 CN •• 


v^<^y * c, 

IT £.( DVAHD (TBHKMSR - Tlfttlm 

•»,-»: 5 

! V~ OftftF sir: *\b' : 

- vVvi T _ . ^ /I, i? + - vr ■:*' : ."..r-. '$ ’ ^,. 

• ' 'a '••'•• . r '•'*,/• '-■ Xn reply to letter signed bp Xespeetor 8* ?* 

0 o*l ep* dated Hovnber 18, X«34* initlalad Odf:AB, referring' 
to Federal Reserve Bank note Bo. X000&3S9&A lft possession '• ■ ->■•■• i - 
of the Lake Villa Txuet and tarings Bank, lake Villa, IlllneU,* 
exninatloa of the Hat of bllla la pofteeeeloo of the aaerleaa * 

Rational Bank at St* Paul vae Bade by Mr* I* Bores ftho foaad 

that the bill liated bp Bo. X00063896* la • tan dollar Fsdsral v. . 

Reserve Bank note of the Klnth Federal Rasarre Blatrlet* .. 7 '_ 

Minneapolis. in exaftlnatlon of the original list aonfiima',.^^ ^/* 

the fast that the noiabar ending with the asterisk rather 

than the latter *A* la the ranaas bill. Therefore* the ‘ • < . -A,': ^ ’V 

bill in possession of the Inks Villa Trust and Barings Bank. ^ : •. • 

la not part of tha ranson none/ In thla ease* 4 ... ‘ ^.VyvC^-V'': 


Vary truly pears* 

.v ■-•u. * r 

i* •• •• .'■*.•■. . t ; jr-V • t •’ "?“■ •» . t* * ’ .. ••', -rj * *. . \ . T.-'V **'■—.•. . 

K.' -r -* - >■ % .-v ■j-.V.'j V?. - ? -•■. ..■ 

V.;.- ' . .. v'.": 

- S ■'>■.• ' ix r* /’ >' T-j ^ v ' 

V ' • ~v> P. M. LAID* ■*.; •% iv- 1 '" i- - • 

V >/] ' • . '.••V Spaolal Agent In Oharga," * ’.f • " ■ 

*: v> v . ' 
,:a y L •• - a:-'* • * vr . 

Spaolal Agent In Oharga* 

/SB: RDI x 
Oa Division 

> XV 

. . * • u i 4 .s Lw-i j , • 

* i 

dec c ir:> ’ ■ 


• ^ *5*5 

' f, . . 

O -\ 


SIX EIGHT SIX NAUGHT \ gf? ^-1 '*&&£■ .'V • / ' : fe< ^ 

■V X; ■ y •£-•• * ‘V.??*. x~ v-V^ >xt:V ;v 

-" ■■■ ' • v^xVi xVvx <T */■■■■ 00MBLSXT~::'--wZ.i-Z~ ■ 

TS <u ~ -V */■» 

> . '**e V 4&~Jr 

*. v*~ _-T •**», <*» 

v*' VIP: KB f ~—v' *> « * ,-.»*kr*#**4*i '+~r% >*. i 

-xx. x, • /. •. '■'■•• ; y-" y ,c': V-^. ' : ? : .. 

. . ; i : ,;Vr- OC - Division ./., ->3f ?.. '• * f-' v vUs ' - . . 4 VX** 5 V^VkV> ? Jg-' : .X? '. * 
/xi , -•• * j; **: ** .-'-v v •; .x’ ' *L'f, / *- •* •> •' '. x>* -rr'v- ■■:. v i '3*?’ *v' ^*1, ■ ■••' ,-r **•«£•>$■■' ‘* : V- ; * 

V '; ^ J ' •J* ' X ‘ ■ r ~ ■ * *'.V ~ 4*. . '* \ 1 1 -, - ' /* I? •*- v * *' •’V?V 4 -j " . - .. ■* '*'* * ." 

• ' "t > f p - <t ■• * " r V ' * ‘A <■ ‘ -s •, *1 •• ^ .* »*,.•*•■ %>" „ ' "V’"' r j.’li ' .“ ' *-- 

n "'^ l& 'f. 

: ..«-SsOfPAi:i»r C/;70 , 

wl ;'rr 




H-i.*. fvj 

Post Office Box SUB 
Detroit - Kiehlgn 
Decem b er 1, 1034 




Pet ALTW XtfPIS, with aliases, 1.0. /1U8; /ke^ ; 

AF3H0 B B.^aHRSR, with bIUmi, X.O. ^tlf| if 
BCSSSLE CIBSOK, «ltb lUw, 1.0. /1S18{ ’.V -?»>.„ r . , ... ■ * „ 

. ER. 7000* P.°UORAH, with aliases, X.O. #1331) : *k* 

*r iti . 0 
Aides ptag 

. vfm "• ? 
- V - « <- 

' 'i' * m 

r ; # \ 

Deer 81 n 





V,*'. 1 

■ •> • - 


-... f* ' - 

:4 ,„ : 


. .*• 

Beferesee Is nada to report of Special Agent Chapman 
Fie tot sr, Cincinnati, Ohio, dated 10-11-54, in *ilsh it Is noted 
that 0. 3. Frcnbe, Sr . , of the fbooas Shirt Ooupany, Oolmbua, Ohio, 
on liay 19, 1934, sold a large order of shirts to tail t 1 duals, she 
are apparently flobjeote in this ease, tmder the nenea of S. Bronson, 

George T. test sad D. 7. Barrie. It Is further Bated that said 
shirts were shipped on TUly 6, 1934 to S. Bron o on, 8111 Harvard -• - if ‘ x ♦ J ;y* .. k. 
Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, end that the balance duo on this shipment k . 
ana 412T.OO, aald shipment having bean nada by sxjresa. for yon r 
Information, 3111 Harvard Avanoa, Clave land, Ohio, la the nddraae" 1 v ^ 
of the Harvard Club and invoatlgation conducted at Cleveland lnfti- /' 
antes that Via Harvard Club van frequented by members of th# ganf, i- J 

• t'V' 


r , 


Xt is further noted Is report of Spoeial Agent Chapman 
Platehar, Clnelsnati, Ohio, dated 10-30-34, that further endeavor 
nos mads to Interview 0.3. frenbs, 8r. , Oolanbus, Ohio, but that . "V-J4/'- 
bs ass not available for Interview. Xt Is recast ad that tho • 

Ciaeinnatl Office make every endeavor to interview 0. 8. Traba, 8r. , 
exhibiting to him photogrejhs of the Subjeets la this ease to deters 
mine to idtlsh Subjects the aforementioned shlrte were sold by. bin, r. " k* 

Xt is also requested that the Cincinnati Off lee eonduot approprlets-'y ■ 
investigation nt Columbus, Ohio, to obtain data eonoaralng waybill,'* - 
#te», in order that the records concerning this shipment may be 
looated, if neosssazy at Cleveland, to determine Chat person tignsd 
for thess shirts upon their delivery et 3111 Harvard Avenue, Clj»vp^l^-^. : •- 
lend, Ohio. v..* k v f - ;V 

i T - 

7- £M 


DEC 3 1934 A-K. 


Investigation has developed that A. V. Heberbraad la 
connected alth the Harvard Club and is thought to be a contact of tha 
fang and It la poasibla that ha say have signed for these shirts. 








Kt Tir- 

L'*. :*•' Jr 



p. o. box im r 

Oklahoma City* Qklahcam 
Deoeaber t, 199*. 

1 % 



V> A '<SW'..tS': 

■ - • *'• 

?.«■** i 

Dear Bin 


-I - 
V* * • 

ARTHUR JL^fciHXEft with ellaees, 1. 0. . 

BUSSSUTOIBSOf with ellaeea, X, 0. #l*l»j ' -£*.*S>v,<r.. 

OR. JjSSTt tfikcmut eith allaaaa, X. 

IT 12. - TOWARD OXOBGIyREKCR i Tletln* ' *.*.**« ** 
KXDHAPXNF: .>7 7 : riV 

••■■ *•, '•-. *. .,..r ••• =-^-. • 

. .... V v .-• ^ v. •• : ;., . 

. •.,-■< ■ ’■ '••" l*Tvfv • -■ ?•*- •• •••• . - * r- ' 1 A.. 

? ' Off tear Bturgsoc of the Tulee, Oklahoca Polloa Department aft* ’ •.* 

viced Agent Paul Baneen that Rutty walla,' a at alar of Billy Fitch, fom*»‘ ■? 
associates of Harry Campbell, la now llriag a* am addraef vhioh la thought 
to bs 901 or 910 Horth 3rd fetimet, Fort Worth, Texas, and that Barry Ca*p> ' 
bell has made same contact with til a girl at that address. Aoeording *0 
. .the diraetiona given about the location of this address, it la mot aam-wii. *U,' 
si stent with the address given, but it is thought that the place SWF ba • 
located from the diraotiome given by sturgeon* -'.y.; : i -- .-'V -t 7 *' 

^V****?** -Then entering Fort Worth on the hig h w a y w h loh~ go ec directly W*r% *■**■■ 

Fort Worth from Oklahoma, or the hlghvay which goes la from Dallas, the X 
.highway goes under a railroad track. On tha third atrest after passing ^ \ 

* • under this railroad turn right, which will be north, and it is fhe first ; 7.7 
house on tha right or east side on that street. Between the highway and ^ ..**> 
“V -this house Id a vacant eorner lot. .Across the street fron this house, 

and a little to the south le a filling station. Fran this description . 

it is not thought that this address could he the 300 block of 3rd Street, 

~ but it la thought that the plaoe can he looated fren the description ‘ : 

' f. given, and it la suggested that son# inquiry ha nada concerning it* *■'- 


h. ■ . 

i Or*. 

ccC^Dfvislon •" 
Kansas City 
St. Paul 

Special Agent in Charge 



DEC 10 1934 F.K 





Boat Om«* Box 1874 ... 

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma . * 

Deoamber f, 1934 o £ 6 ^^ 2 

#1*105 AKPilUH H. EkRKKn with ■£;3&i&*gk'£igr; 
allaaaa, X.Q.#1319; JOT Al: ' -SK - : 

wasd otonos^BPataiR - Victim «!* 

n< -v- iv» - r&zf •: **&*&,«!* *?•%»•*> i-' . 


it- ' •; 1 s f rVv-fr -, •••• ;. J ■ • » • ' , ‘ 

As a result of a mntK^Vr pl*uN*tt~by tbs Oklahoma City 
si tt Tulsa, Oklnhorm, a tritlag has been reeelved indicating 
that a letter «as received by Charles Stephens at 818 South Hoek*v ■ 
foxd Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma, with the return address of "John & *3 
fltzgibbons, *300 Amsterdam Avenue, Mew Turk." The letter 




■ailed at Tlashlngt on Bridge Station, lie* York 6:30 P. M., Movembsr I 

24, ' 1934 i " ; * - :-*r ; ; — •**■*-* — - ' 

: - • - - •• r- • 

618 South Boekford 3treet la the hems of Harry Campbell ' : 

and where bis parents are presently living. It is suggested, that *- 4 **^'***-* 
some Inquiry be made concerning Titzglbboaa at 8306 Amsterdam Ave- _' 5 v v ' i -‘ / V iS '7 t 
nue. Hew York, to determine what oonnaotian fltzgibbona night have ; 

jfeSjiv;.-: with tbs Campbell family and especially with Harry Campbell, a sub- v" 

' {■' Ject in thie case./- >: -?**■' ■ Y-' ■ T .r:-; i ■"& 

Mtr, -h. # V \ A ; * • ^ ^V vs\.- 1,-; y,' JfW • 

»* a 

— ,.V •« ’r v-» -*<•- 

•'The file 'in thie ease indicates that a letter containing 
this information was inadvertently addressed to the Portland, Oregon 

■if, -r*' -* 

' JVV' 

office on December 6 , which, as a matter of fact, should have been 
7. . v* addressed to the Mew York City offiee. The Portland office, there-, 

v’.. , .• fore, will disregard the lead contained therein. -yv 

! .jy 

j: v-. ■ 


Very truly yours. 

■ *£.. -> * -Jr* v 

*v> v* ---■■• -'T-vi • ■- 

■ **>v>> *■ '-•••? '.f \ .■ '-.f --. 
!»:■«. - -w ■ ^ u - 

'fcc DiTlsion 
st. Paul 
> Chicago 1 " 

t‘. • »- - . v fc , >«. * . r 

Special agent in Chafcgi. 

(2 xI 33E 



0E2,i0|934 f.r 

o.^rp AststwTor iusTicc 
, | T»l<~ 

t* • *' 

4 . 

1 . 



\ v * 


Post Office Box 1S76 
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 
December 6, 19B4 

Vv ■^■‘0S r ^ 1 :'■£■& *•*•';'. 'aliases, 

r : , »*bd geo: 


:; IT 

RQE^BHHiBR - victim- ..>;.s , T :.r ■;. ;t.: \ ■ 

** vi 

vr:^ .*■: "^-nsv- $?• ^r": 

J* *. r i- - .’ | ;.' -.'•’Cie a result of a mail cover placed by the ddabaoa City E ...... 

. -r 

f -■ 

e at Tulsa, Oklahoma, a tracing has been reoelved indicating 

->• • y 

that Ur. and Mrs. 0. C. Campbell, BIB South Rockford Street, Tulsa, ' 

Oklahoma, received a letter with the return address *C. C. Campbell, 

, ^ 1017 Southwest 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon.'* ~ Mr. and lira. 9. '9*' ** 

Campbell are the parents of Harry Campbell, a subject in this case 
j|pjp and it is thought that C. C. Campbell is Clell Campbell, a brother -?'/ 

of Harry, and it is suggested that some inquiry be made at the , , - ■ 

" above address to determine if Harry Campbell is making ‘any contact ' 
at that address. 

.*cc Division 

-V. st 

*v \ *' . „lr ^ 


" ,. s P eclal A « ent in_Cha^'^^^^:^v r . - . 

pP|j • ' ; Hr ; y. •- 


DEC 10 834 ?.«. 

u. $flftPART*E*T Of JUSTICE 





t. ) 


P. 0. Box f09 
Fort land, Oregon 

Deemster 5, 1954 

c :/*> t> 
o t,’ 

Special Agent' la Charge 
.^ 7 ^ . -.-5-' -.Division of Invest igetlw- v 
' r * S. Department of /uatlee 
ISIS Federal Reserve Bank 
Kansas City, Missouri 

. Re: ALVD&ARPIS, w.a. X.O. #1*18 '*"TV' 

Dear Sir; 

ARTHUR R.^BARKSt, W.a. 1. «• ‘:-f * 


W v J- . *£/:’ : ‘ SDRARD’ 6S0ipK^%RB(£B <■ Victim \ ' 

'- . ■ ' ' ’ ' •'*'*-••••;. -7 . ■-.■ v »' ..- ‘ - 

; _ Reference le made to report . of SpeeialAgentA* 

Far land ^ Kansas City, dated December 1, 1934, with ife leh wan ; .-. ’/ a-v-JV'; 
forwarded to this offloe photograph of O.JLLbert Meed, I*even-?^ : '^,. 

worth nnafcer 73E3-L. ••?•;•'. V *".T. VV.' • '-;v v ’: 

-r- y#» -y »7. • ?» y ‘yy* 

Please he advised that Lorn la Golden has already •, v i :; - r -'- V V '- 
/ viewed a photograph of the Mead *om this Division le _ seeking,. w Mr* 

' ' 'namely, William X. Mead, and stated that William X. Mead le Z. . „*j- 

‘ : < wot the party whoa he knew at Leavenworth Penitentiary It t;: 

■f '.iM •'■■'■., ;-rH\ Jfh’ U noted that the fingerprint el ase If lost ion of 0. Albert ' > 3*^--* * *>«. 

** r ’. Mead, s (E) 1 1 1 does not correspond with the fingerprint 

IF A3S ^ ^ 

classification of William X. Mead* Accordingly, photograph -- 
of C. Albert Mead is not being shown 

Very truly 

lown to Lonnie -; 

•uly yours, v i'\ ►?' 

A- * 

. Denver 
St. Paul 

•••*« f . 

iV.*'--- v ; r ^ 


- . ivision OF sAVESJiQAiJpN * „ 

v “oEc i6 ?^4 V*' 1 
• • .. ? 

I*. S. DEPAft ' • Qf inSTICt 

TWT7- i f it £ 


*♦» > 

: — ^ - «***. - * 




p. o. box we 

Loa Angela b, Californio 
Boo* 5, 1»4 . 

m -■» ■ E L* A/' 

m ^ &'%T& 

^d* § K> ffc f2 

S W 

■ c O 

> •-*„?■. Vi >:' 

r •■«... • . • ',**• ' 

’;.«, ■ 1 1 ■*- ■ .• s . ,- t • ' O • ■ •••’ •!> •• ' ■'■ ■■! '-»■ - J. > • l V ■ - i -i •■. » • j 

' >:< Bet ALVXK KARPXS with ellaeoe, 2.0. #1«1B} r* ^ r n J? v 

„ k ARTHUR R. BARTER with aliases, 1.0. #1210} 

Sf. V--- BOBfBLL wZBBC^ , with tlluM, I.Oi /l21Bt 

> -V . . v ■ *„ -• 1 

.. ■■■ •• '• 
.- 4 s s ■ - - s\- •*• ' 

y, : -4 / V- : . S-'^y 

Door 81ri '* 

DR. JOSEPH P.MORUT, with aliases, 
1.0. /1CS2, ot ol 

EIDIIAPIEO - : ' •■-■ — - 

L. A. Pile T-42 •<• ». • . . f ; 

t?»»r -v . T*v^pf* .„,... 

V srw^W.'ii..- V ’ .Reference is aoio to report of SpeeialAgent Jaaee O. -' / 'i 

Findley, dated loo Angels a, Calif., Deo.” 5, 1954, endespeclallytO • 

paragraph 2, page S of eald report. Please he advised that this 
office UrarfecelTed o mil tracing oe follows: 

•- ••* •■■■ v 

*: • - •'- ■., Ifni. Wyatt Winters, 1925 No. Tine Street ■:? 

: *V ■ v ::v;';w # Hollywood, CaUf. - :*i -•£••?• • 

. Hetnm Addraaot v ’ IfW* J. BQVQB - 

’"E ^'T ^ ’ 6142 Olenwood Awe/ > . ip . rf 


S^V ffb ;: :-vV 

xenwooa owe. , •• «* i . •• *: 

q llllnoloi ^ : -.if . 

•■^ r *■ ■. ' V- r.« i * ' =.* -"W ' r J - -a ^ £ v: .<■ . . . ••• - 

The original 1* Delag forwarded to 

the Chicago Di vie Ion Offlee for whatever nee it aay he fi’ibESclBg 
sjapdHWBt 'Of^lBt fendwritlng. vp - ;; •:? \ £ v^_ ; . .w . 

• r -. -• ‘ *" ■•' *•• t- *> **' - \ . ^ -- -'-'flUY: “^Wv ”• ** ^ ; ■ V- - ■ 

▼exy tMly your» # ' : ^ r^ ; ^ ^ ; * ‘ - 

x<~\:rZ ' • r v • vY 

^ ’’ ;T A 

v. , JCFtT 

v *; r-i- * ■#% /” v.v5»4-‘(f- •§' * 

eo : Dlwi eioo 
ft. Paul 

- 4"y^>Nr- V-- 

r; r l4 fc ^ 

; J. S. P. DUNH i .. : 


' '*■' 'V-' v V v V- . 

'' r ’* - Sr '<*Vi * v<* -vH.. , - 

? .... . . , . OfV.SiON Of wVtSTfGAIlOh . I 

* dec io 34 p.»t| 

U-^DCPABfMEVT oe jusTl C £ ; I 

.r T& 

•; c 

* * 





*, . 



T v '\ ** :**-> 

Post Office Box 101 
Oklahoma city, Oclwhct ^ 

ka As**'"'"' 1 

%r-s : 

•Ji’XX,**-- • v4Lll£ ". : J~ . 

aliases, I.O.^lSl*; BiLt L - 
HflD (KoampteaiBB - victim . ■ 

w_ I •■-*. !••'*'■. ,-'.V7?,,«/*: :v ,- i 

• * «. -s^-hM r*. - r 

■ » i — » 4 . . ,» --.a/ ♦ s* • 


■ ir • ^ : 

rlaced ty the 

, Oklahoma, a tracing has been recalved indicating -; 

lhat a latter was received hy Charles Stephan e at 81B .South Book- .V,-_ . 

ford ’street, Tulsa, Oclahona, with the return address of 'John &• }*' ” 
Yitzglbbons, 2300 Anatardaa Avenue, Km York," The letter was - ' 

■ailed at ifeahingten Bridge Station, Bew York S;30 J*, M ». 

M, 1934. 

a*# 1 * 

V- K* •. 



’ :'*< 

Af ' • U.. ; •.: 

818 South Bock ford Street is the ham of Harry Oampbeli^'i *> 

and where his parents are presently living. It Is suggested that 
recce inquiry he node eonesrning fit zgib hone at 2300 Anstardaa Avi» 

.'• J*', 



jBue, Bew York, to detezaise ehat connection Fitsgibbo&e night .hawa £-*>5 

" _C "' ' ■■£'■*■;•• 

with the Catchall faaily and especially with Barry Oanpbell, aeub- 
Jeot In this ease. „■' > 

■ >. ■wg* Y * ■ 

'* ... •.'•>• *-*V- ' • '-t* V. 


il/jfl Off AR 


DEC 10 £34 ?•* 

UIMm«t»l 0* justice 




the following message, subject to the terms on back hereof which are hereby agreed to 

•nl ^-PiL' rM 




N V 





"o - Chicago 

~ \c W'rOv 

* ^ \ 
i »V <■ 

r-; 0 i /■?*} 1-6' c 

V‘J *-’ v u 

J . .1 ?.a 1373.*!. 






ICC 10 1934 k 






- ) 


y Form No. 1 

* f This case originated at 

f t * i 





ISPORT MAM AT«- -y • - % V ! «, 


—— - ■ r- - 






•j. d. swenso^ 


*; y£s- V;' v -/ -?'-4 >- 

et al, . EXTARD OSORGE^BREtER - Wetia „;; ; - 
synopsis or factbc ..’..t' ’ JJo record ofTord Deluxe T-8 sedan- 

motor j£899j365_ haying been registered* ' - 
in Colo./6r Wyo. Stop orders placed* ; V 

% *' 

' -i>X ' 






’-T4* * 

*%?* /j . r _■ V* 

< . ^ > - - , -.<•■«. V;*^ * *r. .. { \ 

Letter of Detroit Office dated 11-19-34. 


V:V S * 1 

* jfrAMVv' 


.Upon receipt of reference letter, a communication was addressed by 
this office to the Secretary of State, Cheyejme/ Wyoming, 'and a xi 
quest was made that his records be searched relative to the regis- 
tration of 1934 model Ford Deluxe V-8 sedan .bearing motor /S99365# 

: Also a request was made that a stop order be pieced in his f iles V 
against the registration of this oar JLir th e £tjate of Wyoming, this 
"car /being the car purchased by Jimmiewilson under* the alias of B * : 
J.^Fowell from the Jess J. Ellis Motor Sales Company, 3519 Detroit 
Avenue, Toledo, Ohio# 


h •- + * ■ 



.. >• • . *4 ; t. *•. - £ 

A letter was received from the Secretary of State, Cheyenne, - Wyoming^ vu 
in which it was stated that the above car had not been registered 

in the State of Wyoming, nor did they have any record of any regies 
tration in the name of E. J# Powell. The Secretary of State also 

advised that a stop order had been placed against tj&e registration^ 

• t -• v.vw V f ■:■«**■ './/-r -‘V,- V SM ■ 

'• * 4 *'- ^ 

of^thi 8 automobile 4 • 


; w 

'« *7 

*v; 5 

] . . *7 ‘ *_« 'O V DO NOT WRITE IN THEM tFACO - ^.'_S ; 

APPROVED AND ‘ A 7 - * * * 

roRwA "° a>! r%A ^ 




3 - Division^ 

2 - St. Paul 

1 - Chicago 

2 - Denver 




ROUTED^Ol^l^l^ FlUC 





11 MAR 19 1965 

r Likewise* a letter was written to. Hr. ;&• #... ..Becker^ : phief gt£|s ^ 

' Auto Theft Bureau, State Capitol, Denver, requesting the . Warns [. ifr/* ■ 

formation. Mr. Becker advieed this office that there "wee no 'rjidiwi. v-‘ : '• 

».y>L' v >-«•: ~-f '. , *?,4 .*'• PESDUia^iv • \ l 

• * H ‘- _ - - * . • * * * •• r * •*, , <?;■ y '■ -•-. * ;•**<** > * • - 7 ^ 

i t -\v. 


^ /*"N. ; f ••■' f -^ : ' v - • - « 

i>* ^ y-'^ * * - *". . 

:• , ■-:■ -■+■ - * ■' - 
r .: ; . : * _-'/.<*:•• '.- * 

•••♦;- ; ■- -. v.- ■ - . . ••>'• -:• -•'. r «v:^., ,y 

- -V ■- ■ .?>*: - 1 ;: ..£? -•-• * -I - . *»■* -;i 4 ,:... . t^.%| "y ^ f ••■- 

■ ;> v -A t v . ** . *v 7 -♦ ■'--.“t * i -.*... v'-jAr >* ■«*>'• • J 1 * 

. > ',*, » v tV^ “i*; v ":•:> -•./ v: vC%v 

7 v^; ■>* '*-or V 

- - •-.■ . t ‘ ’ . 4j> j* •,. 4 ’ ■■»...»» . 

■ • - 
f- - 



“pifttsum of ,3(nfics{tgatum 

£». ^Bepariaunl of 3«#lite 

P. 0. Box 1876 
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 
December 6, 1934 

Director, \ ' 

Division of Investigation, 

U. S. Department of Justice, 

Pennsylvania Avenue at Ninth Street, N. W., 
Washington, D. C. 

RE: ALVIN KARPIS with aliases, I. 0. #1818; 

ARTHUR R.° BARKER with aliases, I. 0. #1219; 
RUSSELL GIBSON with aliases, I. 0. #1813; 

DR. J035PH P. MORAN with aliases, 1.0. #1232, 


Dear Sir: 

/ ^ 

With reference to Division letter dated November 22, 1934 in the above 
entitled ease, please be adv^e^tha^^secial Agent Paul Hansen of this offiee 9 
j during an interview withj^H^^HHHH^was advise^that Senator Elmer 
Thomas of Oklahoma is th^^H^K^Sate^Sen&tor whomfl^H^claims to have re* 
ceived a letter fr om with respect to any help or favoWIBich he might be able 
to rends 

It might be stated no * ***** positively that Senator 

Thomas agree^t^he^^im secure ^parole for any prisoner, but th^letter, ac* 
cording tcflH|HI|^B** a * emen *> was worded in such a way thatJH[V felt 

o^n ( 

that he c ould laiceix^ppea^t 
tion and willing to assistflHf 

George 0 Barker that Thomas might 
I in his proposed undertaking* 

a posi- 

A copy of this letter is being forwarded to the Kansas City offioe, 
in order that they may make some inquiry at the United States Penitentiary at 
Leavenworth, Kansas, to ascertain if any correspondence has been received 
concerning the possibilities of obtaining the release of Lloy^Barker, as sug* 
gested in the Division 1 s letter referred to above* 

Agent Hansen received a letter from] 

which was written to 

TPT hlin to g et 
however, tha^flH 
this time whefner 
with Agent Hansen, 

Lhul it aid not seem possible 
W^^^^Wu3M®^^TIrarmation has reached this office, 
is now out of the penitentiary, though it is not known afr 

A 1 ^ «• _ . . . % W . . . . _ 4 » * J 

he is out on a furlough or a parole 
or with this office, to date* >• 

He has not comnunicated 

DEC 10.5 


1 - 57 1 - 35 1 ^ 

1 G »; :•« 

,# . 

11 MAR 19 lyt5 

. V 



ette^^^^^^^^^^ states, "those parties went to 
Shrevesport .la ana fried down there, but I knew it was im- 

possible to get out of the State on a chase like that and besides things have 
went wrong so much, I did not feel like checking It up to our friend. I re- 
ceived a card from some of them, just who I do not know, but I inclose you 
the card herewith. They did not however, show up as they said they would 
in the card. Neither did I receive the letter mentioned in the card. I 
imagine the letter was sent to me by some person and they failed to arrive 
here with it. The card is from Wichita_Kansas end part of them was up there 
so I had word. 1 did not mail the application to Barker, I thought it bet- 
ter to first get my leave and he and I find her personally for her signature. 1 

The "friend" mentioned b 
to is signed "K". It is not known 
the card is from Katherine/Shepard, 
fore in reports of Agent Hansen. 

is Agent Hansen. The card he refers 
tely, but aee&is rather evident that 
who has been referred to several times be* 

During an interview of Agent Hansen witl^m|^^^^|HpFhe was 
advised that Katherine Shepard had rece ntly spent tw^day^an^nights with 
her in Tulsa, and Katherine toldflBfl^that she was endeavoring to make a 
contact with the Barker brothers "friend"; that she had, among other 

persons, contacted Tom^Hill of South Coffeyville, Oklahoma, and that Hill 
had told her he had heard nothing direct of these subjects forj^auple of 
years. This corroborates to a certain extent the statements of as 

it would indicate that he really is making some effort to make a^ontaet 
with them. 

cc Kansas City 
St. Paul 

Very truly yours, 


Cf j v 


VH ? 1 

•j:dJ rO ; : 

V P? v, _ A/ 




UU Mml Untm Beak 

tu*i oity, nt»b«rt^^^2S^S^S^ •; 
* w * Qb * f • ***&■' ‘ ' 

C ,£jv.y*o* or H»vfsue*Tiftii v -vj 

Sp««lil Agent la Ote re* 

Illinois T ( ><. ,.*w -:.. ■» ‘ 

.V^'V: '**» A^ 3 ® KAQfIS vttti alUsee.I.O. : 

r- ’ '■*■ —*'■ ifrrtirro H^ttAtMTtfts «i4w V n iinit .:. 

i '■ 


;<* .. 




■ *"£ " 

Dtor 8iri 

ARTHUR ar BARK W with all wane, X#0« fX*& 

^ -«W8S£Ijr01H3qn with aliases, X.O. #lflLB *J 
^ ( !*• JW5EW With allaaM. XifU #U£* # 

v \ v' . 7 ^ * i - ■ * • jki’ • 

;.". ** ** : •*• ■ -: 4 ?-V;_; 

Edward George lirwnar * Victim -v^ . 

•, .:•' uaMOT^,;^^^' - 

^ .. J» « “m • ' ■“•■ ■«»»■ " ■< « ' ■■•«. > - *•— -^ i -— r-V^-T-*r.r» yy 

On Deceabir 6, 1954, Alfred Ittoxler Oaonla was released from tha ' >" 

Kansas 6 tat a Penitentiary and sailed at this office, at tha suggestion of 
Deputy Vardan Stubbier laid of that Institution, .whets ha was interviewed 
hjr Special Agent A*"*. Ferland and tha writer* It will ha recalled that 
Oaonla has been Interviewed oa vnrlooa oeoaalona in tha peat’ and hah 
Indicated that .ha night ha able to moke aonteat with Karpla and the Bark** z£ r>r ’ 

Oaonla States that he oelled with both Fred and Arthur Barker at ,-, 

* tha Laming penitentiary and that he waa acquainted with Karpla In tha : ’ 
sane Institution* Be also oelled with Harvey Bailey during tha tl r» that 
.' Bailey waa incarcerated at Lansing* Oaonla atatse that ha assisted in the 
anuggling of guni Into tha penitentiary at Lanalng at the tine of tha trade 
on Declaration Day* 1933, end that ha was promised reaun oration for hit 
asalatanee but hae never received any noney* Hia story la that tha Berbers 
v . and Karpla ware tha outside contacts in this br9«k and, as he expressed |t»t^ ^ 

■\'he waa "put In tha oieok"tur their aotions and was subsequently subjected -!Xi> 
to discipline in the prlaaq baoauaa of hie eonnaotlon* Ha states that ho 
L la oat for revenge oi, these persons end wants to do anything in hla powar cy .- « 5 '£~c • \ 
to aaasa thalr apprahanalon. *?:?/ v ; ^ 

^ ^ Owonla haw aerraa Bit jreftra and three aowtha in the penitentierjr 4^ 
at Lansing and oaoo to Lansing direct fro» the Oklahoma State Penitentiary* * 
MoAlaater, Oklabooa* He la an admitted aafa oraokar* He stetea that when 
he knew Knrpla tha latter wanted hla to instruot hla la the safe crooking art 
but thot he would not do so* 

; r?V’ 

\'n y~ ■*■ T 




* %*» 

■■ as 

j Owali states that whan he know tti subjects thay advised him that /, £. r 

via the event ha wished to contact that they could be contacted through O 09 , >f , 
TStawi’a place at Melrose Pack or through a place la Xlgih, XUlnolaa Be ki- 
te unable to recall the aana of the parses at Klgla, hat atetea that he will"' 
he able to locate it# Be describes this plaoe aa being a rsaldenoe, shleh la. 
apparently respaotable, la the euburbe of Elgin on a atreet that goes beyond 
the Elgin Patch Works, the house being on the debt hand side of the street, 4 
the old aaa at this place h^s a eon nloknaaed "Whale Bona" who la, according 
to Oeonla, presently incarcerated. In the penitentiary at Joliet, 'Illinois* *• 
A third point of possitte contact la dasarlbad by Oeonla aa being a plane 
run by an Italian, who as nans ha does not reoall,at Oak Park, Illinois* Be -*• 
la of the opinion that these persona are possibly In the vicinity of Chicago ; . ■ i 
or else around Detroit or Cleveland, Ohio* When asked aa to possible contact 
in these el ties ha eould give none, but mentioned that the Cleveland contacts 
are probably ease Poles* With reference to the eonteet et 21 gin he states 
that the nan there is apparently leglUnete, but caters to the Barkers boA " & V £> 
Xsrpls* Oeonla states that ha has been at that plaea with persons whan he", i 
J sella Benedict and "Shorty" Casey, who are known safe crackers* •**>. - *■ “ 





enkina and - \i ■ 

■ i-s* ' ■ •r-.*y - ~*i4rr- 7% * ■ 7 " "S' * 

f jp Oaonlh advised that two perecne whan he calls Sddicrjenkin 
Sd&is'voodruff, who ware' in the Lansing penitentiary prior to 1930, are 
probably In contact with the subjects of this investigation* Be further a 
that shan ha ana calling with Berwey Bailey, Ballsy told bin that upon bis 
release he should eontaot an attorney naaad Ira McLaughlin at Kansas City, 
however, be did not latent to do so* Be was also instructed to gp to the ;. l - ,v 
Majestic Hotel, Kansas City, and'aak a negro bellhop for "Little Charlie* 7;‘ VI 
or "Little Louie"* Be was also Instructed to get la touch with Serb Farm ear 
. at Poplin, Missouri, With reference to the ftajeetie Hotel angle, you will 
recall that this estebllahaent is not presently In operttion* 




. - ;? , 

Warden 8tutblefield had Instructed hln to 7. 

i‘ip' < ^ -ry>f . 

Oeonla advised that Deputy Warden Stubblefield had instructed hln 
wire Stubblefield at Lansing should be. obtain aay Infornation ns to the 
whereabouts of any persona jin this investigation* Ur. Stubblefield told V./V - 
hln that ho would than ooauunloate with this office* Oeonla agreed, however,— 
to oocauunlo&te any infomatlon which be night receive directly to an Agent ;<■ 
of the Chicago office, for appropriate action, and he was Introduced to 
Special Agent R. C. Suren, who was In the Kansas City office at the tine of 
Ceonla*s visit* Oeonla advised that ha would oomuclocte by telephone with 
Agent Suren within the near future and would peat bln et a designated spot 
for the purpose of arranging for any further contacts and to divulge any 
infomatlon whleh he night have been able to gather* 

Oeonla left Kansas 01 ty by bus on Decenber 6, 1934, with a ticket 

^ v * 


* 4 *-. 

■-:t \ - . , 

.?> > 


to Chicago and plans** to proceed direct to Elgin fro* Chicago* 8 * did hot 

ask for any aon*y, but wee assisted is arranging for hi* departure by Byeol«i<<% 

Agent Farland, Ha expected to reach Elgin an the afternoon of Decanter f, t-M?'’' 

.“ 3 ** ■■ 

: * .* -. • -- * '•'• -,«• m " > r -- ' ••v-*. .- | ^ •. ^ ■>■!■ _ • u • '•■*•---/ 1 - •• * . v ; 

Tran nr conversation with Oaonla Z hn not.oonvinoad that to *111 to ' 
able to to of any asBirteno* to th* Division, but it awigna dealrebto to ^ ' 
work with hia to the extent of datoxnlag hi* possible vulu* in this rfgard*[ ; 
It aeeaa that there 1 * to, question but whet, to la acquainted with the a* 
persona end tiiere 1 * th* to^lbillty that he night to’ able to contact then*'-' '*"7 
Ha either has a rather wide aoqwintaaee with underworld characters or * r 4 * 

retentive nanory for naaas, iaaanueh aa ha Mentioned nuaa roua known underworld 
eheraoters flurine the oourse of hi* eonvaraatione In this eoaneeticn It t* : 
noted that during the interview on one cancel on he wee asked if he line* Fritpi 
Malloy end stated t!y t he did sot know .the sen and aubae^uyQUy, during ^tto 
oonverestion, he Mentioned that Kerrey Bailey hed spoken to hla of Frit* v' 37 i 77 ; 

%!yV4h:V:!i-&' J'&A St£;C v '■ 

_ "t’: 

Froa personal observe tion 

1 - • -w. ’ -* . ft r* r 

'tr - ~ act 

->w: >**; .. 

la ** AMorlbed aa to! 

c * r. v* ; ;£V ■>■ 
V Y*." 

, •«••;„• f 1 *- -' Age - about 80 : **** 

■ •• . Belgl* - 8 feet « inches -v . r 

' ?*' -to 

P .- ^ 

• - >L>c* 

► -to' ? - 

Wolgbt - 140 poun&i 

- * v - ^ */. /. .> r*>* 

rV' ,«> v 

'w- - 7^- *f 

• Eyes • brorn ^ • -= 

Heir - grey* thin 

, Ko»« - 

i- * *; **■/■- 

» *r • 

face ■ rad- -A- 


• v - "a 

.^■’“▼^1, ’ -tF-jk**. - *!" 1 »■* r 

• • >- rr * - 

* ~ - -* 5— • 

'**v. - ; v ' . * 

r ?%i - V Vv t; ^ *= / 

; • *. ,„r' :.*- • .f 


Teeth - ehita end irregular ^;f. ,i 

Right forefinger anputatad at hose and ri^bt nlddlto '\'- 

amputated at boa* and r 

’ ‘V. v -=i ^ "'•/■: i?’ ; ’finger amputated at drat Jototo'’*:*" 1 ’-^'— 

i* -- r% 

Jr -y *..>«■ 

■< / ,Vv ^«: v • ■•*’. 

vJ'^A-T. Photocrtipto of Ceonia will be obtained froa the penitentiary at Lansing 
and forwarded to the Chloago office. Znforaation .*111 also to Obtained concerning 
Eddie Woodruff end Eddie leak ins for pons ibis use in this investigation*' It ia 

noted Clyde Nliaerick has used the alias of Eddie Woodruff. ’ • \ * . 

• -.-s . - .>.. .; vary truly youra, . 


ee - Division 
St. Paul 

r. b. n/.TH sr, 

' Special Agent in Charge* 

- ... 

*' r S ^ 





8 2&&+&U 
i m yPi 
* if&r^ ' 

HR. JOSiPH P.MDtUM with tllam, I.O. U3tt 
at al - ©WARD OBOHOirBRHS£KB, Tieti* -.Jx*-- 

>vy =.■ *■ 


•*r* , 

V *- - - ■ ■ 5h # jr« are enclosed herewith to photographs *? 

' ' ' of Berman L.*3tlles, together Mth the original. «hlA‘ 

was submitted by your office with latter dated Decem- 
ber 3, 1934. Two copies each of this photograph are . 
also being furnished the Oklahoma City end SI ,A|09. 
Division offices, as well as the Division. . 

-:»v> . 

i ! '*& ' Vr, . 

£ ij . . . 

- *. . . .'V- :•*- "■> '•**• ' 

vy-T • 

Dfie ftR934 


i 5 'S 3 f 



DEC 10 (£34 «*tftui i>f ksnci 

H *7 




esiNiena -ivioijjo 

006$ ‘XOVXSOd 40 1MBNAV4 


aousnr jo xNawxMVdaa s *n 


•* . 

0 0 

P- jiL ^urcau of ^nfostigaium 

Jejjarfanewi of Justice 

Post Office Box 4007 
Jacksonville, Florida 




Division of Investigation 
United States Department of Justice 
Washington, D. C. 

December 8, 1934 

Dear Sir: 

BE: ALVIN XARPIS with aliases - I. 0. 1218 
ARTHUR R.t) BARKER with aliases 1.0.1219 
BUSSELLDgiBSON with aliases I. 0. 1213 
DR. JOSEPH P *) MORAN with aliases - 1.0. 
1232; et al 


Please forward to the Jacksonville Of- 
fice as soon as possible twenty-four photographic strips show- 
ing the photographs of VolajmTOavis, Fred 0 Barker, Alvin Karpis, 
Arthur R. Barker and Han^rCangpbell. 

Very truly yours, 




R ® ,W> 

7 - 576 — 3^37 

iNMbir UL 19M 

,• • , '/v- i>7~ *?.“ 

fcf|l gl Mjtm% la 1 V.4.; 'f* 

}i^fofiTlU»| rUrld«# ' " •— - -- - -7 ... 

i. *£f*V > S^.^ir- y‘- 

. ’ •; _r... . y»« -i >-• .^7^*^A X 1'7 -■■ ' 

III ALTZI UVU with lUuii, 1.0. #1218) 

’•*' > 4' 'J^Tkri 

AWWR B, BAKES with allmtet, 1,0. #121*| - ^ *••'•.. 
BOSSZUt QIB90V with tllutl, X«0« #1213) ' /p ; : ^ 

fi(U J0SEP1 P. MORAS with tlliNI, I»0. #U»| ; ?-^v 
Wt *1 - BDtiSC MOROZ BURR - TlaUaj 

»W ^ A ^ ~ •• ‘V. Vj*.V x * 

DMT Bi>| • ' ^C'.» «v' • ;,.s •••-/.'. ■' V ■"■ ■.* 

• v ‘ ' # *< • **- . -. * ' ; . J *- ^2 

ti woapllwBOW with thw nqaiit eontalned la yowr 
letter of December •* 1934, thwrw «rw transmitted herewith 
twenty-four tddlUoail photographic strip* reflecting th* 
photograph* *f Tolnay Davit, Prod Barker, Alvin lupll, v 
Arthur &• Barker and larqr Campbell, 

r •->. 

f «7 truly pnrt t 

Ea cloture 103914 

Pehn Id gar Boevwr, 
Director# ' 

i >V; *? • 

*v * ‘it;-,- ,. ;• 

!»“. .: ** . *4:- A' 
<• : * * •_»**•. •*•;• 

eo-Vr, t* l« Connell*?, 

Written of Iorottigatlew, 

B, 8* Dapartacnt of Jwatiee, 
Post Offle* Box 129, 

Chleago, ZlUaoiSa . ; „ 


diao^clo^r^d forwarded to Mr. Connell*?) 

fc^.uaO . 

t * 

fc,V,£tCH 0MHttSl.aU**. 
u. 8. CE^BTMtjn w_ JUtMlC-t 

■M-*: * 

, :•* - -r •* • - e. • 

:vX>- y.* - ;■ •„ . V 

-''.'V -r.' -V' r’&C. 

- ^ ^ -i»y; y- V. * 

>T 't' V'^- *4- ' 

.V • * . * * . / *' »' X. , V 

••-■■ -• . « .. »*** -^T ' ' - 

• ^ ■» -■ ■*-*. ~ . -4 r •’■ 

.. : • v - l ’ ' • - * • ' C 

■*•■ t - ■ A • . - 1 *. *i <* -a 

1 thin idiit* 

2 yellow* 



December 8, 1934 

D2i"^ ; • 


■ :• ; - ’< TOLSOH 

••••■'• - ' EDWARDS 

*' CLEGG • 



• ’ ‘ ; v ' * BILLINGS 

'■ ■ ' - BRIAN 

' V '■ CQFFEI - 


- - PAGAN 



listerhan 4 4 • ’ 

LONDON : **.■? - i 

mcgaeraghi f **:*;*:. 


PENNINGTON - ■/ ; ,v 

RICHMOND, E. L. 'V.v •' 
RICHMOND, L. H. ’•> 0 

BENNEBEBGER . v i> k 8 

QUINN ■ . / g : >i*. >• 



SMITH ■ • ' ‘: r 0 C.' ■ • • 

TAMM © -v 

traci • - *’ ' <3 • 

■ARNES ' •" 3 • 

• * c- «• 

In connection with my memorandum dated December 

6, 1934» xfth reference to the establishment of a separate ;v ‘ 
office iirphlcago, Illinois, under the supervision of ; ' : y*. 
Mr. E. J . Connelley, who has been placed in charge of . - 
the investigation of the following cases* Jh 

' O ■ ' . ’■ '* 

ALVIN KARPIS, with aliases, t. 0. 1218, at al, . 

LESTER M. GILLIS, with aliases (Deceased), et al, 

CHARLES ARTHUR *PRETTI BOT" FLOID, with aliases (Deceased),' et al, 


please be advised that the telephone jnaaiber of that office . 

to be used in connection with all long distance calls made '•* 
to and from the Division at Washington, D. C. Is ' 

FRANKLIN 4608. ; *>:_ 7, : --ry 7' vv-i 

; : •’ -V Tery truly yours, Tn~^T7 T ^~~ V'-- 

. RECORDED & INDEXED — l ~ . - 3 _ - f 


John Edgar Hoover, 
Director. ■» 

■tip ' 10' t i# 3 4 


1900 8-.NKM13 BAMCrJtS, 

* Jk‘ " V 

VT>* J w^ . r<. j 

I : **••*■*'*««* 1“ '?*««*•# 

*RTE 0 R BiJOytft With taUtM, I.C* lfil 9 t i 

\miTQim ^ 1 

. .r>:- -t, - |WdKiiU-i» Vii>^N with iltt898| 1*0. l£lSf < ^’;-’5 V* '§;J^.->» 

i -; :' £*#*£$: - ■>: ‘ DR* JD3KFK *&mm with aliases, Xo.' .i232|^;^f ^ 

' • •" ' r . : r r'^. V‘‘ et *1 • JttJEiftD CSOHOJiTSSQW , TiCtla 

• '\T ^ ■' KtETAPPE* » CHIC ADO f BLg fcO. f-8» "/V^' V ^;/- v . 

; Reference Is aafls to Los Angeles Division offles W- ; ; . v .- 

^ letter dated 11/B4/34, fettered io'whidt were thfsebnap- !••■.■ ',.> 

shot pictures of'/ra. feyronfdolton alias Mrs* O. B^fcdrter.v :. ; f 

One of the snapshots submitted was -a picture of subject .?• : ' : '/||^) I, •, 
Byron Bolton, but stsne sea no badly blurred it appears iy ^'. 

. to be of no value for Identification purposes -and copies ;'• v .* - •' 

of saae could not ba made. ■ *•-•;■ * ***■ '• .■• - r *.* ; 

•V — 7 - ' 

. .' Thore are transmitted to your offiee end to each • 

* '.»r. „ _©f the offices receiving copies of_ .this letter, .a eopy of ' - v *V%’^V '• 

the snapshot of Krn, Bolton, The Division is be ihg fUrniShid ; ' 

with too copiss of this snapshot, r Thc original snapshots 

'-X<\ ■■ •%> 

nr- j\&;, .Mf 

•being 4 returned to your oW» V; ,^™ : . s:iF ^ .:. 

'.V : ' ‘ | .* 

•f^‘- X. it COMSatST* 

••;'»!■ ^ ' tnttfirt .'AS, 1 *-*?- : ' <!n«efal ' 4<r,nt in CheWe-i-S Xif.*:'?',!?:*'- '■■ 

. St, Paul 
St. Louis 


yl *EQED2Q_& Jgt) ' . ; 

'"' fifr'i' ESSErh 

i ^ DtvisiON oriKvisriGATioi | 

DEC 10 1934 P.8, 

us/bCPARTiimor iusTicc 





i ■ 




§ i? / 

r 5 ?^?"^ ^/ a, » 
§ «cPf &n :J o 
£ gaivA ^ r c * «■» 

• XvX. . ^ 

December 9 . i 93 &>& 

Sr.i'AS-V ••♦•-- *•, •: *\ special Agent .la Chart* . -V'^Xa. * 4 FP 

BM V. ; Soar Sitt : X In I'M JLTJH KAHPI3 with AUmi, lA‘ liiS| ’‘Z&fffiiMj- 

|J^^-'XX'XXXfeiv;^>;.,XiX'.tXX':-;X ARTHUR R.ObaRKSR with aliases, 1.0. lW9t';X;?, 

:-; X^XX*-’ R03Sm. c blB30K with aliases, '1.0. 1*13; &*Z*i?*, 



. — 

. ^ 

" >,• * ' . 

A > •-/ ”V 

‘ -.. V * 

' ; ; 

.. , > .. 

* v ; ** 

". 'i-' - 

- ^ ' * 

£ : 
v. - > 





^ t. i’ ' 

■ ► 

1 V 

‘.-.r ^: ; i 

R03a£LL c blB30R with aliases, 1.0. l*13| 

JOSEPH PpSCRAS wltt aliases, 1.0. 1232; . 

el - Kdvtard CaOEOrBasarhR, Tietla * ; - 

Attached hereto fejesas triad thlrty-fi& X V ^%JT j. ^ 

photographs of «. 1111am J.fiiarrlsoc, Rnmond, Htfiana^VX \\ 

Police Depertaent So. 1629. The description . 

Harrison appears on the reverse side of these photo* - 

. ^ «. Jt t'J.’xJ i ■' 

Ter y truly yours. 








St. Patti 

ASSIGNS) % ■ _ */ ' S. ' V. COSNOXKT, XXX"'- X 'p .' - '- ; X ."•'. 

•■ V Special Ay*-nt in ChrJPffM ? ; J:' '■"' 

ion'*-^-. . .-■ > 4 hv" ■•■■ % x#x: ,. . ,. x^^.- •,' . ;- r 

■ - ■ ■ ' ;X S-' .-...• '■ ■ •;'• • -• ••' ■ • '■' ' 

'.X.- • * X'.X< *. X ‘X’* V V*' X*'- ■-; X X *v., v ’ ':X f.' ■ ^ ^ ! X^V ‘* a - 

'«•*' ■ X', '•■*. XX"^' • • *••4 v ' 


■ fc w. . 

* • K*e'X)r.r*BD & utDtsJE^ 


fi^o '1 Q 
u'tv : A -.w 

^ / wgr.'i/r- f - 


OP 1 0 1334 1 & 




\L- i. «*tt 

: v - .r. « 3 


<• r 

t .s . f 


1900 Banters Building 
Chicago Illinois 

. - » 

an^vC «** 

zaA":^-. f' 

<r> r„a,-^ <£*. < *2 

-* J -r. - > 'A { ;m «• 

with aliases, 




BTffiKMER, T: 

Soar Sir: 


present whereabouts of William 


# •*«# M * ' 

for tbs purpose of obtaining information regarding the’ ’ ... *-l 

IVClIarrieon, member of the Karple- 

Barker gang, investigation made at Chicago has disclosed that froi '''fy;: ^<v.7- r 
approximately April. 1933 until September 1933, he resided at , 

Calumet City. Illinois, sith one tea Green. Investigation has . 
resulted In the information that tee Green is presently residing ; . 

somewhere in Washington. D.C, She is reported to^be married, and to 
be residing sith her husband in that eity. r 

>" ’’ It bee likewise been leaned that la the fall of 1932. tee. 

n; v. 

Green sith a man reported to be her husband, came to Chicago from * 

■& s T-‘ 

Hew York City in the company of Hr. and Vrs. Robert Rayworth. and 
these two couples resided together in an apartment at 4027 North * :f''* f** : *, 
Sheridan Road, Chicago. Hrs. Robert (Pat) Hayworth is presently \ 
residing at 813 Allan Street, East Grand Forks, Minnesota, and it is . 
reported that she has eorrmunlcated with tee Green since tee Green took ; 
up her residence in Washington, D.C* j;v ' 

k *■*. ; - »* a ' *■ #vt* a 

*•. < y ; *« 

- - • -y <* o 

. •• • rf * ‘ - 

It ie suggested that l!re. Hayworth ba interviewed et the 
above address, obtaining from her tee Grean*s present address. 1 iv' 
llkewise questioning her as to her knowledge of the activities^bf Ahe : ^?'^ f '!$ - 
Karpis-Barker gang, "and the" members thereof." / )£.' • 

* " *' - S - J- -J*" » »■ Ji,. ■ ' t ; v . 



7-82 y 

cc Division/ 

y- 12£I3Sa 

CtytitCi* w IKVlSTICMtO* 

DK 10 1934 l* 

S A 1SU C J k K^««M«., W m,CC 






% 2. 


1900 Buktn Build lag r 

CWHa* > .,-, |U1«0U -,;...•{&• 

*- * V' *♦« * + 9 ' -* . ^ >**» «.'•. ** *> ^ - r ^ * *. # * ^* V 

" V 4l 1 


f,va* . 

v:;-;i * 

Indianapolis, Indiana 
Dear Sir* 

™*?’Vs .*- v ;•' s-'v. *•-— ‘‘-5' v; *< •> ,! *'. r 4 4 £ >*!• - 7V^- v : r : .,. 

-.■’■* '** C ~~ ' ^ " * -'. 7* -V* ' ■ ' "■'■I'*' ’♦"** (*’ -•-■v r " .* *•'■!»" 

• -h -- r v ^ " V V-vr 

% >, 

&j , ;-r* SSilf^s '. ■ > :■ .?;. i ; V .--./I i- &**. 

3§j - v . • . • -^ J-;. «' >- ■_ ■" • . ■*•••': please ascertain at the State fcotdr Vehicle Burehnat ‘ 

§g tfy . 

S^ai ; .-: ' ; -i ... of automobiles for Vllllsn 3 /tllarri eon . alia* tllll^Harrieon, tar *-•• 


of automobiles for Vllllaa 3 /viarri eon , alia* tlUl< 
the years, 1932, 1933 aal 1934. Harrison formerly resided at the 
Seroy Hotel at Baraaond, Indiana, and ha is known to haws operated 
automobiles at Hammond, Indiana and Calumet City, Illinois, also at v/v 
continuously In the past three years. .T 5 * 

Information has heap . rscelwed as a result of Invert lge- " 

- *. -.■ 


tion at Haraaond thrt Charles J. Tltzgersld, alias “Big fits* r*a - v ^^v 
sldei at Hanmoni, Indiana, during the year of 1932. it that tlisa ^ 
he was la possession of a Packard Sedan which eea registered hy 
• Us under, the Mae, Chari ea s Karpby, heed Hotel, Basnond, lad ■*?, 

'4ii ,> ■ «"'■ ■ ■' V.-^v">j '[r. .r**. 


V; . .f- 

is euggertel that the recorde of the Indiana Motor 
Vehicle Bureau' be checked for all posslbla information regarding 

subsequent registrations by Fitzgerald. 

m, ...,■ 


IfcMh • -: <■; .-1 ■ . . 


v^ec Oiwisioa 

* •- »-r- • 

■ ce St. Paul ; 

•;* * '■* > ; : • •' *: ‘ -V ■ .. ; • . ' '■■ v ’ ; ‘ 

. • .. .. 




DP 1 3 IflCMt 

lE zs - m s 

ownce or tcnsTictriM 

(^€10 1934 I* 

I B. 5r 0£PS«T*CW» Of IOTTICI 





" “C 


Farm No. I 




/ . , A 


• 12/7/34 

i :ki: 

ALYIN'EARglS with aliases, X.O. #1216: * ' 

ARTHUR a/BAHKER, with aliases, 1,0. #1219; . % 
BUSSEUrblBSpN, with aliases, 1*0. 

J r+YA 

et al. SEWARD GEORGE. BREMER - TECIIM. -£*•: : £ :• 

SYNOPSIS or PACTSi ' .'.T; > *>■ - '•'* -V * * -V - - i*^/**. ■.%*?; -.%■ - w* 

i C \^—^Z u f r= Mrs. L.S. 'Davis with one Berenice Scott, resided :,-:y^rV- r •: 


.V/. O "*■ — — - — *- » 1 •••»., 

Q >-./ — S Apr. l-0ct. 1, 1934; left no forwarding address, hut ‘ T . . 

’>.^1 ■]*? |Oi*-5 believed to be in Toronto, Ont», Can. Bo identifica- 
^ o£ ^ tion made by owner of camps from photos displayed of^f*-^ 
,u< subjects, as being visitors of Mrs. Davis* Six Fed/ : / - s 
f r *° ^Reserve ransom notes passed in Buffalo; efforts to trace 

7* . . v,-' j same without results* Investigation shows Mrs. Pearl' V^'-. 

/fFlannigan has no bank sect* Marine Tr. Co.; that she ■/’>.•• 
^ worked for Mrs. Potter approx. 15 yrs. a leaving en$loy » ' 

llyrs.'ego (Bflo) Mrs. Pope, 34 Brunswick, Blvd./Bflol/ 
no information of value. .. - -.»/• 

at "Mildred's Camps", Niagara Falls, N.Y., from 


, P*'V~-i- 

' « fV'*»4 t-J W* v/ s'A' ,y 

. " ■ ' * . ?•* •’ i ; 


“ : / ‘ £ ; .v/ r* 

.. . ’.‘W 


Division letter dated 9/29/34; report of Special 
Agent in Charge J.P. MacFarland, Buffalo, N/Y., V 

11/14/34; telegram from Oklahoma City Office, U/Zt/Z*. r 
and report of facial Agent G.v. Doherty, Buffalo, V/ 
N.Y., 10/30/34. .. 

1 ' Mr. Faust, William Street Brandi of the Liberty Bank of . 
Buffalo, telephonically advised the Buffalo Office that Mr. Thomas 
Durkin, an employee of that bank had received a $10.00 Federal ^ L 
Reserve note of the Ninth District, Bo. I06241921A (Page 29A cd^- the 
list) from Attorney Ford, Ellicott Square Bldg. Mr. Faust was ini 7 /7 
structed to forward this note to the Federal Reserve Dank of Buff alo.V 


El Paso 
San Antor: 
Oklahoma ( 



. V 

' f r'*“: ; ’ v . 

* ? 

* . 




was interviewed by* Special Agent Cunningham and he stated that , -r 
the money' which he' paid to Mr. Durkan was rent whleh he had eolleeied^A ft 
for him; that the only $10*00 bill which ha gave was received from ■ 

the Manufacturers it traders Bank of Buffalo, .(main office) when. ■ he"V- ;, "' ; 3'' '■* 
cashed a check fpr $12*00, Issued by the city of Buffalo* Attorney*^. 
ford stated he had kept this money segregated* Examination of the 
money which he had In his possession at the time, failed to disclose. 
any additional Federal Reserve notes of the Ninth District* *. k*- _ 

’ “* * . - v . -5 V . * \*V 5*. **V;y • 

. Mr. Blakeslee of the Federal Reserve Bank advised the , 

Buffalo Division Office that on Oct* 80, 1964 a $10*00 Federal ; ; 

Reserve note. No* 104736691ft. (Page 24A of the list) was received 
' at his office from the main office of the Marine Trust Co* of- 
Buffalo* Ee stated that a package dated 0ct*22, 1964, received :;, 
from the Lincoln Alliance Bank of Bochester, N*T», contained a. v, 

Ninth District Federal Reserve note, no* 1054771281 -(Page 17A of H 

the list); that in a package dated Oct* 22, 1964, received from 
the Liberty Bank of Buffalo, a Ninth District Federal Reserve . 
note ($10*00) No, 1050276224 (Page 26A)_ was found. .He. advised; 
that ha would have his tellers continue to observe said notes, 
and in the event any additional ones were located, the Buffalo 

Division Office would be notified* , . f . 

,;v & -‘V-V: f *VU : .' 

ta to trace said hil&y 

4 Dasawwa 

.r- Y - \ In view' of the* fact that efforts 

-*‘" f through the banks, after they had passed into the Federal Reserve 
Bank without having been observed by the said banks, proved use- 
less, no further endeavor la being made In this regard* However, 
contact was made directly with said banks', advising them of the -^ 
notes which had passed through their banks unobserved, and re-' j ‘ 
questing that they be more observant in this regard and notify 

« .vjl •-& ,’ v" ■' 

this office in the event further notes vere located* 

)- - v 


.. * 

Mr* Busch, Liberty Bank of Buffalo, advised .that on >2 
Oct • 50, 1934 a deposit was made by Hiss Grace S* Hetzell, l$'uv 
‘J, r aat Eagle St. , this city, which deposit contained a $ 10*00 ; vw^:y -^ ' 

Federal Reserve note of the Ninth District, No* 105027 622 A ' 

(Page 26A) Mr* Busch stated that this note would be forwarded. 

r --% 

to the Federal Reserve Bank* 

' A -_*V "»•» V- y . 

-*'■ ,. i i. - * v v “V t * 

Special Agent (A) R*A. Guerin interviewed Miss Grace 
E. Hetzell, 15 West Eagle St*, at which time it was ascertained 
that she operates a cafeteria at the above address and that the 
bill was taken in payment for a meal; that there was no way for 
her to tell from what person she received the note* At the time 



^ vuo *sowa-i\uwwuwft /^g#| mocxoDta xaai inert ore separate case 
Ml -^vT. 'T'^V 1 j . registers at each counter throughout ; the store, \n Ties of >^; "> 
M ; :,+Sz i. ' which it was impossible to trace the bill to any particular * 

and advised that the following $ 10*00 Federal Reserve Hinth ^ 

District notes had been received from Sears-Doebudk Co- 

1052 5 7 83 8A. (Page 29A of the Ust) and .1007176941 (Page > 

This office was advised that said notes would be forwarded tooths r 

Federal Beserve Bank. ^ 

- - ’ In view of the fact that previous investigation £t ** A: ’ ” 

s the Sears-Roebuck A>#i disclosed* that there are separate bea&- 

whioh it was impossible to trace the bill to any particular ^ ^ ''' 
individual, no further investigation is being made in this re- > ' 

'* V . " . - **’' * .'•*» % ‘t. ^ ■* *■•*' -* y >-'r * ^ -• - <ir'G 

^ ^ ^ ./• , _U; ■ / ^ • jT > ' & _ ; - ; .*1 

Reference letter indicates that ICrs # X* S. Davis is 
now residing at 0523 Pine Ave. f Niagara 'Falls, ‘ R # T^ 

^ ^ Examination by the writer of the Niagara Nalls direb^^ 

tory failed to diaolose therein the name of L* S» Davis# Oils / 


directory also failed to disclose that there was such a number 
as 8523 Pine lve » However, the nearest number thereto wad ' 






8543 Pine Ave. . which was listed as "Mildred* a Camps", which #-'Vk ;yi- 
ad dress waa located almost at the elty line. - ,v •• ■ . 'fe :/. - 1 ; 

The writer observed Mildred’s c amps waa a email rea- v J* • . 
taurant behind which were several small cabins. At this time It . 
was deemed Inadvisable to melee any direct contact with the ' ' "*,2 
person operating this camp. , :r *?»••>.; *4^ . * 

. ' “* A'- \ 

r-^: ' ; Captain Carmody of the Niagara Falla Police Department • /£. G‘; . 
was contacted by the writer end, without - explaining the reason'G-iVG; 
therefor, the writer attempted to 'ascertain the identify \of thdG 
operator of Mildred’s Camps. Captain Carmody stated he did not, ; ‘ ^ 
know who waa operating the camp at this time, but indicated that^-’— ^ " v 
one MlldredjScott bad for a time been operating the camp known ZC-f-X 
by the name of "Mlldred*s Camps"; that to his knowledge, ah 
had never been the cause of any complaint received at the depart- "• ■. 
ment, that no violations of any kind had occurred at her camp. >Av 
However, he believed that Mrs. Scott, during prohibition days, .v- 
illegally sold llguor at her restaurant, although no definite 
information in this regard had been procured. Capt. Carmody 

1 V ■> 





J^=st ' - ' 

«►* mt ■“»■ "T 

f . \ -.' 


*• :.' 




«. 1 



c r 


?-ii. -■•... * 

.- *. ^ ■ - - _ 

and tbe.vriter made, inquiry of .some confidential ;informantC*i»^ 

"the Tic ini ty, without procuring any definite information* ,8oih*y' 
ever. It was observed that. Mildred’s Camp* vareloeated Adl&'y^’.y., 
close proximity to the Plantation, a gambling resort, located -ft *#* - 
on the corner of Pine Awe, and Military Road, Rich ie a plaea . ... 

frequented more pr lees by racketeers' of every^description^** v 
The operates of the resort had previously been contacted in eon«f i <^V?V ; 
nection with. this ease and it was believed that the persons ’j WtSfcSB 
there would not truthfully furnish any information which might a^J 
subsequently affect their business^ Accordingly, they ware n^t^ jgx-'&y. 

"*\ K ■ 

contacted at this time; for the purpose of the record, however* 

It is stated that In this vicinity there have been* from time to 
time several houses of prostitution, one of which was known to f v 7 . r 
be operated by "Kitty Koons", a notorious character of Niagara. 

, Falls, N.Y# f This place Is located approximately ^hree-quarters ^^* ^ y 

’ of a mile .from Mildred^ Camps. In view Of the location and the 
^ general character of fee neighborhood, was" deemed Inadvisable./ 
to make any further inquiry, and Capt. Caraody agreed to make - : v;/ 
every effort through hia confidential informants to ascertain 
whether or not there was a person- by the name ^of Hrs* L S« Davis 
located at that address. 

Subsequently, however, Capt. Carmody advised he haul as*": - Vy- 
cartained that a Navis woman had resided the re, but* had moved 
and her exact whereabouts at present were nnknown^^^ - •* 

;• •_ -V ' v .. • “:.V^.rv , v - \ - •• ^ V 

$ > Inquiry at the main Poet Office, Hiegara Falla', H,T./ V . 
disclosed that they had no record of anyone 'by the name of Vf-jr 
L.S, Davie aa receiving mail at Mildred’s Camps, and that they^’C*.^ 
bad no forwarding address for such a person; that the regular * . v 

carrier of this route was a Mr, Gray, idio had bean on that . ' 1 
route for a considerable period of time.' 



; Mr, Sugene Gray, Badge #19, rural carrier, who delivers 
mall to Mildred’s Camps, upon Interview, advised that he re- '=> ;-'ir " .• ? > 

sides at 8404 River-shore Drive; that Mildred’s. Camps are oper- /: 
ated by Mildred Scott .and that aba has owned them for a conslder-' , v v» " _ 
able length of time; that the exact address for the Camps, accor 
x t to his’ figures, was 8523 Pine Ave», Niagara Palls, N.Y, t .He also 
"stated that Mildred Scott ’8 correct name le Mrs* Lorshbougi.' The 

writer attempted to procure from J fr. Gray some information as to . ... t 

the type of persons who frequent the Camps' in question, but he 
stated that he has so much work to do that lie has never had an . 
opportunity to observe anyone there* He presumed that it was an 

• - - ‘ ■ r-m ■ " ' . * “j» 


*-Uf . _.- v - 

ordinary tourist camp and stated that ha, personally, had never 
observed anyone there nor had noted any out-of-state ear**-£- : .r>-‘ 
-Accordingly, no photographs vere ahown to Mr.- Gray;wipeeiaUy; ; 

•r s 

\ 4 



• V 


- * 1— 

* S*" •* 

' V. 

'Ur\ - 

’ * 

7 ; »• ’ ' ^ 

" ^ \ 


*** l *«(. ^ 

1 - 4-. '> 

. j ^ ^ 

1 ; ;v.' 

' yp \ 

•V . 

..1st ,V- * ' 

•V. '> 



L»S. Davis, ears of Mildred's Camps, but had not noted anir.lHdl^A^L 
for her for approximately two months' time. He had never ra» ’ 
eelved any forwarding address for said person and oould not wiatC-*I v *C^* 
Aether or not she was residing at that time at Mildred's Caps*/ ^ 

,v V-*' :V ■ ' p ^ ^ 

Chief of Police John Jl. Curry, Hiegara Falls, H.T»V — ^1*- ! . 

was oontacted by the writer, at which time he stated that he 
personally never heard anything that would be detrimental to * • 

Mrs, Mildred Scott, operator of the Camps; that to. his knowledge - x . 
-she has been operating a restaurant there for approximately *, 4 

'tivities. Chief Curry doauuni cat ed with several officers, who-.^.'< 
were also unable to supply any additional information; v • 

■ ■ T- ’ .4 

t .. She- writer, -accompanied by -Chief Curry, Interviewed — — r*"- -•"■’-"■v 
Mrs, Scott* It was observed that a small frame building la . . ' 
operated by her as a restaurant, in the rear of which is; - y~ / 

a bar; that die has a license to sell Jegal beer, . Mrs* Scott.. re- 
stated' that aha has operated what is known as "Mildred's Camps" . 

for about 19 years, that her husband died and that her daughter M 
lives with her, her daughter's name being Mrs, Alice Castner,^-^^’;. 

Her daughter's two Children also reside with her, Mrs} ScotV £ 4 
t stated that her fiTst husband's name' was E&stt>ough; thyt he died ^ ‘ ,4 -* 

several years ago and -she subsequently remarried; 'that her second - ;' 
husband, James Scott, ia also deceased; that her maiden name was ' ' 

DeVall and that she was born in the Iron Range district of - 
northern Wisconsin, She stated, however, that she has not lived^^ . .' . r 
in Wisconsin end has no relatives there or in the West*.X 'L 

' Mrs. Scott stated that Mrs. L. 8 , Davis came to her X.: r 

Camps the first pert of April 1934; that she was referred to \ *> 'T: 
r v 4 . her by one v "Chuck Connors", a notorious gambler in Duffalo, N,T» ‘it; 

.4 '' that she personally did not have nuch contact with Mrs’,' Davil, 

! • ’ ,;.\v * V’.' *; v *°* ' . ■ V -V' -■ t '■- :^V. fev- 

X.-i-t y':rh. + \‘ ii 

y .- iU £•***♦,> 
%-• 24- 

• •• 

*K , x , 

. isfl ■ ^ • 'if;-;* 

7 - 11 . 

„_,who .occupied her cottage whi'cli la '.aituated ,to the 

Cnttma an/l cmm 1 A V. — 1 J hkxl » m. . . • « * - 

*/f y*r* 


• «■'* Y J '* 



# * 


• t N ' • *!*• |outinuing t advised that to jber knowXedga-> - v 

***• Davis had eavergl .visitors f^om Niagara Falls vtad nolniferi^r-f 
but abe^id not have 'bny out-of-stpte car a eeilipg'lat her ■''•?•' 
She atated lfrs. Darla left the Camps *>out the "first of Odoharj^" \y£ : ‘ 
and it was her understanding that she la now residing in Torohto^ '^Svr'i-V* ‘ 
Ont., the exact address being unknowiu lira. 8eott further advised . 

that Mrs. ’Darla lived with another woman In the aforeHaentionet .■"? 
cottage. When requested to furnish said person’s name, sha de- 
dined to do ao without first being adrised the reason of the "'v - ^ ; ;jn - • 

inquiry. She subsequently stated, howerer, that the person who / ? 

resided with Mrs. Daris was one Berenice Scott (who was no relation ' f : 

T ,r *V ^ % .^Kpwpf 

■ -H- ... Mrs. Scott described Mrs. Daris as being 55 years "ef ." ^,.; r^/ _•.• ... 

age, 5 feet 7 inches tall, blonde hair, 140 pounds and very ' ■: ' 
at tract ire looking. She stated she was always well dressed. •; 

Berenice Scott, she described as being 42 years. of age. 5-Tcet ♦ ^ ^ 

inches tall, 115 pounds, haring gray black hair, not attractive ^ 

looking, but well dressed. •' .:* f ; >y;. Vii’.’JJ* ** 

t - - 

f Ifrs. Scott, continuing," advised that Che' did not know how* - ■?**■» 

these women earned their livelihood; however, they seemed to hare , 
a sufficient amount of money .and paid their obligations when due. ^ v J 
From the general conversation of Mrs. Scott, the writer formed the/i^t- 
opinion that Mrs. Daris was operating a bawdy bouse, but lira. Soott jl, 
did not care to disc lose this information to Phief Purry.’ In ri 
of the fact that Chief Curry indicated that Mrs. Sbott unquestionably 
could be trusted, the photographs of the Barker-Karpia Gang, with ' 1 =•-. 
the photographs of Richetti and "Pretty Boy" Floyd, the Baird girls'” 
and also several other photographs of subjects in this and bther'Jf'J^-i. 
cases were displayed to Mrs* Scott. However, she was unable .to 
identify any of the pictures as being of anyone Wham she bad seen 
at her Camps or seen frequent the home of Mrs* Davie. Mrs. Scott, 




in conclusion, stated that approximately two weeks 'ago Mrs. Dariw ~ V 

visited her, at which’ time she was driven by. a person who Vas 
known to her, but was positive It was a New York State car 
was used.’’ — ■ i. "T > ]' 

- , . , .. • * • * . - * *11 ! - v i •. . . v _ ' • • (WH ( rr- 

Mrs. Scott advised that she carried very little capital 

< C ; 3: £ 
- - 

’ ) 

,V. V ! 


f ■ - ' *•• J' ~ 

1 *-■ ■ ' 

* » ’yr-. ^ iur , 


/■* X* v ■ • ♦' i« v* V - --a. 

V -*■ : -J 



S jferj- 

<• ri . \ .j 

• - XT- rj ; - 


* ‘V. ■ ‘ a- •>. 

'■ - . 'f : \ 

' * . ■ A.v, -z 4 


7. " 

... ,. ■ . .... • 

-on hand* The money in possession -of lCrs. Scott -at that time aaa .7 
examined by the. writer for Ninth or Tenth District Federal" Be serve j? 

' k..i. . v ..i —v ».jl '^____ — * : 

notea, but no such notea were observed among this ourreney. She 
stated that aba banked her poney at the Power City Trust Co**'* 

LaSalle Branch.^’ For 'the puzpoae ff the -record JV abould ho etatjNl.^ 
that this bank in the past baa received same Ninth' or Tenth jDla4#’' v 

trlet Federal Be serve note a* 

-♦-‘v. •' •* ; ; - it ■*-* ;rv 

Jr" ,:. ' Bre.Alioe Caatner, daughter of Bra. Soott, was ‘ Aon' 
pictures previously referred to, but wee likewise unable t6*id«^^i-; 
tify any aa reeembling anyone who bad been aeen in the vicinity ' "v ‘ 
of aaid carps. lira* Caatner atated that no one bad lived for aqf : f 
period of tine with lira* Darla, other than Berenloe Soott, or that 'f 
aha -(Bra. Caatner) would bare charged an additional amount for the' ?• 
cottage; that ho one hired any cabins' In thiexanp who was visit* 
ing lira. Davis) \ - ' V ’ A’ ? •// v,\ 


am ■ 

Plfl ... 


8P&C’. •- 



Bra. Seott atated that in the event Mrs. Davis again' should 
call at her camps, the_number of the ear in which she is riding'll -7 
will be noted and telephoni eelly eonmuni eated to the Buffalo Dlri** 1 ^ 
aion Office (the number of which was left with her). Although tbs * 7 
writer Interrogated lira. Scott and bar daughter at length, in an -.V 
endeavor to ascertain vhat connections lira. -Davia bad in tbs cityi.> ^ 
of Niagara Falls or vicinity, thia was without result, although ' 
she (Bra. Scott) apparently was willing to supply what information 
she had in her possession. -.*7 ~ . ’ •!> - '7 V.~\ . '>*.•-?; .y&z 1 ? 

- v, .... 3 ■ ' V' * H • f • ' j.r l ; J ? ; . 

H*. * The following investigation was performed by Special Agents 
J. D. Cunningham: ' ' - -’■■-.■t-.Vf 

■ ... \ ; i . m ‘ r - *•-' f - 

{ >• ' 1-. V . r •»-; V / S ^ : iC -7. v “ ' 

V 1 '^ • vV. H 

k J’jr. y \ . . 

* ? >» 


. • - ... .. ;' T /?. •• • •••*:>“ 4 i' 

' ' ‘ v ; ■*« 1 ■ '-“»>• ?■ i— r J r T ..”> f l **' 'ii 1 '. VV '•*' 4 * ~ ; r^’ V. ■“ ^ . ■ . '• • b>. 

-f •', V j- - . V ‘ ' -t 

’• ; Harold Putnam, Manager, Marine Trust Branch Bank waa inter* .. 
Viewed at the main office of the Marine Trust Company in the Marine •- 
Trust Building end after searching the 'bank's records, which jth^ * . 
eluded those of the main office and all the neighborhood branches, : ' 
he advised that they had no recqM of a bank account under the hams ^ 
of Mrs. Pearl Flannigan or PearjJcanpbell* • : ' ’7 7 ' 'Tj.- /\ ; 4 7' i 

V V- i, :\f •> ; .^7-. . vCj-iyv." ■ .' 7 ^ A 

Mrs. Luella Potter, TOO LaFayette Avenue waa interviewed V* 
end she advised that Pearl Campbell first came to ber horns twenty- 
aii years ago, at which time she was twenty-one years of age; that 

- 7 - 





V r ‘ •’ 

, ' *- 

i ft 



p >v*>- *>*Ai **i; •Ysr-e^#**** swage*****——* 

Cr *~ * » 4 * ,N *■$ • vjk f f *• *■ ^XTW’ 

•be worked for her ae a nurse, taking 'ears ofbar children? ^hdt" v Tn^' , :'~.' 

. . .." .-•* 

./••'’ - 


-f 3 

■*•.>; LV-v*? 

u *. \a 



fcrf j.'< 

F;» ^ 



% *> 

r^-i i 

, * (f • .■_ 

v- H *. •..«♦••-■« 


r '-.‘ . -4 

life for her children, Mrs. hotter stated that Pearl Campbell .* .. .yCv^ j.-.r.. / 
left her employ about eleven years ago. after the children ha&vA^r-’A ;? : - 
-'■ matured; that she worked in Buffalo a a a stenographer for a Short 

period of time, then returning to her home, where she 'married * J ; '£>.;/ v : V2 ■ 
Ur. J, H. Flanni gan end that jehe subsequently became separated > / *. 

from her husband and is at the present time residing with her . *"■ ' 

parents, and sister in Tulsa, Oklahoma. .••.*. V •• •- -j .. . ' 

\ ; - » '■? V ' '-'•••• v'.- -■■ - r ~ ■ v - **> »Tt s . .•.;/** • ~ ^ 

/ - \ : Continuing, Mrs* Potter stated that she corresponds Jsith C" 

Pearl Campbell infrequently end that she knows nothing about the 
rest of the family, exoept that she (Pearl Campbell) had mentioned “ * 
a brother Barry who was a good friend of her husband and also a - .. . 

“ sister Who lives in Texas* Krs. Potter stated that the Campbell—..^ T-*. 
family originally cams from Oil City, Pennsylvania; that they ere. .; 
all oil people and that she believes specialise in drilling and .... .v-v-*’’ 
that as far. as mhe knows, the brothers are in the Texas oil fields. ' 5 . 

•• Without permitting Mrs. Potter to observe the names thereon* £:‘" 

‘ photographs of Harry Campbell were exhibited to her and^she ad* . V/A 
vised that she bad never aeenthat individual before, J'- • 'it. " Vs 

v .-■ ' ; v- .r/ . 

litre* C. S. Pope, 54 Brunswick Boulevard, who had previously 
been interviewed by this writer and Special Agent J. D. Cunningham 
(who performed this investigation) aa eat forth in report of re- £ 
ference was recontacted and she stated that she haa no further in- 
formation relative to the present whereabouts of Barry Campbell; 
that ahe has recalved no information of value through Mrs. Flannigan, ' 
and that if she received any information, she would forward it to 
the Buffalo Division office, which address had been previoualy left v - . 

,;f with her. .J*T ' .. '^v v *"■ ^v. ‘ -Av '?'*&;<'? \ 

^ ' No direct mention was made io Mrs* Pope concerning the lettey’ ".. ' 
she mailed to Mrs. J. N. Plennigen as set forth in telegram of re*^'i- .- • 
ference as it wae feared that such a procedure would spoil this con* s v 
' tact. ■>*;>£ =• 


The DALLAS (TEXAS) DIVISION OFFICE will make appropriate in- 



\ r’ ■ 

y **y.; >*~ 

*y* « v *•*«,*?«. 


— .i 

v -«< ' .. that J. Jt. Flannigan,' broihor-in-lev of Burr Campbell 
^ ' eloae frland of hia futl if, this nan could be contacted, inf onne* .. r 

■HT-TtS “ti'on of value mightijeobtaifaod.' 'Ae'set forth above, 'tha 

gans end tha Cambells era oil' nan end expert drillera* '- -^ --• •'•? ••.' >-Ky 

• >:>: ' : ~ •.; 's :,•/ £*T-y 

: Vi The XL PASO (TEXAS) DIVISION OFFICE will conduct * eini- . r : ' ; • ; 
ler investigation Ih^ha oil flalda In lta Jurisdiction infn er» V 
f \ fort to locate Harry Campbell Jor hla relative a as aet forth above ♦> 

'%>.}' ‘ ' ■ : -i ' ..#•■• **H •••••>-:•; t--;' * 

% Vha S1KT llVTVMTTA fTOTlQl T\T*UTCTT AW IYWITT/T* *111 * Pi^UCt » y' 

similar investigation in the oil flalda In lta jurisdiction in an 
effort to looata Barry Campbell or hia ralatlvae aa aet forth 
above*. — * — 1 ^ : ■-« — — 

; i. . - r 



-r- »«, 

will at a aub sequent data again contact Era. JBofttt ,.J£illt* jry 
operator of KHdred*a Cempa, for whatever additional information 
" -..V - aha nay have aa to preaant whereabout a of Itra. L, S* Devla; will * 

r - ‘^elao check through the Post Office department -at Niagara ytellav r: ^ 

*£« 3tv - tb ascertain whethay ^r not any <regietjtre& 0* insured ma£l,waj»T^ 

.received fey her during he* at ay at the Cang>e. v Fill also 'm certain 
' whether or not a forwarding address has been left by Era. ' bavie. ' ' 

Will make auch other investigation aa la deemed advisable* ; . 

J f The BOFFALO OFFICE will also endeavor to locate one - 

"Chuck Connors”, Buffalo* N.T.* ascertaining from him the - j 
«-i FvnAftimt: wVi av* AA hmit * at Mta* A. Darla* who wi 11 be interviewed ^ ^ 




i 'Y\\ •* . 

■>. - ■ v 

••' > r "- 

’* •".'JC"* 

• -i 7 J-> i : 

• •- 

t £.. 


;. '■"«;• "i -■■■ \ *<«■ vr/.'* s.* - ‘ •: 

■ ■ i v , • * i‘ - r ~ - ■ r V * a- :• v 'K 

. ; •• • , v \ ^y •"* -u -t "^-v . 4 . 1 

■> ■ ' •: t\L' 

■ *>. .‘-A. »*/.>•; •. 

(pMiil Agent la Charge, 
Petrol t, Michigan, 

i, 1984 

i., ••' -/• .•«' >':•.■ -.• vV 

if. . * ■ -- v y.v***- *- ■» ‘ 

■ ' . ; •'•'• v..v /../r yyVM ■ 

>•« ALYIH^ARFXS With tlltm, • V . v . 

X. 0. #1X18} ARTHUR g/BASXBL V .. 

with aliases, X* 0* #U18| > / . . - i - 

BUSSELL 43008 with aliases, 

X. 0, #1X18} OR* JOSEPH P/fcORAR '• 

Hth aliases, X. 0. #l*Sf| R AL| 

Mward Georgs Brener • Yietln, 


pear firi 


s -- 

t, - - 

Reference is eade to the letter of lheJLate • 

Inspector f, P« Covie? dated Chicago, Illinois, *«. > ^ s ■ J 1 - 
loTesibrr 16, 1954, addressed to the Division, a eopgr of . 
which «as furnished your office, end y e a r letter of the : 
ease date elso eddreesed to the Division, wherein it ves 
noted that eoaplete details concerning the Interview bed ’’ 
with freak J^Rooaaa, owner of the frank J^Voooan Deteetivo 
Agency, Cleveland, Ohio, would be lacorporatedln a report • 
to be forwarded •within the next few day**, The Pivisian ,y 'V" 
hep not yet received this report and desires that it be 7 v; ’ ^ j [ 
expedited, ; , •:• . .. •/-■' 

' / • ■ .< «-;v 

Reference is eleo nade to your letter dated v^' ; ' 

Peceaber 1, 1954, addressed to the Cincinnati Office in the < - ; " 

above entitled ease, requesting that that office sake every -'X o’; ; r<r > 

effort to locate end interview 0, 8, fraabes, Sr. Tour » r 

attention is Invited to the report of Special Agent P. BcCorem, 
dated at Cincinnati, Ohio, Sovenber S2, 1954, setting forth 
the results of an interview bed with Hr. freabes relative to 
this natter, A eopgr of this report will bo forwarded to you .. . 

upon request In th, event one has not already been received 

at your office,: - T ^ £lj. If 

Very truly yours, C. I~ 

recorded; > \ r J ..... 

* C l 1 u ! r 


cc — Chicago John Edgar Bo over, 

e* ».™i Director. t 

1 «. .. 

j f. ..isnt-ATrs, j 

U. L'LrAP.if .t \T Of 

1 yellow 

f3 A ii 


^ a&gWE» 


~ -3fe'*S5SUr 


pawn at 




pu* ffl«fut! r« tc Tcf c0tmi / ObtcfTMi or 
Rtcftoftw* writ* otherwise Indicated W 
«mI in the check t la the eddrea. 


/{^Xommcrcial | 

- *> * y&Cables .. 

•; '■-^"■. : K-0mnackaif 

»5; * 

'XI U (Ijicriai 
; MCablca 






Fv! o :>-> 



* • •* V 


* 1 * 

-V X 











Jl&isum of ^nftEsttgatum 

|H- S&- Jepjtrfnwat of Juwite# 
Jffiaelpngfam, ]B. ©. 

December 4» 1934* 




M r . Nathan 
Mr . Toison 

Mr. Cletftr ra 

Mr. Baughman 

Chief Clerk , 

Mr. Coffey 



Egan ...Jl, 

Mr. Harbo..; 

Mr. Kefch 

Mr. Lester 
• Quinn. _j 

I telephoned Ur. Clegg at 3*25 P. M., today conce: 
the matter of securing a post office box for mall to be addressed to 1 
Mr. Connelley concerning the Bremer, Dilllnger and Massacre cases. 

Hr. Clegg thought that this mould be a splendid idea and will teletype 
the number of the post office box to the Didsion this afternoon. 





isS ^ 

He also mentioned the fact that he believes it would be 
desirable for the Chicago Office to have a post office box inasmuch as 
no mail is received at the office on Sunday. 

With regard to telegrams addressed to the Connelley squad, 
Mr. Clegg believes these telegrams should be forwarded to Connelley at 
the main Chicago Office. He pointed out that frequently messages are 
forwarded "collect” and also that frequent messenger service can be 
made available between the regular office and the emergency office. 

at six o'clock tonight. This space is located two blocks from the main 
office in the New York Life Insurance Building. The numbers of the 
telephones being installed are Franklin 4606 and Fr anklin 4607; also 
Franklin 4608 will be the long distance telephone available for Washingl 
calls only and this telephone will ring on Mr. Connelley' s desk without 
any extensions. 

Mr. Clegg indicated that the space is costing $100 a month 
and that be did not secure any bids for the renting of the space. I told 
him that this was proper and that it should be paid for in cash and handled 
by blue slip. He also indicated that he had authorized the payment of 
$37.50 for screens over the windows which he believed to be desirable. 

I suggested to Mr. Tamm that a letter be prepared to all 
offices instructing that mail in the Bremer, Dilllnger, and Massacre 
cases be forwarded directly to Mr. Connelley at Chicago cb the post office 
box to be indicated. This will be done iimnediat^y upon^the^ receipt of 
information as to the box number. :/? 


Respectfully, f [ 



f \ 



r* - 

cr\ Sk 


K- . 

' 5^ 



° { 
O A 

♦— < 









Clyde Toison. 

DEC 121934 *•' 

1/ % -v" P k 



cc - Hr. Tamm, 

* * 




y* o» Box loss 




- C 

':.:/;T ••* 

‘ V *'•' ,* 




DMT 81X1 

AHTHUH R. B*KKJ», With IlllMI, 1.0, A*l»{ 
BUyya.iroiBCOg, vlth aliaa, 1.0. t'lElBj . 

OH. JVXSIUU ivTKAJUK, With allaaaa, I.t. #1*82 J 

•t - ~ ■ ' ri-p* **&:?:%&;&*** 

IDUAiO tt30aOTBHU68 - flOTBS. 4i 

Kitoopug. ' V : v?»" r ; 

’ : v -■■.tyv..' • ' • ■' 'w.; «t .'*.***— r>‘- .y-^V ';. ;• . 

**' -.’ >* ' r* -*••■ “ ; 4' % ^V' - 

\ -L . ';• * ■■ ;■ :v -*' ~'a * .**££*• 2 v - • 

_ . ; $$Sjgg£s>j& ;v ;. 

^•rrlot; to oar bon eoyy of latter fm tho Dttrslt '; 
Off to# datad Horanber 19. 1934. in rogard to rooordo of o ;: . 

loot Ford T-8 Sod&n, Motor Ho. 890366. 1 vould rospaot fully ■/■ 

’ ate to that thlo aattor haa boon put through tho ootof vohlolo' v ~“~’‘' 
dopartnsnta of Montana ant Idaho and no raoord found for 
•or. Bath tha Htfiiatrar of Motor Tohlelos at Door lodgo, 

‘ ,'XfT-' •• V 

Montana, and tho Ooonlaalonor of lav Bsfoxvo&oat at Bdiao, 

* 5 Idaho, hot* ha an aakod to hoop traoh of thla, and If t$lo 

oar should ho of farad tor registration to lasted lately /* * i ft-^sZjZr’J 
notify tho But to off too. 

^WZ -'^-F i ; . ,'X“ ■ ; .: \ f ■ '■• ■ ■■'■ .A- 

aa . # .. . ~ v - / *r. ■’ v • « ' \ Vary truly youro. ■.*■ > * . 

lagy r-T~— * • . g ■ » ’•* i c ■ ■ '"■ :'• . » ■/ ■ s ** ' # jh_, •; <* ^ ■* 

^ g£¥ ; ft jri: V^ rr\'V' '<r 

* •- *' ‘ ^ "a " ***' ''4 v -- ' v ' • 4 *f ,l \ ’ * i * *> - '•,*'■'*•- 't * 1 ' '*? '- 'T V 1 ‘'**^*1. ' C* l Z 

>'• “S.; , “’•U. ’vvl % . n'“ *. hTftiwa > 

4 <$ •- :Xt- ' l-s- 
■ :2aas.*U*'; 

MAR 24 J3£g 


4 l v • .. 3T^5^/*Jy^ ,, ? , sic 

.£:,. -.. -r 

ALVXH KARP IS with eUuti, 1.0. 1R1BJ.V 
ARTHUR £. BARKER with aliases, 1.0. 1219; 

u^*. V*f :•• - : .tr • HUSSEUl QIBSQK with aliases, 1.0. ';• 

BR. JOSEPH P. JCRAH with aliases, 1.0. 183E* •-:> v-:M,> , 

^ •f.i- ’ at ai - idiard cEOHortaH«®, Yietin;~ 7 


There it attached hereto a letter received at W* V'.- 

the Chioago Division office on Decsnber 9, 1934, addressed '•• > v 

to Special Agent in Charge V. fi. Purrie, from Charles ?. -./ ^ • ‘ 

Harris, 306 laat Main Street, Cherryvale, Kansas. ^4/ / 

■ '; ;.• •••«:. . ••»••-..•■ , ~ -V- : \ 7;;. • •' 

In this latter Mr. Harr i a aAwiaea Special Agent .7^., 4£i7-- - 
in Charge Purria that ha waa worry to hear of the tenth wf - \ kf. Zfei >• \y $: ’^ J 
the late Special Agent Roll la, stating that he had aaaiated 
Agent Hollia while that Agent waa conducting investigations 
at Tulea, Oklahoma, about a year ago. Mr . Harri a farther 
atatea that he bellerea ha ean locate subjects Fred Barker ' 

and Alvin Karpie. ‘ i- V . - >■: :■•*>' *vX V’s<^ 

, • . ^ . . ' v v .*"«’**> : -&■*': :vtf ^ 1' ; > r *'v V"."*' ' 

7/ It la auggaated that Charles j.' Harris he 1 interviewed'^?^!/ v' ; 
for whatever infornation he nay have In his possession, / v f ■ '" ; n ' r 

- A .?■>., ••• 

•. ;• Tery truly yours* - ^ • . < Y'' 7 

■ • : J. conhellst, • * .• .• :■ ;: vr -;!r 

•• •; « • Special Agent in Charge, • 

®®* ■ v - -'•••; i*; V J ^ - vv > « • i f ■' 

A v 4 - -h • -**- •■'* ■ •*. - A • »v. „.T , **■ ' • A*" J ^ ■ J V*‘ 

V.-'- - - .r 7, ^ •*,*•*'. - v * ; .C *. ‘ * ; A -.j' • >»* 

( > 

THItCMCOftl«MMTCOAT '8t# Mliuiliotl 


l&clahmm, City* Cftrliu 


1 1 LTJN EABPI3, wkth Aliases, I*0.fL218| 
? * 1RXBDR BuOURKKB, with Aliases 
> BUSSKLL^GIBS^wlth tliuu t X, 

DB* JOSHES p/iDRAN, .with alias** 



:vfr r - 

•worsts OP FACTS: Ho farther information obtained regarding Tolney Dan* at Coffey 
Till#* Kansas or South Coffeyrille, Oklahoma except that he mailed 
: . • a letter at Coffeyville November It, 1934* Tom Hill, South Coffey- 

• 1 W- Till* hoodlum, says that Hazel\ Doyle is eonneeted with this pob; 

... that it is because of her that he closed his night olnb in order to 

*r avoid trouble; that he mill do all in his power to lonate and help 
apprehend all of the members of this gang, Luther B+fOoffinan, bro». 
ther»izv»law of Tolney Davis, claims to have no information b*t &as ' 
t promised to cooperate, Mr, end Mrs, Louis B» Webb with whom Harry , 
> Campbell has stayed upon numerous occasions advised of the aetivi- 
<Xj *£*?' SK» » ** ties of Campbell and his associates and promised to cooperate. Die* 

iV'* 4 v> rV£>° ?> position ehcet submitted as to GeorgsKDufek, ,■ .rJ*' 7 

i sn \ A 2 ? C • v ■■ • • : - l •: ...v: - ' 

- \ 4 


5 In.; 

riLJ+t-* vrA «”/ 


! o _ 

rV. 1 

;*v - 

t ^ 

^■ v z_ 

... . : 

BEFEKKNCS; Bepor^a of Special Agent. Pauljfaneea_dated ll/ U/M and. 






„ . 54 and latter from the Kansas City office dated 

9/22/34, Division letter dated 11/23/34* ; 

. 4 >%'■ -*'• •• ' 

Mr, Brantley advised the writer via long distance tales 
, T , phone that Tolney Davis had mailed a letter in Coffeyrille 

Kansas Saturday, November IT, 1934 and he directed this Agent to proceed to Coffey* 
villa and to make soma investigation at South Cof f eyvi lie, Oklahoma, - -At. Coffeyrille 
the writer met Agents Miller and Shannahan from the Kansaf'Clty office and ^hey. will 
report the investigation that was made by them in 

n Khnsas*o /x r?*; 
that is known' at ‘ibis' time that JoX- 

'*m**;:, r-i: •• •• The only connection 

nsy Davis might have around Coffeyville la Ton Hill of South Coffeyrille, Oklahoma 
As stated before in reports by this Agent, Sens Haver field, deputy sheriff 'at Nowata, 
Oklahoma is probably the only officer whom Tom Hill will^trust'or tell anything to* 1 
Haverfield was taken to Coffeyville and talked with Hill November 21, 1934, Hill 
claimed that ha has no luaedlate connection with any of the members of this mob; tbat 
he did not know that Davie was in that vleinlty, or that he had been recently, and 
did not know where he would go if he were there, Ha promised to inquire into thin 

’• m nor min in thk men ■ 

„ * 7} ~ ^ 

v / '•'vmm;/., .qw> 




3 - Diviaimir~T 0 

2 - St, Paut^ 

2 - Chicago 

2 - Kansas City 

3 - Oklahoma City vgssXKvnnti suum™ 

«rr>vn».w mrarrB?revss /mT _ __ . _ _ 


DEC 101934 A.M. 




nrn 15*84 

* jAcketeo? 

"°^irv 1 

* 1 MAB 19 ioce 


3S-— < 

Q : 

•*$ /• ' . ’ .v • ' . • ■ v .... • ■ ! 

^ /.•/»• -i* ' .'i-V:-', 

a&£*/'*a&* vA advise* Haverfield* Be again refused to W^^wilfe' tti' Agwo^'^r •agr^p^,/’ 

%& , ® th *^ A « #at * . • bou * 1 thlB 5^4^- 

»rr---h'^ ■ •^■aVrf A» tUs Agent an# Ifevcrfitld ware leaving South toff uyvfiii^ ' *f0-’ V' 
;«. • .-; * • Oklahoma, va vara obtaining oana gasoil na and oil from Bill* a Airport filling i-***-. 
i station as Hill drova up in Us 1994 nodal Pontiac coach, light green, (not ta»J - V _. 

3/.. bearing 1994 Oklahoma llems a plats number 861*995* Ha talked with Haverfield/^.-*'V' 

3 .> /. for a short tins and then consented to talk with the writers This Agent th*a-*\y- J\..:. 

" talked with ail for nora than an hoar, generally and about different angles 
«i' "'•' '' this eases ail olalns that ha has not received any intonation about any of 
rii:., the details of this eass through underworld, or other, sources* He has heard 
C?’ ~ ' nothing about how and whsrs the money was changed or who is implicated except '...■v ':'' 

what he has read in the papers* ail admitted that he knows more Oklahoma and ;; ^ 

~ y . Kansas criminals than any othsr . three am living and said that of this mob ha . •; ;' r ,- V " 

zS. knows the Barker brothers,Karpie and Camp bell* He said that he does not knot . f ;5< $ 

Jr|£ Davis or Edna Hurray, though when ha haw a photograph of Davis ha said that W ; t * \ 

"Sfo, - had seen him a very few tlmese He does not think that Davis would get In touch f 
c-3\ with him, though it is possible that he would contact him for the Barker brothers* . 

\ \ .. V ..., -V :-•■-?;■■;•■:,» r • %’*■■ ~ /V; '■ •* . y ' 

fggLy'** K ; - “ "Hlli said that since he held talked with Bhverf laid that he had" w 1 

¥& ■*» though: of a certain angle that may or may not mean anything with respect to the 
m presence of Volney Dcvie in Coffeyvillte Kn* Hood, who rune the*Oasie% a news 

J§ ■ stand, sundries and fountain business* on the cornsr Just across the street aaet - r - 

3 : T of the Dale Hotel in Ooffeyville, Kansas told Hill that Boast Cott, an sxj-oonviot 

IW. ’h tr am HcAlester* Oklahoam, bed been living with her in her apartment on the second 

3- .. floor of the same building her store is in; that ha "beat her out of all bar 

ffl '.'i * money*; that he threatened to beat her aeventeen-yaar»old son end she then drove 
3j ’ him off* He then went over to the St* Begie Bodme, 10154 South Walnut Street* 3** 
^3 ig oY#r the ^Square Deal Sacond Hand Storc*^ which place is operated #y 

Sjl * Us sister* Mrs* B» Li Windham* - 


m&W *■ 



; : ' s ; i. Mrs* Hood told Hill that Ails Oott was staying with hsr that % 
several •ex-oouviets* came to see him and after he left and want over to the St* V v ;f 
Begis B o oms ssraral haTS corns to her inquiring about this felloe; that he also j ^ 
has come around bar several times and ■bothered* here It Is Hill's Idea that 
sere people are contacting this fellow than ordinary and that be may be running . .. 
some racket which say bethe cause of Volney Davis being in Coffeyvills* nxis* _ 
glSTS only a possibility but the only ont he eoull think of end heegreil 
to find out throuA the underworld J\wt Ao is ^“8 t®th» ®t* ®f« iB ®M«ns a»l' . 
what Gott Is doing there and advise Haverfield or Ac writers 

*• • . .■ v-- • - ; v. <. ■■/■■■■■. : t . j ■ ’■■r\ ^ .. l * 


i- • r -y j 

v- - ‘ Since the above interview Hill has talked with Haverfield an4 . v ^ 

advised him that he has been unable to obtain any otter infonaation about Oott 
and has received no infoumtion about Davie or any other member of this mob being 

In Coff eyvillce , , . • . ,-jv ’’ ■ - - ; .. r . 

As stated before in reports by this Agent Tom Hill is probably 
the last «n*»" in Oklahoma whom officers would euspeot would give information about 
criminals* He was asked Ay he was anxious to have this mob caught and said that 
they had gotten so wild and so highpowered and so bad that he knew that they were 

• £ • 


tbt - - 

S v?'. 

sr ▼• 

^3 ^ * 


1 f*..* V V. V„' * - f; :T4^ - ' 

' . -. •** * * .- -St 

g»li| to got eaught oo an and If bo could ho hod jut u Mil hate tho money HO~- 
GoTemsmxt would pay for tlw as aayoao else* Hill olosod hlo sijjit Club Si** ^ 
soot a Month ago and tho word wont out that ho had dosed it for repairs# '•• It 
waa obserrod that thoro were no eigp of repair* being oiado and no oign of tho. - • 
place being reopened though Hill had told Baverfield that he was going to opea 
about the first of the year* mil wee asked if hie real reason for wanting 
this nob apprehended was not prompted by some local set**sp and he said that it 
was* HO was asked to explain this angle and said that when Basel Doyle opened pV 
the "Nut House* in South Coffeyville, Oklahoma she was his only competitor and 
she had only a Tory little following* Hill knew that aha had spent a lot of n on e 
ay to set this place up and the Chicago thugs she had with har mad# Hill realise y&X* 
that they did not Intend to hare hie place run et the failure of the "Hut House* v ’ 
so be closed hie piece the quietest way ha eould by giving out the infomatloa ;/ 
that he was eloslng for repairs* He knew, he said* that if he didn't that ecus 
night a bomb would be thrown into his place and some people would be hurt end he £ . 
would (hen be foroed out of business by public sentiment* Hazel Doyle* he said* . * 
bad not said anything to indicate that this would happen; neither had any of her-; 
associates* but nlll* says that he knew what would have happened a* he hb& prae- 
tl gaily all of the business* Hill feels that this is unfair to him and ho, there- 
fore, wants to get Hazel end ell of her associates out of the way* BO says that ^ 
ha knoes that Jess Doyle is oloeely associated with Hazel and also associated :-V' 
with the Barker-Karpi* gang* so ha faela sure that Hazel has ease definite eon* >: 
nection with the principal subjects of this ease* He does not intend to reopen ( 
his place "until something is done about this other outfit"* Tom says that he 
is not afraid of any member of this mob or of the entire mob but he says that he 
knowa better than to engage in any kind of open warfare with them as he would 
loose his standing and the publlo following that ha has had regardless of what . 
thw result would be between the two factions* He chooses, therefore, to "settle 
it" in the auleteat manner possible and ha feels that the best and qutteat way ; s 
to do that is to give sane information that .will, result in getting all of the j / 

! members of this mob caught* '\.;i / J 


H i l l said that he had not received any further word about where 
he is to meet Fred Barker as set out in this Agent *0 report dated Novanbir 18* ■ 
1934* He said that ha would notify Baverfield in tho event that he reoeives any^ ; 
Info mat! on whatever about any of these subjects and if he oannot get in. touch 
with Baverfield he will communicate with the writer* » 

, i - ‘ Hill seemed to he sincere when he said that he wanted ell of V 

this moh apprehended end would do ell he eould to get 0aI *^ 0 ®' 

where they are* He says that he has had no direot oontact with any of them for 
i about two years bat ha thinks he may hear from them any time regarding the meet- 
5 ing Fred Barker wishes to make with him. Ths following will give °?* “* d !*J* 
how Hill apparently feels toward these men: Baverfield said that when Tom first 
approached him about this matter and told hi* that ha was going to see iTed Baj*. 
ker and Harry Campbell during the next few days, he said: "What eould happen if 
those fellows were found dead some place - is there any reward on them ♦ As far 
as is known there has never been any light or difference between Hill end the 
Barker* and their associates until Hazel Doyle set up her 

Coffeyrille in an apparent effort to squeeze Tom out® While this informant has 

• 5 • 

apparently had bo reoent dealing* with this nob It la fait that ha la thalr best— 
dbntaet In the underworld In Oklahoma pr surrounding territory* . Tha Oklahoma 
.City of floe will hasp In elos* touch with • ' 

Ifcdulria* at Oardln and Ooiaaeroe. Oklahoma through lirforrotif 
previously mentioned in this ease, dl a closed that Davis or Edna Murray had not -Hfc •;-- 
been known to b* In that wlolttlty reoantly or around Hovcaber If*- 1994 when ha •-&&&■:■- 
was apparently In OoffwyrlUe, *anaaae' i ^^^i-, -:^:^^;^,i|^<::^^^\ 

-ty ■ lather B* Hoffman, brother»in*law of Tolney Davis, who la an / r ' * 
ployed with the Ifalonsy Tank Manufacturing Company, 98 Horth Peoria Avenue, Td4V^*V. 
sa« Oklahoma, waa openly interviewed and said that the last time he knows that ?$£% • 
any of tha relatives of Davis hoard from him is about sight months ago whsn ha % 
was In Chloago, Illinois; that h* doss not know who roeeivod this Information but iVi 
ho thinks that one of Tolnsy** sisters rsoslvsd a latter from him and he. Hoff* 
man, hoard his wife talking about. it* Ha said that he thinks that Tolney * s re* - x 
latlvas hear from him very seldom and ha has no idea of Just how hs eonmunleates -~ ~- 
with them* Tolney's parents, and sisters, h* says* fool that thslr son and bro* ' 
thsr Is Innocent of the many things he has been oonvletsd and accused of; that' 
he is still a *good boy* and has only associated with sons bad oompany; that V "* 
Tolney** name is seldom mentioned in his presents* 

,,-r . ‘ • ,-V 

:4 ■ - 

Hoffman has been working for the above company for several 
years and appears to be an honest and reliable citizen* Ha says that hs has told 
nls wife that hs does not want Tolnsy to corns around his home and hs does not 
think that hs will wver corns there* This subject's favorite sister, he says* 

Is probably Ruby Lamb arson* This does not entirely agree with the fact that - 
Davie apparently negotiates through his sister Irene Hoffman, wife of this in* V"v- 
formant, as hs did auring May and June of 1994 when she tried to secure a parole ,y 4- 
for him frem the Oklahoma $tata Prison at the expiration of his leave of absence 
which ended July 1, 1934* Hoffman said that he would give no holp about any of Z&i&k 
Tolney** contacts or where hs might be located* though h* appeared to bs willing 'aW'. 
to tall what hs knew and promised to advise the writer if he aver receives any 
information about Tolnsy or any of tha other subjects in this ease* Ha said that 
ha does not know Sdna Murray and baa never heard of her* It might be stated here th* 
dills Hoffman seemed to b* sincere when he said that he would cooperate by giving V ,* 
any information h* might reoslv# it is not felt that he is likely to hear of any : v 
real information of value as his wife does not seem to trust him with information ' 
about her brother* This impression Is made by sans of the many things she said 
over the telephone when the Division had a tap on her phone in June, 1994* She , . 

. never seemed to want to talk about Tolney when herhusband was home, though it i* 4 
known that Tolney has talked With this sister over long distance telephone more f&jr ~ 
than ones at night* Hoffman did not mention this to tha writer and It was not ^ f 
thought wise to give him any Indieation that hi a phone ever had been, or might ever 
be, watched* This Informant will bs Interviewed again at intervals in order that 
a dose eontaet may. be had with 

' ’• . . ;*.• -■ " . ... »*•*:„ 

Hofftaan advised that Davis has no brothers and that tha fol* 
lowing is a list of the names and addresses of his staters in their order from th* 
oldest to the youngest: 


( ~ 


M' ~ 


lira* John G* (Bertha) Till lama, 436 Bast Oklahoma Place, Tulsa* Okie* 

• Mrs* Glenn (Bohr) Laiaberaon, 1660 Best Xlghth Street, Tulsa, Okie, 

TTn^TTT Mrs* Luther B, (Irene) Hoffman, 416 That Oklahoma Street* Tulsa* OU^ 

’ " Mrs# (Star lie (Beulah) Porter, Oklahoma State Hospital, Tinite, Oklae 
S’. V*.' - Mrs, John (Mildred) Harness, Heoeho, Mlssouzie ’JLihi 

fe- .--jf .-*”?*?■ Tolnay*s parents* Bodney and Handy Davie, Hoffman salt, Alv»;Cwk. 

^ on a farm near their youngest daughter, Mrs* Harness, near Heoeho, Missouri* PUpi^ii 
This has been preriouely reported by the Kansas City offiee* Charlie Porter, ‘ ' 

Beulah's hus band* is Charle s A* Porter and is obtaining s dt w orse from this •>< }■& : -rV 

lives at 1QE1 Bast 
i any in Tulsa, Oklahoma* 

.» «®Dploy#d ft 

. 1 A. _> V » , V. 

.»•> ir- «■ ■- ■* •.-« 

„ .•? -j ' 

With further referenee to the letter from the Kansas City •tm -rr 
flea dated August 84, 1934 and to the report of Special Agent M* 0* Spear, Kmum* * 
City* Missouri dated August S3, 1934 inquiries were mads at Stroud and Tulsa* -. > > 
Oklahoma hut the details of those inquiries are not being reported as tbs inror-s 
nation concerning Lembereon and bis address is set out above* Hie most recent p 
employment has been with .the Shell Oil Company in' the Houston, Texas ares. There 
is a brief record of his employment in the Tulsa, Oklahoma office,' Sevens! it* 
tempt* were made to interview Lambs rs on but without success, H* will be inter* 

viewed a t a l a ter date _and bis . cooperation solicited* 

V- . - • . . 

openly interviewed end said thafthe only one of this mob that he is eoquaintei 
with is Harry Campbell} that Harry has bean at his horns on numerous occasions 
with Glenn Boy Wright and Jimmie Lawson; that hs has not seen either of tiese 
men for mors than a year and does not want to see any of them. He eaid these , ■ 
men came to his houes for more than a year and would stay for a day or two at 6 
time and then leave for some unknown destination and he never knew where thsy ? - 
Same from pr where thqr were goings They told him very little about what 
_ ware doing but he got the idea from what he heard them say that they were 
'knocking and robbing hanks* Hs heard them speak of the Barkers often but'htf £/• 
does not think that they were connected with 
connection he has had with these men is 

Hr '> ' 

Zw > 


not go on any jobs with these men end while he admits that hd 
asked them to take him with them a couple of times they refused and told him that t 
he was not a good enough thief to work with 

. m^ls now working fo: 

and can be located through ■■■BH^p^ffice, phone ■■■V He aaya tl 
is through with associating wxv^eopl^rho violate the law and Is trying to maks 
an honest living. His wife does a lot of sewing to help them get along. Hie says 
he knows that he came close to being sent to prison and he la thankful for it and 
is anxious to do something that will help repay society for the wrong he has done 
it by bootlegging end allowing orimlnale to have the protection of his home* 

- 5 • 



He says that he does not know that he will ever hear where these subjects are — 
bat if he seer does he will immediately furnish the writer with anything ha • ' 

■gets and would do it whether the Government paid: him anything or. note He salt y ■* - 
that Ids wife knows a lot of associates of this ®.ng and he feels sure 'that"|S| 
also will cooperate by helping to get these outlaws eautfit* f 

i ^ Bv&a m mhB vai mm± iA y’4\f/c 

deet sister is 


sxsYeR^^^^HfflnH^RVi. gpi 

knows tflWBHer broth ers* Daria 

te nombers oi 

tos killed ana Davis 
fight, and for thisf 
wery cautious at firs 
and confirmed what fl| 

away amid a shower of bullets, after he 
■Mi wary bitter toward him, IhilsJ 
ou^rhat she told thie Agent she finally 

ytartjd 1 


w^Jrtsht 4.^ r> 

■■ ** 'v * - -' ' 

ed the got 

> was -i ? ,• 


said which is sat out abora*,^:, : 

- '■¥% • 

told the following story which seams to be pf suffi» ■'/ £ 

As sta ted ab ove on the night o 

a officers 



ey feel sure that they would have 

T >-.* '••■• This Is the firet t ime 1 

this story and as it affects them andBH 
honest an^jinoere when they eay that tn? 
caught, flHVli very close to the M 
that ha aol^no^mnk that Tom or Gordon" 

■■HvhaTe wold the truth of 
^sister it la felt that they are 
do all they can to get this mob 

■■■■HHggBHflHHB says V * 

-eJ^ve^Tenton a Job with any (f 

the members of thie Bob and ha doe a not think that Tom has any connections with 
them at present or that Gordo^ha^aean Campbell since he and Wright left his horns •, 
in a hurry April SO, 1984, is going to make acme inquiries from sons . • ' r- 

' persona who may know someth in^about th i s gang - especially Harry Campbell * and" '**' 
will adrlee the writer of anything she hears, A. eloee oontact will be kept d th A;" 

"tf'Si. i-!U 'i*£?x£8S$3*'g *' v - 

Mrs* Velma McWilliams* executive secretary of the Conmunity fund . 
in Tulsa* whose home Is Apartment E* 1219 Soutl^enver Street* Tulsa* Oklahoma, 
requested an interview with this Agent &fter|^^Bhad told her the purpose of the 
writer*s interview with him. She talked about the boyhood days of the Barker bro** 


fj. i A- 


there, Daria, the Wrights, the Campbell*, the Sextons end p there cbo mk $•_ 
the old Lioooln Foray the School which la now the Washington 8ohool| pf how .theet"_ 
bo ye would hang around Central Farit In Tulea and she said that Instead Of It 
log a recreation paric it proved to be a training ground for criminals* She eayi"'.'- v ': 
that she knows all of the members of this mob who have been in Oklahoma thangh ^ 1 - 
ehe has no infonaation about their contacts or connections that would be of tnj tL-3 
value la locating them* The main purpose of the interview with this Agent, rite %, 
said, was to advise that about three or four weeks ago when she and her husband,^; 
were on their way home about 6:00 P* H* as they drove up to the atop sign at *' A- i- 
Seventh and Main Street goingeast* she saw Fred Barker end Barry Campbell end £ 
one other .unknown man in a lfcl or 1932 model Chevrolet sedan or coach with in < . ^ 
Tulea County license tag on the ear but she oould not get .the number* These man/:*- 
were also going east and she is sure Iked and Berry recognised her though they-vA: 
said nothing* Harry looked about normal, rile said* but Fred looked very thin 
and worn and they were dressed "in ordinary slothes end did not look too prosper* -> 
ous". Mrs. McWilliams seemed sincere and positive about seeing these men but 
•e she has not seen them for several years and as she only. got a very quick and • 
short look at them it is felt that she may be mistaken about seeing them* She 
could give no further details*- If she ever obtains any information about fx is ( Jfo. 
mob she will eoammleate with this Agent or with the Oklahoma City office*' i/s 

On HoTwber £6 t 193^^^^^H||H||HPrequ68ted an interrlaw - 
with the writer and she was IntarviewAn^SI oTTlee of the Uhl ted States Attar* 
ney at Tulsa for a period of five hours* She said that she did not want her : 
husband or any ether person in the world to know about this interview end she y " . 
was advised that the interview and the information that she gave during the in* 
tarries would be held in the strictest confidence* At the outset of the inter* 
slew she attempted to exact a promise from this Agent that the information she 
would give would not be used against anyone who was at the present time making .. A 
an honest living and she was advised that as far as the whiter and thif Divisiem> 
is concerned, the activities of the members of this mob la Oklahoma prior to ' . - 
the time that they have been wanted by the Government willbe oousidere^a^jaBt^ 
^history* The information which la set out below wbleh was furnished by 

does not directly affect the present actlvitiee of this mob* It glve^somr 
^TOstorical background of the activities of some of these sub jests and their mode 
of operation and their associates and contact •> ^ 


.. i~,\ V • . - /5jc . ■?. :£»• 

• ; yf». - ™ 

830 ola t ed~wl ill Harry Campbell* "Jen Eddie" alias Eddie Ifosa* Jisnie 
and Bill Cunnings, ail thieves and burglars. About a month and a half after this 
she met denn Boy Wrigit* 'Wright and "lew Eddie* are now in the Oklahoma State - - £ 
Prison at McAlester* • At that time these men were associated' with Sam Duncan who g 
presently works for sons bar in Tulsa* Bis wife, Bernioe,puncai^^^^^^tej^fA 
a Mrs* Morrison who Is the__gjfe of a daoea8ed_Ialra_p oliceiaan> ^ S 


flBtoys she does not know anything about who oc^Hvle^thi^muMer*TnslB^^^ 
Wons have a daughter, Thelnm, who kept company with Glenn Boy Wright and it 
•as through this girl that the mob obtained a lot of information in possession 

• 7 • 

i, 'i 

■ 6 



of ths Tulsa Polio* thro ugh her father, Morrison, whose first mm la not knoom-r—^- 
at tills time* Ursa Morrison also has a slstar V tbs nans of Naomi who lives ^awT-rj*-. 
with bar parents, asms not known, who operate a filling station near Caney, 
sas, Naomi thinks a groat deal of Barry Campbell and thss* outlaws stayed jkt >'*&*• 
Naomi** home near Caney, Kansas’, upon numerous oooaaions just before and Just eT-fW" 
ter several jobs that they pulled, Qn pna oooasion Harry Campbell took lynona ■■z&fc::. 
Burdsttpto this home whiehraanltai in' some kind of a figjit between Vynona and 

Naomi a In anltfi of thi*. that Birr* fionmbsll «»■ go to Heei'^T; 

will find out tiiat 

sag - - 

f" * 

: ®Sf * 

Burdettpto this boms whiei^reau^ed in some kind of a fight between Vynona amt 
Naomi* In spite of this, believes tha^^rn^orapbsll eu go to Hee'.'^T;' 4 ”-' 

oml T a boms at tba present tlS^ror protection* mHHHywlll find out tiiat i- • 

her last nans is snd the asms of bar parents h^ras^Eat a ebook might be mads i ? 

Another close oontaet Of this mob, she says, was Burbead Caddy* • 

He fenesd soma of their stolon merchandise and bought and seeured guns for thmn, y ' 

On one oooasion Caddy brought some guns to her boms when sens of thee* boys war# 
tbars for their approval and they bought sons' of them, J* 8. Kingsbury was ano* 
ther olose oontaet for thesjp boys snd he was Regarded by them as a tip-off man as jfit 
he seemed to be able 'to get a lot of information through the Tulsa Polio* Depart- tjT 
meat* At that particular time, Kingsbury was; Using at 7l0 West 3rd Street, Tulsa* - 
Oklahoma* Another oontaet for this gang is a! man Shoes first name ia Bert but . 
whose last name is not known at this time who liras In Neosho, Missouri* Bis y : ‘ 
wife is either of Italian or Grecian dasoent and they bad two children at that * time* * 
Iha last name of this man will be obtained by this informant* 

A-v'ssr 4 Oil August Id, 1932 this informant said that Harry Campbell • was . ^ 

at her boms with bis automobile; that about 8:00 P, H* on that date b* called y y. ‘u 
•lev Eddie" on the telephone and said that "be got him"* At 6:10 P. M. Harry / 
Campbell left in his" ear* He returned that same night at 9:45 with "Jew KddieT,^^ « 
and Jimmie lew son, H* got some latter that be apparently wanted end as be left*/ Ji-'i 
said to Louis Webb, *1 didn't' leave your bom* until 10:00 P* If* tonight ,* The 
next day aba read in the newspapers of the death of Judge Burl anltb, an attorney 
at Tulsa, and that Harry Campbell was named as one of the killers. These three ." 
men went directly to Berryvllle, Arkansas to the hems of 

Carp eater end bis wife, 

were there* Upon their arrtvaT^aoeoidingt^^iv 

ven to this informant sines, Barry Campbell said to y-‘ , ' 
Gordon Carpenter, "We got here last night, understand?"* The three stayed at ths'Vy 
Carpenter home near Berryvllle, Arkansas for e few days when Jirade Lawson and iyi rj , 
■Jew Eddie" went back to Tulsa* Harry Campbell went from there to Neosho, Missbqrl v . 
where be stayed with this Bert, mentioned above* This informant says that Glenn V> * 
Wright was carrying his broken am in a sling at this time and was, therefore, 
not in on this killing. She says that she Is quite sure that Bred Barker, who S* - 
often mentioned as one of the killers of Smith, was not in on this killing as she \ 
believes that she would have heard something of it if Barker had $em in Oklahan* ^ 
at that time* y .''ey' ■ •• , > - .y •• / y r<> >' V-i‘ ' 

It might be stated here that advised this Agent 

that Harry Campbell was at his home on the night tiling until 11:00 P, M* 

and he said that he had talk^M^j^ariy Campbell about this murder and tlti 
Campbell had told thattfHj^^Hfknew that Campbell could not be in on this 

- 8 - 

(/ . 

4W • 



murder tor .that reason and thatfljpsaid that If ha was ever ewitnass — -• 
that ha would haw# to t«rtify to that fact# ' This informant said that her husband'**--^ 
was afraid af being Id Had should ha give any informatics! about this murder, Aleb'.^-.' 
accounts for tbs story ha told tha writer# It mlgit also ba obsarrad harw that V 'M? 
this informant advised tha writer that aha does sot Aspect to stand by say of fha^?</ ; 
information whieh at la had given or will not testify in any Court about It as aha i 
is only giving it for tha writer's ' information and for what use it sight ba wads 
to loosta and apprehend tha members of this who ~ : 

-- i*-'? '• i- '■ J - - * *: 

this* Cllmi 

lA TUlia# ".v-;' 5 "*' ««■ /- - jg m i- • ■►-tv- - jr- - r vW-' '"»» v v . •v-^v » - *>. '* ■ v, •* v‘ e * \ ->V'« J 


^ ' 

- - -v '.-^ 7v ^ , 7 

^ ' : ^ A »hort time after thla Barry Campbell* «Jew Eddie* and Qartw ? 

Carpenter .robbed a loan scapany in tha Masonic Building in Tulsa# On this 
Barry Campbell drove tha sar and Sddla and Gordon want in#*’. *;>-*• <- iritiT- ' ir ' 

,?*. ‘ 4, -••■•>' ^ ’--^U - 

A abort tlaa aftar tha ahova robbery, Glenn Boy Wright and Ttss J 
Carpenter robbed a wholesale apple house in Neosho, Missouri* they took an dew , ‘ ~ " 

eab away from Lloyd Neaham la Tulsa to drive on this robbery# ~ *v**;v;-Vf . 

A short time after this Harry Campbell, Glenn Wright and finals 
Lawson, Ten Carpenter and Milton Brooks robbed the Chevrolet Company at Muskogee 
or Okmulgee, Oklahoma. " 

►err*'.- - -* >;*•“» ^7 ft ? - 

• ' - - A few days after this robbery Too Carpenter, Glenn Boy Wright, 

Jimmie Lawson, Harry Campbell and Milton Brooks robbed a Jewelry store at Sedan, 
Kansas#. During this robbery Milton Brooke got two fingers on his right hand hut^'v^ 
trying V» break a wire to tbs burglar Alarm #& »£*•’> Oh J*? M- ,■:>*£ ■ 

- f v ^ ^ ^ ^ ? 

- Soon aftar this robbery some of these outlaws, whom the inform - 

mant is not sura of, robbed soma bonds and seourities In Hutchinson, Kansas end 
it is for this robbery that Jlnmle Lawson was eventually sentenced to the Kansas 
Stats Banitentiarys v-^--';,-^:^.;^^ v.'-w % v s U‘ V ^ 

'*’< '*'2', . & **’>' * ,4 , ?V:v' l -f i"-*/ *>- v f : '%jrK-T ; ; ‘yki'P's * 

: 7 •- ’ T In about January, 1938 Glenn Boy Wrigit, Harry Cam^baii, Jixmie 

Lawson and Ten Carpenter robbed the gaa office in Coffeyville, Kansas* Harry 
Campbell also drove the car In this robbery# Jimmie Lawson got shot accidentally 
as they drove into Sandy MUe hideout in South Coffeyville, Oklahoma# Fred Barker 
has often been socused of complicity in this robbery and this informant says she Ti : r u -'- 
is positive that he was aot^involved#';^^^ ^ 

r ' • During all of these robberies, the Barker brothers, Earpls or - 

Tolney Davis, were not with these robbers so far as the informant ie able to tell* - 
denn Boy Wright was apparently the boas of the outfit# • -•* :' • • • 

v After the robbery at Coffeyville, Harry Campbell, tynona Bur* 

dett% his moll, and Glenn Roy Wright went to Casper, Wyoming and Jimmie Lawson 
drew away from the mob for good and went to California# 

• 9 •* 


•~-’7 : •>'; u'S' 

Barry Campbell and Siena Wright retained from Wyoming end they* 
with Thai Carpenter* on or about the fifteenth day of January, 1963 robbed the isi 
Barnsdall Oil Company at Barns da 11, Oklahoma* . -~'-r 

J Hh *t.’i 4 V • *'■ . '.:z : •*.*-»» w« - -H*. *» -e .» v.y*w-' - r-. ' 

-Wt' ^ Brie informant says that It was not the practice of thls'moh ~ ■ >, 

„t© drive their automobile Into Tulsa unless they had sane place they ware etayiig > 
in Tulsa hut they would ordinarily drive to sans ‘place near Tulsa and then eell^Vf^./^ 
f a cab and ooneinto Tulsa to Bake the contact* they would Bake* Bxey had three 
•i cab drivers that they seemed to trust ifeo drove for the Asms Bud Company* ^ These ;wK 
VT '’’drivers are Cary Striakland, Lloyd Neeham and Boss <§£§&&&(£ ; 

tV = ; 

•» r ' ?*; flt : ' 1 ' c” • •••: ' Beferenee Is made to the report, of this Agent dated August 
J " 1934 concerning Investigation made at Berryrille, Arkansas* This informant ade-.^$'- 

e rrT, ■ rs ^ ytti ^ t ro .m .t > i j * : t. r m m«. 

Agent was there* She says that ths person who was alleged to have been wounded 
end who stayed at the Tom Carpenter farm near Berryrille and who 

ed to raid that olaoe« was Plena Boy W 

r •- \ Bile Informant does not think that Harry Campbell fr anyone -iV 

who works like he does will ever Arive Into Tulsa during ths daylight* as they 
always oea» Into Tulsa after ^ark*. V r • ’ 

4 ' f. • "f* .*• • «■' ^ - 'if > V .i'-' •• . 

Caroline Sherman, alias Jofcndy Sherman* moll of Burrhead Caddy*' v ’ 
1312 South Hgin Street* Apartment 2* Tulsa* O klahoma has been a close eontaet .J 
for Berry Campbell and on one occasion*' Harry Campbell and Wynona Birdetts and 
Jinmie Lawson end hie wife were staying in this apartment house and were tipped v 
off Just before a raid wea made by the poliee by Hark Whinnery* who married a si*» " 
ter of Wynona* 



er and told her to meet him at a certain place* 
ve her to a point «n the hi£aray where she met Gldna Boy^y *: >■ 
Wright and he encouraged her to gp tide to her husband, Glenn Boy Wright told her 
at this time that he had not seen anything of Harry Campbell for more than a month) 
tha t he *» ad gone to Chicago to obtain some machine guns and bad not returned* This 
apparently* according to this informant* is the last connection (Hearn Boy Wright . , 
had with Harry 

1 soon after Judge Earl Stalth was killed* as stated above, Harry \ 
Campbell west to Hot Springs* Arkansas where he took acme treatments in a hospl* Jf 
tal for gonorrhea and rheumatism* He returned to Tulsa on December, £8* 1932 after 
he had been advised by Naomi, nmntloned above, that the police were going to fry 
to apprehend him in Hot Springs and that he should leave there* 


Bile informant also advised that 
received some apples from th 
ho brought the apples and 


ie in Arkansas) that she 
aid "a friend of our». ^ v 


v- m 

brought them** This informant feel* a little suspicious about this fact and J 

ia ^hlnk^tha | ^l | ^mi£h^be possible that Harry Campbell or acme other portion ah— — - 

as so si at log with who 4re "scouting* may haws brought % 
^tnesaapplaa to th«i*Afterthe firrt Interview with the raiter^this infers 
aant called in the regular way* and JHH|B^sai<( whepf Xyk 

she knocked on^l^Wor^roc^^it?* This informant taiMuTuifi li eat ei ^ ' 

r the ordinary and aha wonders if her slater it not either looking for ease person *$&' • 

. *ho is evading the law or looking* for some officer who night he trying Aojappre^' 
bend some of her associate s* This infor mant says that she would indeed feel had * 
if any trouble happened toMH^^^^ftutahe nevertheless believes that obi, 
and especially har husband. should be watched closely* . ; • 

She writer has had several conversations with Gary Strickland,: 
driver for the heme Taxi Cab Company, who admits that he has hauled ell of the 
Oklahoma members of this mob on different occasions from place to place* He 
says that the best contact he knows of in Oklahoma is Tom Hill at South Ooftey* £ 
wills* Strickland seems to' be sincere when he say* that he will give the writer*^.:, 
any information he has about this nob and Is .doing Ut first to protect himself 
from a charge of harboring and protecting these criminals and second for the ' r - ■ i Mj.%" ■} 
money the Government will pay for tha confidential information which will ^ 

'• to their location and apprehension* 1% , -v.- 

Mark Whinnery, room 5, Tern Hotel, Tui sa, '"Oklahoma, mehtlSdid ' 
before by the informant in this ease, has been interviewed several times and lii'V 
agrees to give the writer any information he obtaina*-^ 1 . 

Agent Hell received a letter from fynona Burdette which waa~‘'%^T- ‘ 
postmarked at Ponca City* Oklahoma, November 17* 1984* She merely said tint 'she 
is still there bat has moved from the Grand Hotel to 510 Soijth Him* She eaidt 
■Haven*t heard a thing** The Oklahoma City office will keep in touch with her 

from time to tim»+ 

m la touen with ne*;;^?-^ 


«?.' • ; ’ 

Oklahoma who is presently operating a massage parlor at that address 
with the writer on two different occasions lately* She baa no information 
value to offer* She said that Katharine Shepard stayed with her two nights on 3£ r y> 
November 16 and 17* 1934 and she became intoxicated and did a little talking* -'., ; V ' 
Tha only thing she said* however,' was that she had been endeavoring to locate r '-C/ 
the Barker mob for a friend and that she had talked with Tom Hill in South Coffey, 
viile, and that Hill had told her that he had no idea where this mob could be 
located except that they arc probably *qp north some place** Wggg} says that shrf$ 
will see Katherine Shepard from time to time and she will endeavor to get all ;v : ;V* 
the information she has regarding this 'gang* 

'y^y^y- r: l'. ¥ y‘ It ia apparent from this Information that Katherine Shepard 
has no idea where these subjects are and it also apparent that she it probably 
endeavoring to looate this mob foa^HIHHM^ mentioned in other reports by 
this Agent as a confidential informant for the Oklahoma City office* v ~ ^ 

Lies t) 

: • b'/i 

•- .‘V .* ' ** -V. ' * * 'V.., 

Ex* writ er also has talked on tiro different occasions with 
Dorothy Karpie, who Mttti&un|^h»Ba8B8S6 parlor In the eastern wing of the - 
same building where located* She also has no information 

according to shat ••■*' '-<ru *. ' 

r., '•,- reference to the 'letter 'fx^m the Kansas Iji^'offioa,;'*^^:^-; 

dated September 28* 1934* Jlmde Bowe wae located and interviewed on two different ’• 
oeeaslons in Tulsa* He can be located through Sari A* Held* 818 South Atlanta :'v-y' 
Street* Tulsa, or at the IWC filling Station on last 11th Street* about adz ailed f-rv 
east or Tulsa on the south side of the street, prln Apartment 80S, the .Santa Monteuf 
ea Apartments* telephone number 8*0505* Hove* according to hla statement* is a.f--*: ; 7 
brother of Balpb Bowe* notorious Oklahoma outlaw* He says that he knew ®arllw't t - < - f 1 
Harmon, but he is not aequaintad with Paul A* Harmon* He does not personally know 4 - ■ 
Prank Hltti of Chicago but he has a very good friend who is very eloae to Hit til 
In Chicago* Rowehaa no connection with any rnaabar of thle sang at this time* he 'f *- 
said* hut he seemed sincere when he said that he would do all he could to obtain-: 
acme information for the money the Government la willing to pay for these sib jests# 

Ha is going to make a trip to Kansas City in the near future and will endeavor to 
make some contact there* If be obtains any; information he will advise the w?lte#' r ' 
or the Oklahoma City office* V *r-^A ' 

7 :S£** r Blackie Jones* police officer at Tulaa, Oklahoma* advissd *t?'' 

that Tolney Davis and lack Southerland were very close friends a few years *go and ’ 
operated together in Oklahoma* The latter is presently in the United States Peai- 
tentlary at Leavenworth* Kansas* Southerland*# wife* Jackie Southerland* was also 
very friendly with Davis and she is now living with her mother, lire* Sadie Elliott* 
at 983 Troost Avenue, Kansas City* Missouri* Jonas says that if Mrs* Elliott is 
approached with a statement that what she does will be considered a favor to him* 
he believes she will cooperate and tell anything she knows* It is Blackie Jones? ;,; ? 
idea that Davie may be making seme contact with Jaokle Southerland in Kansas City* • . 

‘ -y. The Division letter of reference dated November 86 

advises that no reoord cad be located In the Identification Unit of t 
relative to George Dufek* referred to by the confidential Informant M 

1964 • 
vi Mon 

relative to George Dufek* referred to by the confidential informant 
^■^H^wlth the exception of the arrest of an individual by this nH^mafioroi 
^Wv^sheriff’e Office* Enid* Oklahoma on Deeanber 5* 1930 for violation of the 
Probation Aot* As a possibility of determining whether this Individual had ever 
served a sentence in a penitentiary with Arthur B« Barker or any of the other ; r r 


subjeote of this oase* thereby developing an acquaintanceship* Special Agent John -v 
B* Little conducted Inquiry at Aild* Oklahoma relative to the arrest reported* 

• • The files of the Sheriff’s Office were destroyed* ip a fire ‘ 
on January 29* 1931 at Enid* Oklahoma and no, reoord was available at the Sheriff’s;^; 
Office relative to tills arrest* ; A check of ^he Clerics of the District Court* the 
now extinct Superior Court* the County Court and two Justice o/ the Peace Courts* ^ 
failed to reveal any information concerning an arrest or subsequent disposition 
of George Dufek* The only record In the office of the County Attorney at filid* • , 
Oklahoma reveals that one Ed Duffick was arrested on a check charge in Deoeidber* ?. ' 
1929 which was cleared by payment of the check in February* 1930* . 

*:••• Charles Baker 'was Sheriff mf Garfield County at the tin* of 
the reported arrest of Dufek* it the tine ha left office* Hr* Barer is reported ■ 
to have carried all ef the fingerprint reoords with him* Hr* Baker was Interviewed- 
hr Agent Little and Agent T. 3* Smith at his ranch four miles southwest of MBukomis, 
Oklahoma. Mr. Baker stated that a flooded basement had destroyed all of his old' '*?' 
fingerprint reoords which were stored in his residence at ftiid* He reoalled Hie 

A# Aha4 Ahe. Vs^ . smaaI IaaAI *S» ~ a«frvv«r-. 



■ - name of George Dufek and stated that to the best of. his recollection, Dufek was 
n ’ arrested for -violation of the Rational Prohibition Act and turned over to federal 

authorities for prosecution* Hr. Baker stated that Dufek resides near Perry* Okla* “V 
v home and that Hie arrest in question was effected in Hie vicinity of the county- ci 
-‘ ^■ • linc between Garfield and Hohle Counties* Hr. Baker had no information relative dp-\ 

■ any additional criminal reoord of Dufek but suggested that such information wi^ii' r ^' 

be forthcoming at Ferxy, Wclshoma*^^^,^^^^^ - — ^ i; 

The offlee of the Aleohol Tax TJhit at Oklahoma 01 ty refleets ' ' 
',***■ •• that George Dufek* residing five miles; north of Perry* Oklahoan* was arrested ‘X'fp+te. 
v*‘ ' December 5, 1980 ah his third offense of violating the Rational Prohibition Act. - 

On April 0*. 1931, Dufek was sentenced to serve 18 months ty the United States Peni« 

' tentiary at Leavenworth^ Kansas and fined $500.00. The records of the U&rslal** r ; ^, . 

. offloe at Oklahoma Olty reflect that this sentence wee modified on July 1, 1931 bo 

- r V. 12 months in the County Jail and that he was incarcerated ih the Oklahoma County , - j; . 

'‘Jail on July 3, 1931 to commence service of this sentence. Be was transferred ts^K 
the Logan County Jail at Guthrie, Oklahoma and on upon two occasions was released 
upon order of the court* His sentanee was completed on July 17* 1932 at which time 
he was released#' ’ . » ; • y. • -A? !'• -• 

■ * *• f *7 : ■' ♦ • *• ’ ' ■ - - •, 

i*"\ ' The reoord bureaus of the Sheriff *e Offlee at Oklahoma City' 

as well as the Police Department, failed to reflect any fingerprint record of George 
'V :v \ Dufek* A disposition sheet is being submitted herewith ' covering the above sentence*. - 

• • i '\Vii - r ‘ * >. 

The records of the Aleohol Tax Chit at' Oklahcma City reflect^ 
that Dufek’a arrest was the result of infornation furnished ty W. H* Inlow of , 
Blackwell, Oklahcma* , • 

. . ■ * >. i* i - - T : :• ' V. ' ' 

':.f ' v • ' Inquiry at the State Highway Department, Oklahoma City, die* 

- closed that they had no reoord of the registration of 1934 Chevrolet Coupe, Motor * *;' 
Ho* 4135550, Serial HO* 1DA0313359, mentioned in the report of Speoial Agent J« B* . 

~ \ Kenney, Ctaaha, Nebraska dated 10/20/34* A stop was placed among the records of ^ v 
; , .the State Highway Department aa to this automobiles *- v* y-’ • ~ - -U: • '.(C. 

' '--I *r ‘ r f, * '.W? :■ v’* /•„ ' u; 

A ; UNDEySLOPED EC ADS: THE. KANSAS CITI OFFICK will interview Hrai* Sadie Xlltytt, 983 - * 

Troovt SrinueJ City, Missouri and ascertain ty she has any information ean* - .' 

‘ coming Davie or hie whereabouts* ■'"■-i ■■ c -y\b • 

., v „ *r * : ';'*•« r •. !:>• • 

,v .; ■*■'''{"■ mg OKLAHOMA C1TT OSPICE at Perry* Oklahoma will conduct die* : :*v 
creet inquiry to detenilne any past criminal record relative to Geer ge IXifek, a 
resident there, wherein he ofeht have served time in a penitentiary along with any 
of the subjects of this ease* 

At Guthrie, Oklahoma will contact the Sheriff to determine 

any prarioua crlnixxal record of George Dvxfek and any fingerprint record that 
. hare bean aubaitted by the Sheriff # e Office there* -« . _ 

- - ' - " • " '*< J '* "* „ y*-.,- i* /'l ,* >; ' '■* V 

' ^ «*• Jr TT * # ■* fv^ £** A r..i£- • :#-•» . . . ■ . J. ^ . ' * . ■ ■ ' - V s - '■ •** • •••».., ^ ' - r“ - 

V-' : ' '>. v%- • -v; ■ At Plaokwoll* Oklahoma vill latarriea *4 B» Inlow for 

a. ; ; ? < .. * 

e*- . :V*';4r :A; ^ rv ^ 

• t- '■;-. >_ - : r-.-r- •&- -> ' ^ 

P I H 9 X VO 

I- * • * i.A ' •'*' . '• • fc . * 

V 'pp-A* P'A?: v>-:A • •- /■ 

rrv Vr 

A. • r- •< 

.-, hr/:- 

* - ~ M, 

’- r "V :** 

roftuno. i 

This Case Originated at Sts Paul* Minnesota 

11 WAR 19 1985 

l . 

\ / 

■\ T 

* * « V 4 

C > 

thur IU Barker and also fumlehed^^P with his description 
subject Arthur B* Barter tod A* H* Barker are not identical^ 
steal descriptions ara aomewhatslJBllar, stated to Qesa t hal 
seen or hear d fro m A* He Barker sines hi* aepartura from' 

.her and that^H does not, know hi* present whereabout* » 

■tated AhaA - -^ 
that p towrn.«r 



" ^>er *nd does not,*now M» present whareaboutiiv 

gS& ^V«$»v*V-gs ^ <-4 "■ 

Hi »*» 1 . afta v 

?*’ » JK 4 etn^A A*kS« 4 aewl aa4B Aa AVa 4 «#a«m*A4 am AimhI .Vtal ai AA ? ’ * 

!>;• .- direst and 
.reepeet to 

a *„%At 


inquiry of 
and on aooo 

-"vV ]"*£& 

ue to tho Informat ion furalah»d_wi th 
e nature o t the pkoalBiHBto «->:• r\_. 

'•. :*•.' ■ s \ 7 t : .. - ‘ 

Ami Haxxsan ha* reset wad a letter frda Opei-**;^ v. 

>-rt >• * 


Wolfe, Cardin, Oklahoma, referred to in previous reports, said letter iatalT-* 
Deoember dth, advising that the married name of Doris or Dora j the aister af 
Edna Murray, is 8tubli0k» She also advised that Ferny Payton, Edna Murray's '•“’.fV’' 
son, fa still absent from Cardin; that recently she had a talk with Mrs, Lula " k ’- 
Stanley, mother of Xdna Murray, .tout obtained no Informatics as to the Where* 

'tfrilf*. fimrii n. fllrl «hnm . Mfi 

. ,about# of Percy or *f Xdna* i • ■ - 1; . - JA ;> 

*' '•• " While it is not believed that the A, H* Barker referred > .f 

to by la subject Arthur Barker or haa any eonnaction with him, it ‘K -;j 

i B tho!^^3vi#able to have appropriate inquiry Made at Indiana Barbor, Indl» yO’ - 
ana* concerning Hr** At U Condatti, sail to be the mother' of 'the - A*~H« Barker 
seen in Mississippi and thought possibly to be idantloal with subject Arthur v- 
Earkar * ■ • 

XBE CHICAGO OFFICE at Indiana Harbor,' Indiana is requastAd " •'. 
to maka appropriate investigation to. determine the ldentia\.?JX ; 
jjBS -• : -*$*1. ?%. „ . /Y fleatlon of Mrs* A* I* Oondatti,, said to be the mother 

M ^4 He Barker, suspected of being subject Arthur Barker,' end 

■' <t 'obtain any and all Information avallabl'e there c<acerninii ' 

. . -®'eaid A*^ Barker* ^ 

bjfrza -* ■• ■-:■• •■'■-'• J&v.i -iv . “ •'* v'^-r -i- .i . .. '. 

' -- V . ' v‘ t Aj 



tfi ') 


Oacaohsr 5* 1934 

memorabdom foe the dirkctce 

\ V 1 v*W 


X have discussed with Mr. Clegg the possibilities of landing Agent! ' : 
frta tha Chicago Office to San Francisco in connection with afforta to appro* 
hand Chase* Going orar tha paraonnal with Mr* Clegg* it appears that the •••■•v **. . 
majority of tha Agents in tha Chicago Of fie a ara aogagad upon tha eoraring of 
various plants* none of whieh ahould bo naglaotad at tha praaant tiaa* tmnl :» 
of thaaa plants* of ooursa* partain to tho Barfcar-Rarpls Mob* but ainca va hava 
oalntainad than for aooa tino* X do not belleva aa ahould diacontinua oar 
survelUanoa at thaaa polnto* 

. . • ‘ • ; v,. - . 

Mr* Clagg vill go over tha paraonnal situation with Coonalley and Ladd* 
and agraad that by langthaning tha ahifta of tha Aganta* it will ba possible 
to apara fira oan. Mr* Clagg will advise tha identity of thaaa Aganta and . ; 
arrangaoont a will ba nada to have then procaad to San Franciaeo by ooonareial 
plana oith appropriata firearne* - " v.V\VX*:.4' • 

X recommend that wa inatruct Aganta Burt and Campbell* oho ara undar 
cover at Miani* Florida* to procaad to San Frenclaoo* Tha Miani angle of tha 
Bremer case la* of oourae* a possibility* but in tha praaant emergency, X , 
believe tha services of thaaa nan could be utilised to batter advantage at 
San Franciaeo* ‘ . -• ..w .. 

'• -K . ' ' ' 

If you approve* X will inatruct the Portland* Loe Angelas and Oklahona 
City Offices to dispatch an Agant ionadiataly to San Frenclsoe* •••" 

X believe that Agant Deere of tha Maw lark Office would ba vary desirable 
on this type of work and reeonaend that ha also ba sent to San Franciaeo* 

The abovo achadula *111 furnish Ou inane with eleven additional nan* ' ' 

If you approvo of thaaa suggestions* appropriata instructions willX 
ba immediately issued to tha various field of fleas* J A p— . 

' ‘tf- * 



t. A. Ti 

dec rn 

L~L ixO / * tfO 


DE CM 1934 it 


S eoplao 

AiMr , ?*TAt ptr fn tv » ,7 ,* 3^7 "7 

• • , / hi 




this ca*e originated at St. Paul 9 Minnesota 

nut no. 7-63 


- : - *•. i: 

V 1 Washington, D* £» K 13/6/36 ^ 


‘ . *.\*i • 1 ■ --v: -*•' ■*- v'. *; i v ^ 

t r 'n3r&d 

. * »i P. BttW 

SYNOPSIS or / r ACTEv; Olil (ttaiillti siCttW • 4^7 


A* . 

Z'-'.-K v Jr~rj ^-TfWIHHfWoinCSeorporatad In body Of report* Two cop 
£? r c -‘ot fingerprint* obtained from War Department, one transmitted 

Mc^U , /S Ident if ieat ion T Hait with Yfi 

Deference; > V 

' \* ‘ ***• vr v : 1 *. , 

Letter from Kansas City Office dated Kovember 27, 1934* ' . 

^% itetaii«i^r^. It Washington, D4C* 

y. r ^ * WV-: yh-roiigh the cooperation of Mias Elizabeth i?ol©#V World w^r 
Division, Adjutant Generel»s off ioe, Jar Departa^ti a Mrric^eog^r||_f 

JEIZillgg S^w^LA 

he enlisted (191*J, the f oUwing <M»ta, was ^ace^ 

. _ « , » Vf . i , ‘J, •-«- -*r *• ■'V, . ,* 'T, - _ - '. - 

sec l& 




3 • Division 

* * “astfoPftP^ 3 DESTROYED 


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military raeoxA: 

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■ * *.' ’. * >"' : . •- #, * ■•>'*-> <, •* 

s -'Vf - .^':' 

jathar: .;^ H; 

', v BOBU 

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■: y Men:~--<y>f- 

' ' r ; - \ r<x .-' ■ ; '** • 

__sT tfffH r 

* *t % f > rA - « « •%. rnim 1 <■ 

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. ; fialss • 


Marita •Ww? 

and Market 

> 1 : -; ,.■. t? 

^ - L - areac * BicbtaP w«r» 
- btalM d fro* Ur. Or*nJD. tlf iC atloa record. ,»• 

££?. to^ay ^ < ss2Vi5i * M. 

^ ** xeeeilrf £ 

^ I paoffi^ ttC 

other «PT *••*$» - *. ianaaaCity J* ,2^25 1* recall* 

i'g; * j* vor tike |nfox®t^^ i offWi ^ <*> cppaBCtio^ _v. 

Silo attache* to the Sur ?°J tjSer rialted that ®^* ity . itlee CoatAXo 

«S*r&S2u ss S2*?** 

Sroaix reterinaiy otii . :■ U% 

gOlllirwB ^ ..* •*., v i ,* ( r ’ ' .; tT- 'V * > r>* • ; f ‘ T !?-’■ ■* />• - t. «^r. v . ; ■ « 


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